Noto-fonts looks different since latest Stable Update 30/12/2020

Fortsetzung der Diskussion von [Stable Update] 2020-12-30 - Kernels, KDE, Cinnamon, LibreOffice, Python 3.9, Mesa 20.3.1:

Temp Fix: downgrade noto-fonts noto-fonts-cjk noto-fonts-extra to latest 2019 pkgs
And the fonts looking again as expected


Upstream Bug or Manjaro had to do some fixes on the fonts @philm

hinting: light

Should I change it to this?

unfortunately does not lead to the expected result
leave the packages downgraded until next update

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But then it’s very strange that I don’t have this problem.

Hinting was set to default value
set it like you suggest was a bit better but not like the previous version of the font :package:

Please do not post on the Arch forums for support with Manjaro.

Forum Post is removed on Arch Linux, didn’t know that, sorry

These boards are for the support of Arch Linux, and Arch ONLY

If you have installed Archbang, Antergos, Chakra, Evo/Lution, Manjaro, Whatever, you are NOT running Arch Linux. Similarly, if you followed some random video on YouTube or used an automated script you found on a blog, you are NOT running Arch Linux, so do not expect any support, sympathy or anything but your thread being closed and told to move along.

You think I haven’t read them :joy:

Have posted that because it can be a upstream Bug. Later I will do a bug report on GitHub

Arch isn’t upstream, Google is. :wink:

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yep :wink:
So we will see they fix that later :slight_smile:


Another person opened a issue too:

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New version in pipeline:

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