Our New Official Manjaro Website

or all in one logo ? which represents more of a comparison ?

EDIT as this aCopie d'Ă©cran_20240721_113822 - or best, represent 3 branches aCopie d'Ă©cran_2024072_113822

RE-EDIT : or after reflection, more simple, use 3 colors (one by branch) aaCopie d'Ă©cran_20240721_115240

I’m not (yet) understanding the comment. :slight_smile:

They are four separate images; one of them might suit the intended purpose (as a favicon).

Thanks @papajoke and @soundofthunder for the ideas. I created my own version of the logo based on your ideas.



Another quick alternative using Triadic colours:




Thanks. Yeah, definitively colors are better than in my version :smiley:
So, with your permission, I already changed the favicon in the website to your version.


Permission hereby granted. :wink:

It looks good.


nice icon in my browser tab ! but why not use same colors as css ?

branch : png ↔ css
unstable : #A435BF but css = #FECACA
testing: #BFA435 but css = #FDE68A
stable #35BFA4 but css = #BBF7D0

from original logo


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But not everyone (wants to) use Firefox. In addition, the translation of Firefox is still very poor.

Firefox’s “Translate this page” does not work on this Forum. that’s because its back-end is Google Translate and the fact it doesn’t have access to sites (or part thereof, anyway) requiring a login.

ChatGPT does have some access outside of the Member Hub, however.

That comes on top of everything else. I didn’t notice this because I no longer use Firefox.

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That was also my first idea, but in my opinion the colors are too soft for a favicon. At least I don’t like it. That’s why I tried with darker colors.

Do not like the new website at all. It makes me think of a corporate/commercial website where this is no useful information as a manjaro user.

This arrow-ish picture with stable/testing/unstable/base, come on guys, we do not do this kind of stuff for 20 years at least, even in the worst powerpoint presentation.

I would expect at least a “What’s new”, a “How to install” and a “System requirements” on the landing page, something fancy with fancy look, as well as versioning, for the kernel for the least.

StarFighter is out of stock since more than 1 year, 2 years potentially.

So true:

If you are asking about my addition; the colours are triadic, according to their relative triangular positions on the colour wheel.

The colours used are both visually pleasing and balanced with the original Manjaro (2022) logo colour #35bfa4 (in hex). So, in easy terms, the other two colours that form the triad look good with the original logo colour.

I could have just as easily chosen a split complementary range, which would still have looked good but seemed too different from what @cfinnberg had in mind.

Triadic Colours:

Hex Colour Closest Colour Name
#35bfa4 Waterfall (Manjaro)
#a435bf Dark Orchid
#bfa435 Local Curry

Split Complements:

Hex Colour Closest Colour Name
#35bfa4 Waterfall (Manjaro)
#3635bf Sapphire Splendour
#bf6d35 Lucky Penny

These are the only colours that work with the Manjaro logo colour when using either triadic or split complements; though a few other combinations are still possible outside of those ranges.


I’ve visited the refreshed website a number of times, each time trying to understand the logic behind minimalism to the extreme. If a visitor wants, well, information, they will not get much.

Effective imagery may have significant value when accompanied with well written content. The few images that are presented currently seem to lack any sort of relationship to what this Operating system “is”. I get the ideas behind them, but they don’t work.

That being said, when viewing the new design as a framework, then it has potential.

Being rather blunt for a moment, overall, the lack of useful information and the selection of images comes across as a first effort at building a WordPress website.

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It is still a work-in-progress (as with just about everything), but these points are valid. I hate the minimalistic “modern web UI” too. So much wasted screen real-estate. And worn-out mouse scroll-wheels.

We are not ALL using a Phabletℱ to view the Interwebs.

I am trying to understand the logic per se. Does it mean a complete reorientation of Manjaro as a linux distribution, much more focused on corporate/commercial than on end-users ?

Sure every company has to earn money, it’s not a bad thing to draw attention to enterprise but even a CTO/CEO will not find useful information on this website, in my opinion.

There is nothing different telling me this distro is better than another one and there is no “why’” defined.

Well, having mention of “Products” suggests so. I don’t regard anything non-physical as a “Product”; rather a “Service”. For example downloading .ISO images.

Yes, but even Service refers to commercial/corporate.
Why no simply a Download section and a Hardware section, or a Manjaro approved hardware, something like that.

Definitely lacks of system requirements, news , people, get involved, why, culture, philosophy and user support dedicated pages/sections clearly identified.

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While I don’t necessarily disagree with many of the comments, I have to say that the site is still in it’s early stages, really. It may be that final content has simply not been agreed upon as yet.

I initially touched on the minimalism, or the blandness of content, myself, but it was by no means intended as blatant criticism. The site, as it stands, is functional enough to allow expansion as needed.

Perhaps it now only needs consensus on which direction(s) to take.


There is a couple of things the old website used to have which are not surfaced on the new website:

  • The Merch Stores
  • Code of Conduct
  • Mailing Lists

Some of this could just be added in on the footer.