Pamac AUR update error

Manjaro Unstable 32.1.0 Cinnamon DE
If the AUR update is enabled in the settings, this error message appears when updating the system:

Message: 09:46:48.887: aur_plugin.vala:317: downloading AUR data
Failed to read AUR data from /var/tmp/pamac/packages-meta-ext-v1.json.gz : Error opening file /var/tmp/pamac/packages-meta-ext-v1.json.gz: No such file or directory Socket I/O timed out

Firefox can find the above compressed file in the above link.
But I had several repair attempts, but the error message remained.
If I disable (turn off) the AUR updater, the system update runs without problems.
Can it be fixed somehow?

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Welcome to the forum! :vulcan_salute:

pamac is Manjaro’s own flagship application, and unfortunately, also its biggest problem child. :stuck_out_tongue:

What you could try is refresh both your mirrors and your database… :point_down:

sudo pacman-mirrors -f && sudo pacman -Fy && pamac update --force-refresh

Thanks for the answer!
Replacing the mirrors (best United States) and updating the database did not help.
Nor that I copied the compressed file downloaded with Firefox to its location in the path.
But I’ve been trying to fix it one way or another for more than a month.

Please remember - even Pamac provides an helper - AUR is generally unsupported.

Using pamac to auto update your custom scripts from AUR often presents piffalls

What happens here is explained in the message

Socket I/O timed out

This means pamac didn’t get a response - this happens frequently as the file is a CDN location.

In no particular order

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I switched to the Manjaro Unstable branch because I also have packages installed from AUR. (This is closest to Arch)
“the file is a CDN location”
What does that mean? I wait patiently?

It probably means server is down. Happens from time to time. You can try with another AUR helper like yay to see if it is problem with pamac, if yay fails too it is the server.

yay -Sua

Thanks! I tried this too - several times in more than a month.

A CDN is a Content Delivery Network.

Essentially, Manjaro has no control over packages installed from the AUR; or how long you might have to wait for an update. Manjaro’s official updates are expected to come from the usual Arch/Manjaro repos. Frankly, if you must use an application from the AUR, you’re generally on your own.

This is a falsehood. Using the AUR in combination with the Unstable branch leaves the door open for all kinds of unsupported configurations; all kinds of trouble; in my opinion. If you want Arch, use Arch.

However, it’s always your choice. :slight_smile:

I like Manjaro! But there are no more applications in their official storage that they like to use.

Yes, I understand.

Many distributions seem to suffer from a lack of application availability; with the focus being on whatever is popular – which, in itself, is subjective, at best.

I disagree. Manjaro unstable is pretty stable and if a lot of AUR packages shall be used it’s in general a good idea to change to the Unstable branch as this is often more in line with the configs of the AUR packages. The number of cases there are issues is pretty limited an can be usually easily fixed when timeshift snaps have been created upfront.


I suppose it would depend on the application, and the availability of AUR publishers to correct issues. Timeshift certainly can be a useful tool to overcome unexpected issues when no immediate fix is available; I agree.

Use yay instead of pamac, yay connects directly to Arch AUR repo instead of using Manjaro repo, I suffered from this bug for months and didn’t find any solution because the problem surely lies in Manjaro repo configuration and connectivity.


And one comment.
I started a Manjaro 23.0.1 installation flashdive.
I saved the unstable branch, enabled the AUR and its update.
I updated the database and ran:
yay -Sua
command. Neither this nor the database update gave an error message.
Unlike the installed system.

Well you probably do not have aur packages installed on the live system, so there is nothing to update, so it will return nothing.

I meant to try to update aur with yay on the problematic system.

Thank you so much for everyone’s comments!
I think I’ll wait for the next Manjaro Cinnamon snapshot - I went to a file called the package list of the installed system and I’m deleting this “damaged” (?) system.
After installing the new snapshot, I will also list its packages. I use the difference between the two lists as the previous (damaged) system
install the applications I installed on the new system with a suitable command.
The necessary commands are there.
I hope it will work like this - if not, then you can manually install the applications one by one.

Somewhere/something has been fixed, because the AUR (on unstable branch) is available again!

No, this is a falsehood.
You can use the AUR with Manjaro - and you will get qualitatively and quantitatively less issues from that combination than you would with say the Stable branch, if only for the fact of having newer packages (‘closer to Arch’) … one can also take a look at any of the numerous posts from Manjaro Stable users finding that out for themselves on the forum.
Sure Arch is more Arch period.
But thats not the dichotomy being set up here - in the question of “Does Manjaro work better with the AUR while using the Unstable Branch?” The answer is “yes”.
To your own added contrivance of “Does the combination of Manjaro Unstable Branch and the AUR in particular open the door for unsupported configurations and trouble?” The answer is “no”, at least in comparison to using the AUR on some other Manjaro branch.

All warnings and caveats about the Arch User Repository still withstanding, including it being unsupported and the users responsibility.


Thank you for your opinion.

Its not really an opinion that at times the other branches will have packages out of date in comparison to Arch and thus will have a harder time using the AUR.