New to Linux and trying to get ownership on NTFS drives on dual boot system

I wanted to say thank you to everyone who responded. You all have been amazing and extremely helpful.

I’m currently trying to figure this out on mounting a secondary drive to add more storage for the steam subfolders. I sent a message your way along with a few others that where in this discussion to help me out if you could please.

You basically have two options:

  1. to work with steam directly and tell it to search/install the games somewhere else instead of home. I see something like that in the settings. I am however pretty new to steam (i registered last week) so i have to read some instructions how to do it myself.
  2. or you can mount the steam folder or the whole /home somewhere else, for example on another drive, and edit fstab. Search google for moving /home.

so with this option is it actually moving /home or is it extending it to a secondary drive?

It would be moving.
But if it is about steam, i would leave the /home alone and experiment on /home/.steam.
In /home there are a lot of hidden config files, that can mess the whole system if missing (most will be recreated but with default settings). In steam is just steam (~/.steam seems to be link to ~/local/share/Steam actually). If you mess it up there who cares, delete and start again.

how do I delete something if its part of the root group? ie I made a directory? in the /home/steam and cant figure out how to remove it since it requires root permissions

with sudo rmdir :slight_smile:
You have to start with some basics in linux. The basic concepts and commands at least. You can’t rely on the forum topic for such basic stuff

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There are no such things as /dev/root/home or /dev/home/home. Please very carefully read and study the following tutorials… :arrow_down:

from what I saw from linux-aarhus talking about mounting devices they mentioned to use systemd instead of fstab as you can mess up the system and it won’t boot properly if something is input wrong in fstab ( I experienced this and thankfully was able to reverse whatever I did) I am currently having trouble as a new Linux user understanding some of the examples given in the tutorial that linux-aarhus made on how to do things such as:

Create a file as root

$ sudo touch /etc/systemd/system/data-backup.mount

Open the file with your favorite CLI editor or a gvfs compliant editor (xed or gedit)

$ xed admin:/etc/systemd/system/data-backup.mount


Insert the following template into the file - and modify the description - continuing our backup disk example

Description=Mount Backup disk (/data/backup)




The section [Mount] is the same data as you see in your fstab - except the What which must the full path to the device. The nature of systemd makes it impossible to rely on the traditional path /dev/sda1 - luckily there is other options

  • /dev/disk/by-uuid/
  • /dev/disk/by-label/

a lot of this is hard to understand as a new linux user. sometimes I need things kinda made a little simpler to understand as I am still learning the OS

sudo is a way to elevate your privileges to those of the root user, i.e. the system administrator. touch is a command that changes the last-modified time on an existing file, or creates an empty file with the given name if it did not exist already.

In this case, given that you intend to mount an NTFS volume with Steam games, you should pick a name that matches its purpose, something like… :arrow_down:

sudo touch /etc/systemd/system/steam-ntfs-drive.mount

Okay, here @linux-aarhus is unintentionally making things a little more difficult than he should. :wink:

Your profile says you’re using Plasma, so use kate or kwrite, both of which are GUI editors with polkit support. This means that if you’re trying to edit a file belonging to the root account — as everything under /etc does — then they will prompt you for a password when trying to save the file.

The value to be filled in for What= can be gleaned from looking at… :arrow_down:

ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/

For instance, on my system, the above command outputs the following… :arrow_down:

[aragorn] >   ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jun 28 05:29 1aedac7f-403b-4d85-9643-0d622be75453 -> ../../sdb2
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jun 28 05:29 3f1852bc-be95-4e42-8d46-25bafac4ce79 -> ../../sda3
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jun 28 05:29 6d475769-c92c-4935-b2af-a53d29dcd898 -> ../../sda7
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jun 28 05:29 6e756bf9-2d7c-401a-a0f3-bb4ea3b824a9 -> ../../sda6
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 11 Jun 28 05:29 6fbd221f-5d46-40f0-9fbf-4479d73874b4 -> ../../sda10
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jun 28 05:29 8462b14d-4a97-4383-a55d-61fcd136aeb9 -> ../../sda5
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jun 28 05:29 889d4e36-e279-4b82-838a-a5c1d4964e1a -> ../../sdb1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jun 28 05:29 8de45432-efe5-4d76-beb9-fcb3247a063e -> ../../sda4
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jun 28 05:29 924f11d8-4bec-49a6-852e-033ce5e3d6a3 -> ../../sda2
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 11 Jun 28 05:29 bdf6a9f6-a2a7-47a0-ba6f-7bbf71a01a95 -> ../../sda11
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jun 28 05:29 CEF6-EF5C -> ../../sda1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jun 28 05:29 db2385c9-2715-408e-96b4-52086a0292fe -> ../../sda9
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jun 28 05:29 e3fe76c9-8dea-4a27-8f47-839bb464f022 -> ../../sda8

