Package manager does not receive updates after installation

we have an update in stable all 7…10 days , if iso is “very” young no reason to have update

I don’t understand what you mean, brother

Try that in a terminal.

sudo pacman-mirrors --geoip && sudo pacman -Syyu

I’ve tried using this command, but the problem remains the same. I also forgot to mention that it is not possible to fetch Flatpak/Snap apps. Searches return empty.

What is the output?

It just returns that it didn’t find any results.

What is the output, exactly?

I’ll have to leave here, can we continue later? Thanks for the help!

?? no, we have new update ONLY if iso is old (15 days… 1 month):

what is iso name ? we have in last gnome name “210904” so 4 days :wink:

Hi, the exact message is: No packages found. But I’m sure there’s the app I’m looking for on Flatpak. And yes, third-party apps skill in settings.

So you mean I shouldn’t be getting updates?

That is not the output of pacman command. At some point copy/paste the output of the command from the terminal I gave above, here, this is gonna be old soon to ask you the same thing that much time. Copy the command above, paste it in your terminal, and copy the full output, and paste it here in a reply, between three backticks so it is properly formatted, example:

the whole output here

: Sincronizando a base de dados de pacotes...
 core                  169,6 KiB   432 KiB/s 00:00 [######################] 100%
 extra                1892,8 KiB  1318 KiB/s 00:01 [######################] 100%
 community               6,6 MiB   586 KiB/s 00:12 [######################] 100%
 multilib              174,6 KiB   394 KiB/s 00:00 [######################] 100%
:: Iniciando atualização completa do sistema...
atenção: gnome-shell-extension-nightthemeswitcher: local (52-1) é mais novo que community (51-2)
nada para fazer

The answer is in Portuguese, I will change it to English

This output means there is no update (and the package gnome-shell-extension-nightthemeswitcher got downgraded but this is not an issue).

But how not? Since I just installed the system

Probably because of what has been explained above that you didn’t reply to.

read dates :wink:

for snap :
is ON in pamac preferences ?
with last version , is at us to install libpamac plugin package ? for verif:

LANG=C pacman -Qs pamac

Yes they are, I had typed the wrong app name :sweat_smile: