New mirror in Finland - needs testing

Hi everyone,

I am using Manjaro for quite a while and now it is time to contributing back.
I noticed that there are no mirrors in Finland, so I created one.


Repos: Stable/Testing/Unstable, ARM Stable/Testing/Unstable

Reachable at IPv4 and IPv6
Hosted by Hetzner, location: Helsinki.

Syncing: rsync://
Sync freq: 30min

Feel free to test it and contact me here or via email (

As @Fabby mentioned you can add by modifying /var/lib/pacman-mirrors/custom-mirrors.json:

        "branches": [
        "continent": "Europe",
        "country": "Finland",
        "last_sync": "00:00",
        "protocols": [
        "resp_time": 0,
        "url": ""

Do you want your testers to only reside in :finland: or can they be from another country in :eu:




I think the reason should be obvious. :wink:


@Fabby any country worldwide.
I personally use it from Tallinn, :estonia: and it is extremely fast from here (1Gb updates within seconds).

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@Yochanan both are supported. Personally I prefer HTTPS as well.

Changed my /var/lib/pacman-mirrors/custom-mirrors.json to contain:

        "branches": [
        "continent": "Europe",
        "country": "Finland",
        "last_sync": "00:00",
        "protocols": [
        "resp_time": 0,
        "url": ""

and id a pacman -Suyy to rebuild.

I’ll DM you with my IP addresses so you can check on your end.

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478.8 MB downloaded for today’s update.

Speed was excellent, pamac didn’t give any hard data (took >2, <3 minutes)


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ping kyberorg :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Is everything OK on your side and can we add your server to the official mirror list by now?

(Just checked and can’t see yet…)


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Mirror is not updated 40 minutes after message was posted

:hourglass: :sob:

OK, update arrived in the meantime, but after this update, I’m going back to my fastest server now as it’s not only fast but also in sync all of the time…


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Mirror works fine to me (also in Finland :smile:). Glad that there is some close and fast mirror available.

@Fabby, What mirror is updated constantly? I suppose that all mirrors have some interval. 2h seems reasonable to me…

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Would be nice. It is almost month online and had only 1 minutes (for reboot) downtime.

I sync every 2 hours and monitor it.

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Okay, from now on mirror syncs every 30 mins. I hope they won’t ban me, if I sync this often.

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Question to all: how critical is IPv6 for you ?

I have both, but if you have IPV6, why would you take it away? It’s the future anyway…

:thinking: runs under ArchLinux and served by Nginx.

Nginx in ArchLinux is compiled without --with-ipv6 option out of the box. So I filled feature request:

Honestly I prefer to use official package instead of compiling from sources every new version. So I would wait nginx maintainer’s response.

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I’m using a VPS from Hetzner with Arch and nginx-mainline package (also official) and it’s answering IPv6 requests. Are you sure that that option is necessary?

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Finally mirror is accessible via IPv6.
Kudos to @cfinnberg.

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I made Going official request.

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