New `riscv64-elf-newlib` package has file confict with `arm-none-eabi-newlib`

I just tried applying the 2024-07-01 stable update. Everything succeeded except for the riscv64-elf-newlib package. Installation fails with the following error message:

Checking file conflicts...
Failed to commit transaction:
conflicting files:
- riscv64-elf-newlib: /usr/share/info/ already exists in filesystem (owned by arm-none-eabi-newlib)

From my understanding, arm-none-eabi-newlib contains the file /usr/share/info/ The arm-none-eabi-newlib package was not part of this stable update. The previous version of riscv64-elf-newlib (4.1.0-3) does not contain this file. My current version of arm-none-eabi-newlib ( does.

I think this is a packaging issue with the newest versions of riscv64-elf-newlib and arm-none-eabi-newlib, both Both packages are now including conflicting versions of /usr/share/info/ It is definitely reasonable to have both the arm-none-eabi-newlib and riscv64-elf-newlib installed. These are packages used for cross-compilation to different architectures. In my case, I use both for cross-compiling to ARM and RISC-V embedded systems.

Is there any recourse for me to fix this locally, or does this need to be resolved by package maintainers? If it’s truly a packaging issue, do I need to report this upstream?

It’s a known issue:

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