Pamac triggers search after the 3rd letter is typed

No problems with pamac — totally excellent. Another CLI tool is not needed

Option to disable autocomplete may not be simple to implement, but it could be used as a workaround whilst the search delay time is reduced

I am not against getting autocomplete working, I just prefer not to use it if it is missing a beat

If Manjaro Team can get delay time down to say <250ms I probably won’t mind it

Not completely accurate. TOO many times if you use Pamac to check for updates and compare that to what’s actually out there to be updated Pamac will miss items.

I’m experiencing delays, not of 1-2 seconds, but of 3-4 minutes. So I’m not sure if my problem is the same. Anyone got ideas how I can investigate further the reasons for the delay?

First open a support thread I guess if you want help on a specific issue.

Yeah, I created another post which got me pointed here…

Since my issue seems to be mysteriously resolved I can point back and watch the wheel turning full circle.

Apologies for what turned out to be unnecessary posting!