If to look into the [Stable Update] 2021-09-24 - Kernels, LibreOffice, Browsers, Pipewire, RHVoice, KDE Frameworks, Mesa - #3 by philm
then we can see that possible correlation with suggestion to re-install all packages:
I suggested to re-install all packages at once (and pamac’s config also: how many time you will re-configure the pamac settings? 30 or 40 seconds?) cause you may have another packages and software libraries damaged on storage, so that possible solution covers more cases at once, but download and installation of all that stuff (about 1.5 GB) will take some time.
Or may be you already tried to re-install pamac with all of if dependencies.
Also, do you know how pamac or an app works on try to read a file with a bad block? What if pamac segfaults while read that corrupted DB? Or may be you know for sure that it can’t be?
I think you waste more time to resist to the idea of a possible solution (only possible, not exactly 100% warranty of fix) than to get it tried already. It is your choice to be a new posts writer or to came a bit closer or even solve the issue.
Even more: may be pamac segfaults on try to show you a note that a DB is corrupted. But somehow you judges by yourself that there is no correlation.
Pamac Segmentation Fault: Pamac Segmentation Fault - #6 by The_Quantum_Alpha
accepted as solution.
@Alkaris forgot to read manual of pamac
), forgot to search the forum? What comfort you get using somewhat without tries to learn it more? Less knowledge brings less abilities, less choice options, so less comfort.