Our New Official Manjaro Website

Why translate? I thought the whole web was in French as here. :rofl:

aCopie d'Ć©cran_20240713_132834

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I updated the website by some of the feedback.

@soundofthunder Updated the desktop images in content: update desktop images Ā· manjaro/website@896ca15 Ā· GitHub. See Download x86 ā€“ Manjaro

@Mirdarthos @Jaypee Updated the device descriptions in content: update devices Ā· manjaro/website@9dbdc75 Ā· GitHub. See Products ā€“ Manjaro

Itā€™s planned, but might take some time to implement: I18n Support Ā· Issue #8 Ā· manjaro/website Ā· GitHub


Typical French attitudeā€¦

As an Englishman, I should advise you that it has LONG been established that the population of the world has always been regarded as entirely ignorant and negligent if they do not achieve sufficient competency to interact in English.

Cā€™est la vie :wink:

Bot, if ze forum ist to serve as an eksample, zen ze same sing ist tru for German. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I think the new structur looks more clean and you can find the Download way to load a .iso file much easier now.

On the other hand, i like the old greenish Design that fits 1:1 much better to Manjaro, then the white Webdesign.

I also donā€™t see a clear cut between the description between the DE ā€œLayoutsā€. I personally think it makes more sense, to recommend gnome and xfce for people that want less Ram usage or should recommend for older hardware with less Ram.

And i think KDE should shown as a clear winner when it comes to a modern desktop look and is more interesting for Windows People who wanted to make a switch, because the design fits more to the old Windows Taskbar Design.

But im sure there are other specific viewpoints between proā€™s/conā€™s for a decision to choose the right DE for their system.

GNOME is most definitely not a lightweight. Plasma is actually leaner in terms of memory usage.

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ohh woow, did that changed in the last 4 yearā€™s?

Maybe my information is outdated. :man_shrugging:
I had weak memories in my mind, that some youtube streamer compared each Desktop 4-5 yearā€™s ago, after i was looking for a overview between Desktopā€™s.

Yes. GNOME has already for many years had a much larger memory footprint than Plasma. Plasma is now almost on par with Xfce.


Iā€™m still getting for https://manjaro.org/ and https://forum.manjaro.org/ (in my no javascript browser)

Other sites I visit are working fine.

I recently installed Manjaro Cinnamon to a VM, and it too seems to perform well. I havenā€™t looked at it in a long while; and was also surprised that an optical disk appears on the desktop when mounted; a MacOS(ism) that I had been unaware of (or never used). Nice for the Mac to Linux migration.

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Haha well - it wasnā€™t really until a few years after I left school before I understood how awful British attitudes towards language learning wasā€¦

Iā€™m pretty ashamed of my history and the fact that I never developed my language skills at that time. Itā€™s really quite humiliating to see the sheer number of foreigners who will accept my stupidity and communicate in English to let me off the hookā€¦

The most memorable French lessons occurred when we managed to stress the teacher into quitting their job - and the worst ones are those when we were expected to go beyond simply reading text from a page, but actually attempt to do so with a French accent!

Whilst there were a few students studying German - for most of us, it was unthinkable because we were busy playing ā€˜Escape from Colditzā€™ board games at weekends and watching war films at weekends.

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I saw that series on TV when I was a young boy. :wink:

Slick, lean and beautiful! Well done, will check out Nuxt for my own project siteā€¦ love the static aspect!

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For consideration:

The usual argument to dissuade users from using the AUR (especially on Stable branch) is that itā€™s officially unsupported. I would question the wisdom of actively promoting itā€™s use on the new site; it does seem highly contradictory.

Do we really want to sing the praises of AUR to new users while at the same time telling them they are on their own if something goes wrong?


I know our stance to that wasnā€™t unambiguous to that in the past. I think we need fully implement

and then we can recommend AUR for the Edge version, but for Stable only Flatpaks besides normal packages.

I believe this separation of concerns (AUR only in Edge) is something that has been needed for a long time. Your proposal seems a logical step toward achieving that, as a byproduct of the general restructuring. Keeping website content (regarding AUR) minimal, until discussions are finalised and/or implemented, seems prudent.

Having flatpak as an enduser choice, only in Stable (if I understood that correctly), is a welcome idea, and also helps separate the burden of support from that of repo packages.


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I noticed the new branch compare page is now missing a favicon.



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Actually, there were never a favicon in my service. Iā€™m not sure what to put in there anyway. My site is not an official Manjaro page, so I donā€™t think that I should put a Manjaro logo. And I donā€™t want to spend time creating a logo for such a simple service. I have to think about it a little bitā€¦

Thanks for noticing anyway! I should also add a footer to make clear who maintains the page. So any bug report or request is directed to me and not to Manjaro devs :slight_smile:

Perhaps one of these alternate coloured Manjaro logoā€™s?

Images are 256x256; scale as needed...


These images are personally generated and donated freely in hopes that they may be useful.