Pacman error after 2024.10.10 Stable Update

I just got an update notification for the newer mesa-related packages, and I applied the update — as I always do — via pacman from within a tty. By consequence, I could not copy the error verbatim, but it was shown twice, and it said something about “unable to apply restricted filesystem access due to [something to do with a] landlock file” — whatever that means.

Whatever it is, it’s clearly something new, introduced by the new pacman version. It didn’t stop the packages from downloading and getting installed, though.


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pamac search -f landlock

shows landlock.h is owned by linux*-headers packages
and also 4 manpages:

/usr/share/man/man2/landlock_add_rule.2.gz is owned by man-pages
/usr/share/man/man2/landlock_create_ruleset.2.gz is owned by man-pages
/usr/share/man/man2/landlock_restrict_self.2.gz is owned by man-pages
/usr/share/man/man7/landlock.7.gz is owned by man-pages

landlock(7) — Arch manual pages

Landlock - unprivileged access-control

Landlock is an access-control system that enables any processes to securely restrict themselves and their future children. Because Landlock is a stackable Linux Security Module (LSM), it makes it possible to create safe security sandboxes as new security layers in addition to the existing system-wide access- controls. This kind of sandbox is expected to help mitigate the security impact of bugs, and unexpected or malicious behaviors in applications.

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a local repo ?

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No, I don’t have any local repos. But I do notice this — this was merged in from the .pacnew:point_down:


I don’t think this was there before. Should I uncomment it?

[Testing Update] 2024-10-10 - Plasma 6.2, Gnome 47, Mesa, Firefox

Notable Package Updates

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I have merged all three of those. That’s where this came from. I do not have any local repos.

After the 2024-10-02 Testing update (which brought pacman to 7.0.0), I received

error: restricting filesystem access failed because the landlock rule for the temporary download directory could not be added

As mentioned in the Unstable Update: September 2024 edition

moving from linux61 to linux66 removed the error for me.


Yes, that was the error I got too — thank you. :+1:

I am indeed on 6.1 LTS. Hmmm… :thinking:

I am on kernel 6.6 on stable, everything merged and i did not see the error. I tested installing 1-2 things and the mesa stuff because i was a little worried if the new system with restricted rights and the alpm user will function properly, but it seem to work both from pacman and pamac-gui.

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ok message is with sandbox option. pacman Issues and Pulls :

:raised_hands: Takakage

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Well, I don’t know whether this qualifies as a solution or as a workaround, but I’ve now upgraded to 6.6 LTS. So I guess that closes the case. :man_shrugging:

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