If you read my tutorial above about UNIX permissions and file ownership, then you will see that those are all symbolic links. So you need to fill in the full path to the symbolic link that corresponds to the partition you will be mounting. For instance. … :arrow_down:


The Where= entry should point to the directory (“folder”) where you want this filesystem mounted. This directory must exist and should for good measure be empty, because — as you can read in my second tutorial above about working with additional “drives” — once something gets mounted to a directory, whatever was in the directory before will be obscured until the filesystem mounted there is unmounted again. For instance… :arrow_down:


However, given that it’s an NTFS drive, you will also need to uncomment the #Type= and #Options= entries — i.e. remove the “#” in front of them — and fill in the proper information. Something along the lines of… :arrow_down:


Note: There must be no spaces in between the mount options.

Lastly, for the Description= entry at the top of the file you’ll want something like… :arrow_down:

Description="Steam Games on NTFS Volume"

But please, please, please, if you’re absolutely new to GNU/Linux, then do read my two tutorials as I posted above. You’ll thank yourself later for doing so.

Mirdarthos, I understand your point about not being tempted, but I don’t think it’s a good strategy for somebody starting with Linux. From my personal experience, I can report the following. Having dabbled with Linux on and off since 2006, always in dual boot, I very often have reverted to Windows, for various reasons. Only 3 years ago, I was so fed up with windows that I reinstalled linux, deliberately using it for all my needs. And only after not having booted into windows for 9 months I decided that I was comfortable enough to switch entirely.
Having a crutch, to go back to if there are problems is a good thing for a beginner. Linux, has come a long way, concerning user friendliness and what one really needs to know to run a linux computer as daily driver, but for somebody changing newly to linux, there is a learning curve.
And to use an extreme picture, I personally prefer learning skydiving with a parachute on my back, instead without one :slight_smile:

As I said, I see your point but don’t think it’s the best course of action for somebody new.

For someone who has never used a computer before, there’s an equally big learning curve to Microsoft Windows or even Apple macOS. The biggest GNU/Linux adoption problem among Windows users is that they have been conditioned to think along Microsoft’s idea of logic, or otherwise put, that they have Windows-specific habits and think in terms of Windows concepts.

GNU/Linux is a UNIX-family operating system, and UNIX is a lot more logical, efficient, flexible and consistent than Microsoft Windows, which is a consumerist appliance platform geared towards the installation and use of commercial and proprietary software. It’s a black box, and all of its basic principles and terminology are specific to Windows only.

GNU/Linux isn’t user-unfriendly, but it just requires its users to be a little more computer-friendly. :wink:

To be fair in this discussion.

Everything that is trying to be done here can be done “like in windows” but I think OP want to REALLY learn and use the system, and I applaud that.

The problem is if the user is going for “too advanced” features, like systemd in this case (its not advanced at all, I mean it seems advanced to the USER). If fstab was setup and understood at this point, I feel pretty confident none of the questions about systemd would have been posted.

Someone failed to use the fstab. What I THINK should happen here:

  1. Understand WHY it failed,
  2. Change to a functional setup in fstab
  3. Analyze and understand.

Then when everything is working:

  1. Create the systemd file/files (if you want automount)
  2. Comment out the lines in fstab (put # in front of the mount lines)
  3. Enable the systemd service.
  4. Analyze.

Just “doing things” doesn’t really teach you anything unless you understand WHAT you are doing.

My humble opinion is to get the “old” ways to work first (I would not recommend btrfs as first user f ex).
Understand the filesystem and THEN implement more features.
In the long run everybody will benefit from these procedures.

And if you dont have it already, create a “notes.txt” file or something where you CONSTANTLY makes notes of what you do/learn. Old examples that you found usful.
Start saving links to wikis and tutorials in your web browser for easy access later.
NOBODY remembers all commands and structures, that is what notes/wikis are for.

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With all due respect, I’m not convinced of that, because there’s no view counter being shown next to the two tutorial links I posted, which means that not even the OP has clicked on those links.

Those tutorials do explain everything in-depth, and step-by-step. Granted, it’s a lot to take in — and especially so the one about UNIX permissions and file ownership — but for anyone truly wanting to learn the ins and outs of GNU/Linux (and specifically Manjaro), those tutorials provide a wealth of information, if I may say so myself.

