One ISO to rule them all

Why are there so many ISO files? Why isn’t there a Universal ISO file where the interface is selected, downloaded and installed?

That was quite normal in the past*.

// * EDIT: In the past, the WMs were all available in the ISO.

I love live installers, I think the cinci one by reborn is one of the best it just downloads and install whatever you select.
The issue with that is you need an active high speed connection without a data cap which is an issue for some people. Also manjaro is a 3 or 4 min install where a live installer downloading everything is 30 mins.

There’s plus and minus to both in my opinion


AFAIK in case of universal iso either there is a default de/wm like xfce for endevour os which can be installed offline but to install other de/wm you need a stable network connection and you don’t want to install kde like that, do you :wink:

Can you imagine the size of the ISO that would be universal for all DEs/Window Managers?

You’d have to download that AND then the updates, after installation…

I dont think it is what he means. :wink:

@professionallinuxexp such an ISO exists or does exist in the past called Manjaro Achitect.

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I dont think it is what he means. :wink:

Yes, in Debian it is called “netinstall”. :slight_smile:

@professionallinuxexp such an ISO exists or does exist in the past called Manjaro Achitect.

Why was it canceled?

Its not cancelled just it doesn’t have a maintainer atm. The previous maintainer hasn’t the time to rewrite/update it and the team have asked for volunteers to maintain architect


OK, thanks 4 answer.

^ That is the post asking for maintainers of manjaro-architect.

You can also still use manjaro-architect within any LiveISO within the terminal; it is a TUI program.

I was just getting ready to post there should be a netinstall, what would be hard about 1 .ISO & it would just aske what DE/WM you wanted?

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