My pamac taskbar icon is showing 87 updates but when I open the package manager I can only see 11 of them even though the download size of over 800MB seems to correspond with the 87 packages.
The reason I’m asking is that whenever I get a nvidia dkms driver update I have to do that first and edit the built file or my kernel updates will fail to build correctly.
Do you mean 340.108-20 or the update to 340.108-22?
Yesterday I got the above mentioned update notification for 87 packages, including nvidia-340xx-dkms 340.108-22.
I then opened this topic and after I got the solution I proceeded to apply the update, however by that time the update of the nvidia-340xx-dkms pkg to 340.108-22 wasn’t part of the update anymore, which is why I assumed it had been removed.
If I check pamac there’s only nvidia-340xx-dkms 340.108-20.