Therefore, I think the OP simply wants to get something specific done, and upon discovering that their initial attempt failed, wants to understand why. :wink:

Being brutally honest here, I think @linux-aarhus made a mistake in suggesting to the OP to use systemd mounts instead of /etc/fstab, because all things considered, systemd mounts are just as difficult to set up as creating/editing a proper /etc/fstab, which is still the default way of doing things.

Furthermore, the approach with systemd mounts has an equally great chance of failing than an improperly set up /etc/fstab if the same mistakes are made. The configuration of a systemd mount requires all the same information as what’s in /etc/fstab — the UUID (but now with their full path under /dev/disk/by-uuid/), the filesystem type, the mount point, and the mount options.

Exactly. And the first thing one should do is read the documentation. Apart from my two tutorials, there are also the man pages — which I am referring to in the tutorials as well. :arrow_down:

man mount
man fstab

Exactly. But unfortunately, many people want to run before they can walk.

Yes, if you’re a newbie, then it is always a good idea to keep an admin diary in which you detail all that you’ve changed, how you changed it, and where documentation can be found if necessary. :wink:

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Since this topic seems to have turned into the “baby tries to walk” corner, here are my 2 cents for the baby:

  • read every tutorial here and bookmark it

  • read the wiki

  • have a installation usb at hand (you hopefully read about manjaro-chroot, did you…no?..then do it now)

  • a lot of information and tutorials are also on the arch wiki and (the latter in German and obviously you have to adapt some commands because it is another os)

  • read a couple of general tutorials on linux, bash, command line, the most frequent commands like chmod etc

  • learn your terminal: you can autocomplete with tab, you get the last command with arrow up, you have history, you can filter with grep, etc.

  • always read the announcements before update

  • learn about editing config files from terminal with nano and vim

After that you will still be a beginner, but the chance that you will have to reinstall on the third day will be significantly lower.

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That is true, in a way, according to me as well.

This part is where I, personally differ. If someone else agree, that’s cool.

My reasoning is simple:

I, personally, found the systemd mount units easier, because they are more verbose. But for the same reason it’s easier to make a mistake, albeit only a typo.

As I previously said, the fstab way is short and concise, which is nice. But that same fact is makes it much harder to grasp what it’s doing.

I’ve always said I’d rather skip the easy way and go straight to the hard, usually better, way of doing things. Well, for systemd I make an exception.

But, that probably just me, so I’ll hush now.

More importantly, the “baby” (not sure I like that description though) or as I would call it “the linux prospect” will know how to ask and furthermore UNDERSTAND the answers.

I was thinking of commenting on this. I also kinda agree because of my earlier statement in this post. If you have sufficient knowledge (like at the point where a user would be after learning what @Teo posted about) you WOULD understand what he says, if not, you have to LEARN.

@linux-aarhus has done that to me multiple times and I APPRECIATE IT!
Sometimes it takes me a while to see what he means, but the way I get to understanding is

  1. ask him to clarify (he usually post links then). or
  2. (the method I prefer) read more documentation so I understand what he says and THEN ask if I have further questions.

It’s kind of like a 2 way respect situation imho.
Ppl on this forum offers me their time and I pay respect by not asking “stupid” questions that can easily be found in one of the 10 tutorials online written on the subject.


That is not necessarily true, although it might be in this case, I don’t know.
You pulled that one on me too once an unfortunately the lack of the “button press” caused some friction that was never my intention.
But some ppl are just VERY careful of how they are being tracked online. I might be one of those persons. xD :hearts:

Clicking on the link does not track anyone. All that’s being tracked is the number of clicks on the link, which will then show as a number in blue next to the link, or at least, if you use the light forum theme — I don’t know what it looks like with the dark theme.

This number is then also kept into account by the forum engine for assigning badges.


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So, that I CLICKED A LINK is being recorded and saved in a database, but not tracked, sure buddy… xD
I’m not doing this only to Manjaro, it’s everywhere, but as of this second, I have disabled it on this forum so no further friction. Is there a blue number on the “badges” link now? xD

Well, what if clicking the link does something like, idk, copy the link, opens up a new tab and pastes the link in the address field? xD

I just wanted to point out that those comments are not really constructive. Love ya man, not meant as anything hurtful, but the lack of the blue number on a link does NOT necessarily mean the information provided in the link is not absorbed. :hearts:

Only the click is recorded, not who clicks it.

Of course, your browser may track you, depending on what browser you use. But there are ways to mitigate that too. But this is off-topic. :wink: