My Manjaro cheatsheet in a menu form

Since we advise beginner users to keep a list of commands on file, and it even has such article in the wiki

i decided to share with you my list of frequently used command. However, i decided i want it a bit more fancy and interactive, so i made it in form of a dialog menu. Here it is, my

# Creator: Todor Uzunov 
# License: GNU - free like free speech and free beer for everybody!
# Release: 12 Aug 2023
# New in this version: fixed orphan deletion

# check if dependency dialog is present
if ! [[ "$(which dialog)" =~ (dialog) ]]; then
	echo "dialog dependency is not found, please install with: sudo pacman -S dialog"
	exit 1
	1 "Mirror Sync status and branch || pacman-mirrors"
	2 "Refresh the mirror list || sudo pacman-mirrors -f5" # sudo pacman-mirrors --country Germany --api --protocol https
	3 "Update all without AUR || sudo pacman -Syu"
	4 "Download all updates for offline install later || sudo pacman -Syuw"
	5 "Force refresh database and update || sudo pacman -Syyu"
	6 "Refresh files database || sudo pacman -Fy"
	7 "Run pacdiff with Meld to compare changed configs || DIFFPROG=meld pacdiff -s" # pamac install meld
	8 "List foreign (AUR) packages || pacman -Qm"
	9 "List orphaned packages || pacman -Qdt"
	10 "Check for updates of AUR with YAY, do not update || yay -Qua" # pamac install yay
	11 "Update only AUR packages with YAY || yay -Sua" # pamac install yay
	12 "Pamac update AUR packages || pamac update --aur"
	13 "Remove orphaned packages || sudo pacman -Rsu ..."
	14 "Clean Pacman cache || sudo pacman -Scc"
	15 "Trim the root of the SSD || sudo fstrim -v /"
	16 "S.M.A.R.T. status of the disk and write cycles || sudo smartctl --all /dev/nvme0" # smartctl --scan
	17 "Show journal errors from current boot || journalctl -b -p3 --no-pager"
	18 "Show journal errors from previous boot || journalctl -b -1 -p3 --no-pager"
	19 "Dmesg || sudo dmesg"
	20 "Check for coredumps || coredumpctl"
	21 "Run Wavemonitor to check Wifi channel and strength || wavemon" # pamac install wavemon
	22 "Read sensors || sensors"
	23 "Gather system info || inxi -v7azy"
	24 "Update database for locate || sudo updatedb"
	25 "Temporary disable Ideapad battery conservation mode || sudo 0" # pamac build conservation_mode
	26 "Show hidden spaceeaters above 100M in HOME || du -sh -t +100M ~/.cache/* ~/.config/* ~/.local/share/*"
	27 "Show journal size || journalctl --disk-usage"
	28 "Cut journal to one week || sudo journalctl --vacuum-time=1week"
	29 "List coredumps on disk and used space || du -sh /var/lib/systemd/coredump/"
	30 "Clear coredumps on disk || sudo rm -f /var/lib/systemd/coredump/*"
CHOICE=$(dialog --clear \
		--no-shadow \
		--scrollbar \
		--column-separator "||" \
                --backtitle "I love Manjaro" \
                --title "A Manjaro cheatsheet by Teo" \
                --menu "Choose an option (to see the full commands maximize window ->> ):" \
                200 200 200 \
                "${OPTIONS[@]}" \
                2>&1 >/dev/tty)
case $CHOICE in
	1) echo "pacman-mirrors"; pacman-mirrors ;;
	2) echo "sudo pacman-mirrors -f5"; sudo pacman-mirrors -f5 ;;
	3) echo "sudo pacman -Syu"; sudo pacman -Syu ;;
	4) echo "sudo pacman -Syuw"; sudo pacman -Syuw ;;
	5) echo "sudo pacman -Syyu"; sudo pacman -Syyu ;;
	6) echo "sudo pacman -Fy"; sudo pacman -Fy ;;
	7) echo "DIFFPROG=meld pacdiff -s"; DIFFPROG=meld pacdiff -s ;;
	8) echo "pacman -Qm"; pacman -Qm ;;
	9) echo "pacman -Qdt"; pacman -Qdt ;;
	10) echo "yay -Qua"; yay -Qua ;;
	11) echo "yay -Sua"; yay -Sua ;;
	12) echo "pamac update --aur"; pamac update --aur ;;
	13) echo "sudo pacman -Rsu $(pacman -Qtdq)"; sudo pacman -Rsu $(pacman -Qtdq) ;;
	14) echo "sudo pacman -Scc"; sudo pacman -Scc ;;
	15) echo "sudo fstrim -v /"; sudo fstrim -v / ;;
	16) echo "sudo smartctl --all /dev/nvme0"; sudo smartctl --all /dev/nvme0 ;;
	17) echo "journalctl -b -p3 --no-pager"; journalctl -b -p3 --no-pager ;;
	18) echo "journalctl -b -1 -p3 --no-pager"; journalctl -b -1 -p3 --no-pager ;;
	19) echo "sudo dmesg"; sudo dmesg ;;
	20) echo "coredumpctl"; coredumpctl ;;
	21) echo "wavemon"; wavemon ;;
	22) echo "sensors"; sensors ;;
	23) echo "inxi -v7azy"; inxi -v7azy ;;
	24) echo "sudo updatedb"; sudo updatedb ;;
	25) echo "sudo 0"; sudo 0 ;;
	26) echo "du -sh -t +100M ~/.cache/* ~/.config/* ~/.local/share/*"; du -sh -t +100M ~/.cache/* ~/.config/* ~/.local/share/* ;;
	27) echo "journalctl --disk-usage"; journalctl --disk-usage ;;
	28) echo "sudo journalctl --vacuum-time=1week"; sudo journalctl --vacuum-time=1week ;;
	29) echo "du -sh /var/lib/systemd/coredump/"; du -sh /var/lib/systemd/coredump/ ;;
	30) echo "sudo rm -f /var/lib/systemd/coredump/*"; sudo rm -f /var/lib/systemd/coredump/* ;;
# if we use a launcher shortcut with -launcher, pause before exit
if [ "$1" == "-launcher" ]; then
	read -n 1 -s -r -p "Press any key to close the window.";

P.s. for the beginner users: save it as a file in the ~/.local/bin hidden Folder (create if needed) then right click and in the permissions tab in properties select allow to execute as a program.
Then you can start in the terminal with You can even make a launcher on the panel, just don’t forget to set it to run in terminal and append -launcher at the end of the command. And if some subcommand does not work, check if you have the dependency in the comment on the corresponding line. Like this in a XFCE panel:


Very nice. the installacion of “/core/dialog” may be helpfull…
Remove orphaned packages tells “Argument missing”. (If none?)

Why not enable the fstrim.timer instead? See Solid state drive - ArchWiki


@GaVenga No idea. I have to test when i have some orphans. For now i just read the man page.
@Yochanan it is enabled, once a week by default. It is just in case i want to do it manually, for example after a massive timeshift clean of hundreds of GB or something like that.

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Reminds me of or on Github

Fixed orphans. It wanted an argument indeed

sudo pacman -Rsu $(pacman -Qtdq)
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I was little irritated because dialog cannot scroll with the mouse, so here is a remake with Xdialog:

# Creator: Todor Uzunov 
# License: GNU - free like free speech and free beer for everybody!
# Release: 17 Aug 2023

# check if dependency Xdialog and gtk-engine-murrine are present 
if ! [[ "$(which Xdialog)" =~ (Xdialog) ]]; then
	echo "Xdialog dependency is not found, please install with: sudo pacman -S xdialog"
	exit 1
if ! [[ "$(which /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/" =~ (/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/ ]]; then
	echo "Libmurrine dependency is not found, please install with: sudo pacman -S gtk-engine-murrine"
	exit 1
	1 "Mirror Sync status and branch || pacman-mirrors"
	2 "Refresh the mirror list || sudo pacman-mirrors -f5" # sudo pacman-mirrors --country Germany --api --protocol https
	3 "Update all without AUR || sudo pacman -Syu"
	4 "Download all updates for offline install later || sudo pacman -Syuw"
	5 "Force refresh database and update || sudo pacman -Syyu"
	6 "Refresh files database || sudo pacman -Fy"
	7 "Run pacdiff with Meld to compare changed configs || DIFFPROG=meld pacdiff -s" # pamac install meld
	8 "List foreign (AUR) packages || pacman -Qm"
	9 "List orphaned packages || pacman -Qdt"
	10 "Check for updates of AUR with YAY, do not update || yay -Qua" # pamac install yay
	11 "Update only AUR packages with YAY || yay -Sua" # pamac install yay
	12 "Pamac update AUR packages || pamac update --aur"
	13 "Remove orphaned packages || sudo pacman -Rsu ..."
	14 "Clean Pacman cache || sudo pacman -Scc"
	15 "Trim the root of the SSD || sudo fstrim -v /"
	16 "S.M.A.R.T. status of the disk and write cycles || sudo smartctl --all /dev/nvme0" # smartctl --scan
	17 "Show journal errors from current boot || journalctl -b -p3 --no-pager"
	18 "Show journal errors from previous boot || journalctl -b -1 -p3 --no-pager"
	19 "Dmesg || sudo dmesg"
	20 "Check for coredumps || coredumpctl"
	21 "Run Wavemonitor to check Wifi channel and strength || wavemon" # pamac install wavemon
	22 "Read sensors || sensors"
	23 "Gather system info || inxi -v7azy"
	24 "Update database for locate || sudo updatedb"
	25 "Temporary disable Ideapad battery conservation mode || sudo 0" # pamac build conservation_mode
	26 "Show hidden spaceeaters above 100M in HOME || du -sh -t +100M ~/.cache/* ~/.config/* ~/.local/share/*"
	27 "Show journal size || journalctl --disk-usage"
	28 "Cut journal to one week || sudo journalctl --vacuum-time=1week"
	29 "List coredumps on disk and used space || du -sh /var/lib/systemd/coredump/"
	30 "Clear coredumps on disk || sudo rm -f /var/lib/systemd/coredump/*"
CHOICE=$(Xdialog --clear \
		--no-shadow \
		--scrollbar \
		--column-separator "||" \
		--separator "||" \
		--separate-output \
                --backtitle "I love Manjaro" \
                --title "A Manjaro cheatsheet by Teo" \
                --menubox "Choose an option (to see the full commands maximize window ->> ):" \
                70 180 70 \
                "${OPTIONS[@]}" \
                2>&1 >/dev/tty)
case $CHOICE in
	1) echo "pacman-mirrors"; pacman-mirrors ;;
	2) echo "sudo pacman-mirrors -f5"; sudo pacman-mirrors -f5 ;;
	3) echo "sudo pacman -Syu"; sudo pacman -Syu ;;
	4) echo "sudo pacman -Syuw"; sudo pacman -Syuw ;;
	5) echo "sudo pacman -Syyu"; sudo pacman -Syyu ;;
	6) echo "sudo pacman -Fy"; sudo pacman -Fy ;;
	7) echo "DIFFPROG=meld pacdiff -s"; DIFFPROG=meld pacdiff -s ;;
	8) echo "pacman -Qm"; pacman -Qm ;;
	9) echo "pacman -Qdt"; pacman -Qdt ;;
	10) echo "yay -Qua"; yay -Qua ;;
	11) echo "yay -Sua"; yay -Sua ;;
	12) echo "pamac update --aur"; pamac update --aur ;;
	13) echo "sudo pacman -Rsu $(pacman -Qtdq)"; sudo pacman -Rsu $(pacman -Qtdq) ;;
	14) echo "sudo pacman -Scc"; sudo pacman -Scc ;;
	15) echo "sudo fstrim -v /"; sudo fstrim -v / ;;
	16) echo "sudo smartctl --all /dev/nvme0"; sudo smartctl --all /dev/nvme0 ;;
	17) echo "journalctl -b -p3 --no-pager"; journalctl -b -p3 --no-pager ;;
	18) echo "journalctl -b -1 -p3 --no-pager"; journalctl -b -1 -p3 --no-pager ;;
	19) echo "sudo dmesg"; sudo dmesg ;;
	20) echo "coredumpctl"; coredumpctl ;;
	21) echo "wavemon"; wavemon ;;
	22) echo "sensors"; sensors ;;
	23) echo "inxi -v7azy"; inxi -v7azy ;;
	24) echo "sudo updatedb"; sudo updatedb ;;
	25) echo "sudo 0"; sudo 0 ;;
	26) echo "du -sh -t +100M ~/.cache/* ~/.config/* ~/.local/share/*"; du -sh -t +100M ~/.cache/* ~/.config/* ~/.local/share/* ;;
	27) echo "journalctl --disk-usage"; journalctl --disk-usage ;;
	28) echo "sudo journalctl --vacuum-time=1week"; sudo journalctl --vacuum-time=1week ;;
	29) echo "du -sh /var/lib/systemd/coredump/"; du -sh /var/lib/systemd/coredump/ ;;
	30) echo "sudo rm -f /var/lib/systemd/coredump/*"; sudo rm -f /var/lib/systemd/coredump/* ;;
# if we use a launcher shortcut with -launcher, pause before exit
if [ "$1" == "-launcher" ]; then
	read -n 1 -s -r -p "Press any key to close the window.";

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you named it Xdialog but the package is named xdialog (lower-case x). this might confuse noobs if they will search for it to install it.

Thanks i fixed it.

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The newest version with 5 more useful (for me :slight_smile: ) commands:

new version source
# Creator: Todor Uzunov 
# License: GNU - free like free speech and free beer for everybody!
# Release: 29 Feb 2024

# check if dependency Xdialog and gtk-engine-murrine are present 
if ! [[ "$(which Xdialog)" =~ (Xdialog) ]]; then
	echo "Xdialog dependency is not found, please install with: sudo pacman -S xdialog"
	exit 1
if ! [[ "$(which /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/" =~ (/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/ ]]; then
	echo "Libmurrine dependency is not found, please install with: sudo pacman -S gtk-engine-murrine"
	exit 1
	1 "Mirror Sync status and branch || pacman-mirrors"
	2 "Refresh the mirror list || sudo pacman-mirrors -f5" # sudo pacman-mirrors --country Germany --api --protocol https
	3 "Update all without AUR || sudo pacman -Syu"
	4 "Download all updates for offline install later || sudo pacman -Syuw"
	5 "Force refresh database and update || sudo pacman -Syyu"
	6 "Refresh files database || sudo pacman -Fy"
	7 "Run pacdiff with Meld to compare changed configs || DIFFPROG=meld pacdiff -s" # pamac install meld
	8 "List foreign (AUR) packages || pacman -Qm"
	9 "List orphaned packages || pacman -Qdt"
	10 "Check for updates of AUR with YAY, do not update || yay -Qua" # pamac install yay
	11 "Update only AUR packages with YAY || yay -Sua" # pamac install yay
	12 "Pamac update AUR packages || pamac update --aur"
	13 "Remove orphaned packages || sudo pacman -Rsu ..."
	14 "Clean Pacman cache || sudo pacman -Scc"
	15 "Trim the root of the SSD || sudo fstrim -v /"
	16 "S.M.A.R.T. status of the disk and write cycles || sudo smartctl --all /dev/nvme0" # smartctl --scan
	17 "Show journal errors from current boot || journalctl -b -p3 --no-pager"
	18 "Show journal errors from previous boot || journalctl -b -1 -p3 --no-pager"
	19 "Dmesg || sudo dmesg"
	20 "Check for coredumps || coredumpctl"
	21 "Run Wavemonitor to check Wifi channel and strength || wavemon" # pamac install wavemon
	22 "Read sensors || sensors"
	23 "Gather system info || inxi -v7azy"
	24 "Update database for locate || sudo updatedb"
	25 "Temporary disable Ideapad battery conservation mode || sudo 0" # pamac build conservation_mode
	26 "Show hidden spaceeaters above 100M in HOME || du -sh -t +100M ~/.cache/* ~/.config/* ~/.local/share/*"
	27 "Show journal size || journalctl --disk-usage"
	28 "Cut journal to one week || sudo journalctl --vacuum-time=1week"
	29 "List coredumps on disk and used space || du -sh /var/lib/systemd/coredump/"
	30 "Clear coredumps on disk || sudo rm -f /var/lib/systemd/coredump/*"
	31 "Show systemd bootlog only || journalctl -b -t systemd"
	32 "Check for missing files from packages  || sudo pacman -Qk 2>/dev/null | grep -v ' 0 missing files' "
	33 "Which package owns an existing file (paste filepath) || read fileowner; pacman -Qo \$fileowner"
	34 "Which (installed or not) package contains a file (paste filename) || read whogotit; sudo pacman -Fyx \$whogotit"
	35 "Check for flatpak updates and update || flatpak update"
	36 "Clean tmp bash history files || rm -f ~/.bash_history-*.tmp"
CHOICE=$(Xdialog --clear \
		--no-shadow \
		--scrollbar \
		--column-separator "||" \
		--separator "||" \
		--separate-output \
                --backtitle "I love Manjaro" \
                --title "A Manjaro cheatsheet by Teo" \
                --menubox "Choose an option (to see the full commands maximize window ->> ):" \
                77 185 77 \
                "${OPTIONS[@]}" \
                2>&1 >/dev/tty)
case $CHOICE in
	1) echo "pacman-mirrors"; pacman-mirrors ;;
	2) echo "sudo pacman-mirrors -f5"; sudo pacman-mirrors -f5 ;;
	3) echo "sudo pacman -Syu"; sudo pacman -Syu ;;
	4) echo "sudo pacman -Syuw"; sudo pacman -Syuw ;;
	5) echo "sudo pacman -Syyu"; sudo pacman -Syyu ;;
	6) echo "sudo pacman -Fy"; sudo pacman -Fy ;;
	7) echo "DIFFPROG=meld pacdiff -s"; DIFFPROG=meld pacdiff -s ;;
	8) echo "pacman -Qm"; pacman -Qm ;;
	9) echo "pacman -Qdt"; pacman -Qdt ;;
	10) echo "yay -Qua"; yay -Qua ;;
	11) echo "yay -Sua"; yay -Sua ;;
	12) echo "pamac update --aur"; pamac update --aur ;;
	13) echo "sudo pacman -Rsu $(pacman -Qtdq)"; sudo pacman -Rsu $(pacman -Qtdq) ;;
	14) echo "sudo pacman -Scc"; sudo pacman -Scc ;;
	15) echo "sudo fstrim -v /"; sudo fstrim -v / ;;
	16) echo "sudo smartctl --all /dev/nvme0"; sudo smartctl --all /dev/nvme0 ;;
	17) echo "journalctl -b -p3 --no-pager"; journalctl -b -p3 --no-pager ;;
	18) echo "journalctl -b -1 -p3 --no-pager"; journalctl -b -1 -p3 --no-pager ;;
	19) echo "sudo dmesg"; sudo dmesg ;;
	20) echo "coredumpctl"; coredumpctl ;;
	21) echo "wavemon"; wavemon ;;
	22) echo "sensors"; sensors ;;
	23) echo "inxi -v7azy"; inxi -v7azy ;;
	24) echo "sudo updatedb"; sudo updatedb ;;
	25) echo "sudo 0"; sudo 0 ;;
	26) echo "du -sh -t +100M ~/.cache/* ~/.config/* ~/.local/share/*"; du -sh -t +100M ~/.cache/* ~/.config/* ~/.local/share/* ;;
	27) echo "journalctl --disk-usage"; journalctl --disk-usage ;;
	28) echo "sudo journalctl --vacuum-time=1week"; sudo journalctl --vacuum-time=1week ;;
	29) echo "du -sh /var/lib/systemd/coredump/"; du -sh /var/lib/systemd/coredump/ ;;
	30) echo "sudo rm -f /var/lib/systemd/coredump/*"; sudo rm -f /var/lib/systemd/coredump/* ;;
	31) echo "journalctl -b -t systemd"; journalctl -b -t systemd ;;
	32) echo "sudo pacman -Qk 2>/dev/null | grep -v ' 0 missing files' "; sudo pacman -Qk 2>/dev/null | grep -v ' 0 missing files' ;;
	33) echo "read fileowner; pacman -Qo \$fileowner"; read fileowner; pacman -Qo $fileowner ;;
	34) echo "read whogotit; sudo pacman -Fyx \$whogotit"; read whogotit; sudo pacman -Fyx $whogotit ;;
	35) echo "flatpak update"; flatpak update ;;
	36) echo "rm -f ~/.bash_history-*.tmp"; rm -f ~/.bash_history-*.tmp ;;
# if we use a launcher shortcut with -launcher, pause before exit
if [ "$1" == "-launcher" ]; then
	read -n 1 -s -r -p "Press any key to close the window.";


Given you are already targeting orphans and using the -s flag … the -u here is likely redundant.
But you may wish to include -n to remove ‘savefiles’ as well.
(I usually remove packages this way … omitting it means .pacsave files may be retained)
ex: sudo pacman -Rns $(pacman -Qdtq)
Though it may be arguably more safe to use without n. Dealers choice I suppose.

And an even newer version, with some flatpak commands.

new version
# Creator: Todor Uzunov 
# License: GNU - free like free speech and free beer for everybody!
# Version: 18 Mar 2024

# check if dependency Xdialog and gtk-engine-murrine are present 
if ! [[ "$(which Xdialog)" =~ (Xdialog) ]]; then
	echo "Xdialog dependency is not found, please install with: sudo pacman -S xdialog"
	exit 1
if ! [[ "$(which /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/" =~ (/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/ ]]; then
	echo "Libmurrine dependency is not found, please install with: sudo pacman -S gtk-engine-murrine"
	exit 1
	1 "Mirror Sync status and branch || pacman-mirrors"
	2 "Refresh the mirror list || sudo pacman-mirrors -f5" # sudo pacman-mirrors --country Germany --api --protocol https
	3 "Update all without AUR || sudo pacman -Syu"
	4 "Download all updates for offline install later || sudo pacman -Syuw"
	5 "Force refresh database and update || sudo pacman -Syyu"
	6 "Refresh files database || sudo pacman -Fy"
	7 "Run pacdiff with Meld to compare changed configs || DIFFPROG=meld pacdiff -s" # pamac install meld
	8 "List foreign (AUR) packages || pacman -Qm"
	9 "List orphaned packages || pacman -Qdt"
	10 "Check for updates of AUR with YAY, do not update || yay -Qua" # pamac install yay
	11 "Update only AUR packages with YAY || yay -Sua" # pamac install yay
	12 "Pamac update AUR packages || pamac update --aur"
	13 "Remove orphaned packages || sudo pacman -Rsu ..."
	14 "Clean Pacman cache || sudo pacman -Scc"
	15 "Trim the root of the SSD || sudo fstrim -v /"
	16 "S.M.A.R.T. status of the disk and write cycles || sudo smartctl --all /dev/nvme0" # smartctl --scan
	17 "Show journal errors from current boot || journalctl -b -p3 --no-pager"
	18 "Show journal errors from previous boot || journalctl -b -1 -p3 --no-pager"
	19 "Dmesg || sudo dmesg"
	20 "Check for coredumps || coredumpctl"
	21 "Run Wavemonitor to check Wifi channel and strength with wavemon || wavemon" # pamac install wavemon
	22 "Read sensors || sensors"
	23 "Gather system info || inxi -v7azy"
	24 "Update database for locate || sudo updatedb"
	25 "Temporary disable Ideapad battery conservation mode || sudo 0" # pamac build conservation_mode
	26 "Show hidden spaceeaters above 100M in HOME || du -sh -t +100M ~/.cache/* ~/.config/* ~/.local/share/*"
	27 "Show journal size || journalctl --disk-usage"
	28 "Cut journal to one week || sudo journalctl --vacuum-time=1week"
	29 "List coredumps on disk and used space || du -sh /var/lib/systemd/coredump/"
	30 "Clear coredumps on disk || sudo rm -f /var/lib/systemd/coredump/*"
	31 "Show systemd bootlog only || journalctl -b -t systemd"
	32 "Check for missing files from packages  || sudo pacman -Qk 2>/dev/null | grep -v ' 0 missing files' "
	33 "Which package owns an existing file (paste filepath) || read fileowner; pacman -Qo \$fileowner"
	34 "Which (installed or not) package contains a file (paste filename) || read whogotit; sudo pacman -Fyx \$whogotit"
	35 "Check for flatpak updates and update || flatpak update"
	36 "Remove orphaned (unused) flatpak runtimes || flatpak uninstall --unused"
	37 "Clean flatpak cache || sudo rm -rfv /var/tmp/flatpak-cache-*"
	38 "Clean tmp bash history files || rm -f ~/.bash_history-*.tmp"
	39 "A 10-20 sec. cpu benchmark using bc to calculate PI || time echo \"scale=5000; 4*a(1)\" | bc -l > /dev/null" # pamac install bc
CHOICE=$(Xdialog --clear \
		--no-shadow \
		--scrollbar \
		--column-separator "||" \
		--separator "||" \
		--separate-output \
                --title "A Manjaro cheatsheet by Teo" \
		--menubox "" \
                79 185 79 \
                "${OPTIONS[@]}" \
                2>&1 >/dev/tty)
case $CHOICE in
	1) echo "pacman-mirrors"; pacman-mirrors ;;
	2) echo "sudo pacman-mirrors -f5"; sudo pacman-mirrors -f5 ;;
	3) echo "sudo pacman -Syu"; sudo pacman -Syu ;;
	4) echo "sudo pacman -Syuw"; sudo pacman -Syuw ;;
	5) echo "sudo pacman -Syyu"; sudo pacman -Syyu ;;
	6) echo "sudo pacman -Fy"; sudo pacman -Fy ;;
	7) echo "DIFFPROG=meld pacdiff -s"; DIFFPROG=meld pacdiff -s ;;
	8) echo "pacman -Qm"; pacman -Qm ;;
	9) echo "pacman -Qdt"; pacman -Qdt ;;
	10) echo "yay -Qua"; yay -Qua ;;
	11) echo "yay -Sua"; yay -Sua ;;
	12) echo "pamac update --aur"; pamac update --aur ;;
	13) echo "sudo pacman -Rsu $(pacman -Qtdq)"; sudo pacman -Rsu $(pacman -Qtdq) ;;
	14) echo "sudo pacman -Scc"; sudo pacman -Scc ;;
	15) echo "sudo fstrim -v /"; sudo fstrim -v / ;;
	16) echo "sudo smartctl --all /dev/nvme0"; sudo smartctl --all /dev/nvme0 ;;
	17) echo "journalctl -b -p3 --no-pager"; journalctl -b -p3 --no-pager ;;
	18) echo "journalctl -b -1 -p3 --no-pager"; journalctl -b -1 -p3 --no-pager ;;
	19) echo "sudo dmesg"; sudo dmesg ;;
	20) echo "coredumpctl"; coredumpctl ;;
	21) echo "wavemon"; wavemon ;;
	22) echo "sensors"; sensors ;;
	23) echo "inxi -v7azy"; inxi -v7azy ;;
	24) echo "sudo updatedb"; sudo updatedb ;;
	25) echo "sudo 0"; sudo 0 ;;
	26) echo "du -sh -t +100M ~/.cache/* ~/.config/* ~/.local/share/*"; du -sh -t +100M ~/.cache/* ~/.config/* ~/.local/share/* ;;
	27) echo "journalctl --disk-usage"; journalctl --disk-usage ;;
	28) echo "sudo journalctl --vacuum-time=1week"; sudo journalctl --vacuum-time=1week ;;
	29) echo "du -sh /var/lib/systemd/coredump/"; du -sh /var/lib/systemd/coredump/ ;;
	30) echo "sudo rm -f /var/lib/systemd/coredump/*"; sudo rm -f /var/lib/systemd/coredump/* ;;
	31) echo "journalctl -b -t systemd"; journalctl -b -t systemd ;;
	32) echo "sudo pacman -Qk 2>/dev/null | grep -v ' 0 missing files' "; sudo pacman -Qk 2>/dev/null | grep -v ' 0 missing files' ;;
	33) echo "read fileowner; pacman -Qo \$fileowner"; read fileowner; pacman -Qo $fileowner ;;
	34) echo "read whogotit; sudo pacman -Fyx \$whogotit"; read whogotit; sudo pacman -Fyx $whogotit ;;
	35) echo "flatpak update"; flatpak update ;;
	36) echo "flatpak uninstall --unused"; flatpak uninstall --unused ;;
	37) echo "sudo rm -rfv /var/tmp/flatpak-cache-*"; sudo rm -rfv /var/tmp/flatpak-cache-* ;;
	38) echo "rm -f ~/.bash_history-*.tmp"; rm -f ~/.bash_history-*.tmp ;;
	39) echo "time echo \"scale=5000; 4*a(1)\" | bc -l > /dev/null"; time echo "scale=5000; 4*a(1)" | bc -l > /dev/null ;;
# if we use a launcher shortcut with -launcher, pause before exit
if [ "$1" == "-launcher" ]; then
	read -n 1 -s -r -p "Press any key to close the window.";

1 Like

Is a simple .pdf file now considered too oldschool? :man_shrugging:

Teo, Since you posted this real helpfull cheatsheet, I’ve been coming over once and a while, hoping there would be updates.
Now that PLASMA6 is rolled out and kernel 6.8 is fresh to use, I thought I’d come and ask if you would be so kindly as to post you lastest cheatsheet for the lazy ones amongst us :pleading_face:

The latest is above from yesterday when i added a simple single core benchmark to compare the performance after, for example, switching kernels.
I do not have anything plasma specific because i am using xfce.

Another small update - check which dependencies of a wanted package are already installed.
The initial idea was to check sizes too (how much more disk space would i need), that came to be unexpectedly hard to calculate - firstly because the dependencies have dependencies too, so it will be loops in the tree to problematic for a oneliner, and secondly it turns out every time a package “provides” something with a different name, the new name comes in the loop and the size of smth nonexisting errors out (like noto-fonts provides ttf-fonts and the script tries to check the size of ttf-fonts). So i left that idea for a while.

new version 11.04.24

# Creator: Todor Uzunov 
# License: GNU - free like free speech and free beer for everybody!
# Version: 11.04.2024
# Added check which dependencies are installed; removed now useless -Fy; added Totem clean

# check if dependency Xdialog and gtk-engine-murrine are present 
if ! [[ "$(which Xdialog)" =~ (Xdialog) ]]; then
	echo "Xdialog dependency is not found, please install with: sudo pacman -S xdialog"
	exit 1
if ! [[ "$(which /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/" =~ (/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/ ]]; then
	echo "Libmurrine dependency is not found, please install with: sudo pacman -S gtk-engine-murrine"
	exit 1
	1 "Mirror Sync status and branch || pacman-mirrors"
	2 "Refresh the mirror list || sudo pacman-mirrors -f5" # sudo pacman-mirrors --country Germany --api --protocol https
	3 "Update all without AUR || sudo pacman -Syu"
	4 "Download all updates for offline install later || sudo pacman -Syuw"
	5 "Force refresh database and update || sudo pacman -Syyu"
	6 "Check which dependencies are already installed (paste packagename) || for i in \$(expac -S '%D' \$pkg); do pacman -Q \$i"
	7 "Run pacdiff with Meld to compare changed configs || DIFFPROG=meld pacdiff -s" # pamac install meld
	8 "List foreign (AUR) packages || pacman -Qm"
	9 "List orphaned packages || pacman -Qdt"
	10 "Check for updates of AUR with YAY, do not update || yay -Qua" # pamac install yay
	11 "Update only AUR packages with YAY || yay -Sua" # pamac install yay
	12 "Pamac update AUR packages || pamac update --aur"
	13 "Remove orphaned packages || sudo pacman -Rsu ..."
	14 "Clean Pacman cache || sudo pacman -Scc"
	15 "Trim the root of the SSD || sudo fstrim -v /"
	16 "S.M.A.R.T. status of the disk and write cycles || sudo smartctl --all /dev/nvme0" # smartctl --scan
	17 "Show journal errors from current boot || journalctl -b -p3 --no-pager"
	18 "Show journal errors from previous boot || journalctl -b -1 -p3 --no-pager"
	19 "Dmesg || sudo dmesg"
	20 "Check for coredumps || coredumpctl"
	21 "Run Wavemonitor to check Wifi channel and strength with wavemon || wavemon" # pamac install wavemon
	22 "Read sensors || sensors"
	23 "Gather system info || inxi -zv8"
	24 "Update database for locate || sudo updatedb"
	25 "Temporary disable Ideapad battery conservation mode || sudo 0" # pamac build conservation_mode
	26 "Show hidden spaceeaters above 100M in HOME || du -sh -t +100M ~/.cache/* ~/.config/* ~/.local/share/*"
	27 "Show journal size || journalctl --disk-usage"
	28 "Cut journal to 2 weeks || sudo journalctl --vacuum-time=2weeks"
	29 "List coredumps on disk and used space || du -sh /var/lib/systemd/coredump/"
	30 "Clear coredumps on disk || sudo rm -f /var/lib/systemd/coredump/*"
	31 "Show systemd bootlog only || journalctl -b -t systemd"
	32 "Check for missing files from packages  || sudo pacman -Qk 2>/dev/null | grep -v ' 0 missing files' "
	33 "Which package owns an existing file (paste filepath) || read fileowner; pacman -Qo \$fileowner"
	34 "Which (installed or not) package contains a file (paste filename) || read whogotit; sudo pacman -Fyx \$whogotit"
	35 "Check for flatpak updates and update || flatpak update"
	36 "Remove orphaned (unused) flatpak runtimes || flatpak uninstall --unused"
	37 "Clean flatpak cache || sudo rm -rfv /var/tmp/flatpak-cache-*"
	38 "Clean tmp bash history files and Totem stream cache || rm -f ~/.bash_history-*.tmp && rm -f ~/.cache/totem/stream-buffer/*"
	39 "A 10-20 sec. cpu benchmark using bc to calculate PI || time echo \"scale=5000; 4*a(1)\" | bc -l > /dev/null" # pamac install bc
CHOICE=$(Xdialog --clear \
		--no-shadow \
		--scrollbar \
		--column-separator "||" \
		--separator "||" \
		--separate-output \
                --title "A Manjaro cheatsheet by Teo" \
		--menubox "" \
                79 185 79 \
                "${OPTIONS[@]}" \
                2>&1 >/dev/tty)
case $CHOICE in
	1) echo "pacman-mirrors"; pacman-mirrors ;;
	2) echo "sudo pacman-mirrors -f5"; sudo pacman-mirrors -f5 ;;
	3) echo "sudo pacman -Syu"; sudo pacman -Syu ;;
	4) echo "sudo pacman -Syuw"; sudo pacman -Syuw ;;
	5) echo "sudo pacman -Syyu"; sudo pacman -Syyu ;;
	6) echo "read wantedpackage; for i in \$(expac -S '%D' \$wantedpackage); do pacman -Q \$i;  done"; read wantedpackage; for i in $(expac -S '%D' $wantedpackage); do pacman -Q $i;  done ;;
	7) echo "DIFFPROG=meld pacdiff -s"; DIFFPROG=meld pacdiff -s ;;
	8) echo "pacman -Qm"; pacman -Qm ;;
	9) echo "pacman -Qdt"; pacman -Qdt ;;
	10) echo "yay -Qua"; yay -Qua ;;
	11) echo "yay -Sua"; yay -Sua ;;
	12) echo "pamac update --aur"; pamac update --aur ;;
	13) echo "sudo pacman -Rsu $(pacman -Qtdq)"; sudo pacman -Rsu $(pacman -Qtdq) ;;
	14) echo "sudo pacman -Scc"; sudo pacman -Scc ;;
	15) echo "sudo fstrim -v /"; sudo fstrim -v / ;;
	16) echo "sudo smartctl --all /dev/nvme0"; sudo smartctl --all /dev/nvme0 ;;
	17) echo "journalctl -b -p3 --no-pager"; journalctl -b -p3 --no-pager ;;
	18) echo "journalctl -b -1 -p3 --no-pager"; journalctl -b -1 -p3 --no-pager ;;
	19) echo "sudo dmesg"; sudo dmesg ;;
	20) echo "coredumpctl"; coredumpctl ;;
	21) echo "wavemon"; wavemon ;;
	22) echo "sensors"; sensors ;;
	23) echo "inxi -zv8"; inxi -zv8 ;;
	24) echo "sudo updatedb"; sudo updatedb ;;
	25) echo "sudo 0"; sudo 0 ;;
	26) echo "du -sh -t +100M ~/.cache/* ~/.config/* ~/.local/share/*"; du -sh -t +100M ~/.cache/* ~/.config/* ~/.local/share/* ;;
	27) echo "journalctl --disk-usage"; journalctl --disk-usage ;;
	28) echo "sudo journalctl --vacuum-time=2weeks"; sudo journalctl --vacuum-time=2weeks ;;
	29) echo "du -sh /var/lib/systemd/coredump/"; du -sh /var/lib/systemd/coredump/ ;;
	30) echo "sudo rm -f /var/lib/systemd/coredump/*"; sudo rm -f /var/lib/systemd/coredump/* ;;
	31) echo "journalctl -b -t systemd"; journalctl -b -t systemd ;;
	32) echo "sudo pacman -Qk 2>/dev/null | grep -v ' 0 missing files' "; sudo pacman -Qk 2>/dev/null | grep -v ' 0 missing files' ;;
	33) echo "read fileowner; pacman -Qo \$fileowner"; read fileowner; pacman -Qo $fileowner ;;
	34) echo "read whogotit; sudo pacman -Fyx \$whogotit"; read whogotit; sudo pacman -Fyx $whogotit ;;
	35) echo "flatpak update"; flatpak update ;;
	36) echo "flatpak uninstall --unused"; flatpak uninstall --unused ;;
	37) echo "sudo rm -rfv /var/tmp/flatpak-cache-*"; sudo rm -rfv /var/tmp/flatpak-cache-* ;;
	38) echo "rm -f ~/.bash_history-*.tmp && rm -f ~/.cache/totem/stream-buffer/*"; rm -f ~/.bash_history-*.tmp && rm -f ~/.cache/totem/stream-buffer/* ;;
	39) echo "time echo \"scale=5000; 4*a(1)\" | bc -l > /dev/null"; time echo "scale=5000; 4*a(1)" | bc -l > /dev/null ;;
# if we use a launcher shortcut with -launcher, pause before exit
if [ "$1" == "-launcher" ]; then
	read -n 1 -s -r -p "Press any key to close the window.";

I must be missing something.
Ever since the Xdialog version came out none of the entries are working.
It just returns me to the command line not running the command.

Well, the dependencies for the menu are only xdialog, gtk2 and gtk-engine-murrine. And i have worked with bash for the commands, so there might be some difference if using zsh for example, i do not know.
edit: no, it is not zsh, i just tried 1-2 commands in it.

not using zsh.
Reinstalled the dependencies. Same result.
I am on unstable if that makes a difference.

New version:Attempt to fix some compatibility problems in the gui version. Try as is and report, if you replace Xdialog with dialog in line 58 it should also work in tui mode if you have dialog installed

# Creator: Todor Uzunov 
# License: GNU - free like free speech and free beer for everybody!
# Version: 11.04.2024
# Added check which dependencies are installed; removed now useless -Fy; added Totem clean; compatibility fixes

# check if dependency Xdialog and gtk-engine-murrine are present 
if ! [[ "$(which Xdialog)" =~ (Xdialog) ]]; then
	echo "Xdialog dependency is not found, please install with: sudo pacman -S xdialog"
	exit 1
if ! [[ "$(which /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/" =~ (/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/ ]]; then
	echo "Libmurrine dependency is not found, please install with: sudo pacman -S gtk-engine-murrine"
	exit 1
	1 "Mirror Sync status and branch || pacman-mirrors"
	2 "Refresh the mirror list || sudo pacman-mirrors -f5" # sudo pacman-mirrors --country Germany --api --protocol https
	3 "Update all without AUR || sudo pacman -Syu"
	4 "Download all updates for offline install later || sudo pacman -Syuw"
	5 "Force refresh database and update || sudo pacman -Syyu"
	6 "Check which dependencies are already installed (paste packagename) || for i in \$(expac -S '%D' \$pkg); do pacman -Q \$i"
	7 "Run pacdiff with Meld to compare changed configs || DIFFPROG=meld pacdiff -s" # pamac install meld
	8 "List foreign (AUR) packages || pacman -Qm"
	9 "List orphaned packages || pacman -Qdt"
	10 "Check for updates of AUR with YAY, do not update || yay -Qua" # pamac install yay
	11 "Update only AUR packages with YAY || yay -Sua" # pamac install yay
	12 "Pamac update AUR packages || pamac update --aur"
	13 "Remove orphaned packages || sudo pacman -Rsu ..."
	14 "Clean Pacman cache || sudo pacman -Scc"
	15 "Trim the root of the SSD || sudo fstrim -v /"
	16 "S.M.A.R.T. status of the disk and write cycles || sudo smartctl --all /dev/nvme0" # smartctl --scan
	17 "Show journal errors from current boot || journalctl -b -p3 --no-pager"
	18 "Show journal errors from previous boot || journalctl -b -1 -p3 --no-pager"
	19 "Dmesg || sudo dmesg"
	20 "Check for coredumps || coredumpctl"
	21 "Run Wavemonitor to check Wifi channel and strength with wavemon || wavemon" # pamac install wavemon
	22 "Read sensors || sensors"
	23 "Gather system info || inxi -zv8"
	24 "Update database for locate || sudo updatedb"
	25 "Temporary disable Ideapad battery conservation mode || sudo 0" # pamac build conservation_mode
	26 "Show hidden spaceeaters above 100M in HOME || du -sh -t +100M ~/.cache/* ~/.config/* ~/.local/share/*"
	27 "Show journal size || journalctl --disk-usage"
	28 "Cut journal to 2 weeks || sudo journalctl --vacuum-time=2weeks"
	29 "List coredumps on disk and used space || du -sh /var/lib/systemd/coredump/"
	30 "Clear coredumps on disk || sudo rm -f /var/lib/systemd/coredump/*"
	31 "Show systemd bootlog only || journalctl -b -t systemd"
	32 "Check for missing files from packages  || sudo pacman -Qk 2>/dev/null | grep -v ' 0 missing files' "
	33 "Which package owns an existing file (paste filepath) || read fileowner; pacman -Qo \$fileowner"
	34 "Which (installed or not) package contains a file (paste filename) || read whogotit; sudo pacman -Fyx \$whogotit"
	35 "Check for flatpak updates and update || flatpak update"
	36 "Remove orphaned (unused) flatpak runtimes || flatpak uninstall --unused"
	37 "Clean flatpak cache || sudo rm -rfv /var/tmp/flatpak-cache-*"
	38 "Clean tmp bash history files and Totem stream cache || rm -f ~/.bash_history-*.tmp && rm -f ~/.cache/totem/stream-buffer/*"
	39 "A 10-20 sec. cpu benchmark using bc to calculate PI || time echo \"scale=5000; 4*a(1)\" | bc -l > /dev/null" # pamac install bc
#if you prefer TUI or have compatibility issues just replace Xdialog with dialog in the line below
CHOICE=$(Xdialog --clear \
		--no-shadow \
		--scrollbar \
		--column-separator "||" \
		--separator "||" \
                --backtitle "" \
                --title "A Manjaro cheatsheet by Teo" \
		--menu "" \
                79 185 79 \
                "${OPTIONS[@]}" \
                2>&1 >/dev/tty)
case $CHOICE in
	1) echo "pacman-mirrors"; pacman-mirrors ;;
	2) echo "sudo pacman-mirrors -f5"; sudo pacman-mirrors -f5 ;;
	3) echo "sudo pacman -Syu"; sudo pacman -Syu ;;
	4) echo "sudo pacman -Syuw"; sudo pacman -Syuw ;;
	5) echo "sudo pacman -Syyu"; sudo pacman -Syyu ;;
	6) echo "read wantedpackage; for i in \$(expac -S '%D' \$wantedpackage); do pacman -Q \$i;  done"; read wantedpackage; for i in $(expac -S '%D' $wantedpackage); do pacman -Q $i;  done ;;
	7) echo "DIFFPROG=meld pacdiff -s"; DIFFPROG=meld pacdiff -s ;;
	8) echo "pacman -Qm"; pacman -Qm ;;
	9) echo "pacman -Qdt"; pacman -Qdt ;;
	10) echo "yay -Qua"; yay -Qua ;;
	11) echo "yay -Sua"; yay -Sua ;;
	12) echo "pamac update --aur"; pamac update --aur ;;
	13) echo "sudo pacman -Rsu $(pacman -Qtdq)"; sudo pacman -Rsu $(pacman -Qtdq) ;;
	14) echo "sudo pacman -Scc"; sudo pacman -Scc ;;
	15) echo "sudo fstrim -v /"; sudo fstrim -v / ;;
	16) echo "sudo smartctl --all /dev/nvme0"; sudo smartctl --all /dev/nvme0 ;;
	17) echo "journalctl -b -p3 --no-pager"; journalctl -b -p3 --no-pager ;;
	18) echo "journalctl -b -1 -p3 --no-pager"; journalctl -b -1 -p3 --no-pager ;;
	19) echo "sudo dmesg"; sudo dmesg ;;
	20) echo "coredumpctl"; coredumpctl ;;
	21) echo "wavemon"; wavemon ;;
	22) echo "sensors"; sensors ;;
	23) echo "inxi -zv8"; inxi -zv8 ;;
	24) echo "sudo updatedb"; sudo updatedb ;;
	25) echo "sudo 0"; sudo 0 ;;
	26) echo "du -sh -t +100M ~/.cache/* ~/.config/* ~/.local/share/*"; du -sh -t +100M ~/.cache/* ~/.config/* ~/.local/share/* ;;
	27) echo "journalctl --disk-usage"; journalctl --disk-usage ;;
	28) echo "sudo journalctl --vacuum-time=2weeks"; sudo journalctl --vacuum-time=2weeks ;;
	29) echo "du -sh /var/lib/systemd/coredump/"; du -sh /var/lib/systemd/coredump/ ;;
	30) echo "sudo rm -f /var/lib/systemd/coredump/*"; sudo rm -f /var/lib/systemd/coredump/* ;;
	31) echo "journalctl -b -t systemd"; journalctl -b -t systemd ;;
	32) echo "sudo pacman -Qk 2>/dev/null | grep -v ' 0 missing files' "; sudo pacman -Qk 2>/dev/null | grep -v ' 0 missing files' ;;
	33) echo "read fileowner; pacman -Qo \$fileowner"; read fileowner; pacman -Qo $fileowner ;;
	34) echo "read whogotit; sudo pacman -Fyx \$whogotit"; read whogotit; sudo pacman -Fyx $whogotit ;;
	35) echo "flatpak update"; flatpak update ;;
	36) echo "flatpak uninstall --unused"; flatpak uninstall --unused ;;
	37) echo "sudo rm -rfv /var/tmp/flatpak-cache-*"; sudo rm -rfv /var/tmp/flatpak-cache-* ;;
	38) echo "rm -f ~/.bash_history-*.tmp && rm -f ~/.cache/totem/stream-buffer/*"; rm -f ~/.bash_history-*.tmp && rm -f ~/.cache/totem/stream-buffer/* ;;
	39) echo "time echo \"scale=5000; 4*a(1)\" | bc -l > /dev/null"; time echo "scale=5000; 4*a(1)" | bc -l > /dev/null ;;
# if we use a launcher shortcut with -launcher, pause before exit
if [ "$1" == "-launcher" ]; then
	read -n 1 -s -r -p "Press any key to close the window.";

p.s. and another iteration, checking for dependencies and falling back to dialog automatically (will not help Maybl8 because there is something strange/wrong with his Xdialog, but for everybody else in the future. Maybl8 can just replace the 2 instances of “which Xdialog” with “which XXXXX” for example)

new iteration

# Creator: Todor Uzunov 
# License: GNU - free like free speech and free beer for everybody!
# Version: 11.04.2024-2
# Changelog: try to find dependencies and compatibility mode

# check if dependencies are present and fall back to dialog
if ! [[ "$(which dialog)" =~ (dialog) ]] &>/dev/null; then
if ! [[ "$(which Xdialog)" =~ (Xdialog) ]] &>/dev/null; then
	echo "Xdialog dependency is not found, please install with: sudo pacman -S xdialog"
	echo "Alternatively for TUI version install dialog: sudo pacman -S xdialog"
	exit 1
if ! [[ "$(which /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/" =~ (/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/ ]] &>/dev/null; then
	echo "Libmurrine dependency is not found, please install with: sudo pacman -S gtk-engine-murrine"
	echo "Alternatively for TUI version install dialog: sudo pacman -S xdialog"
	exit 1
if ! [[ "$(which Xdialog)" =~ (Xdialog) ]]; then
	if [[ "$(which notify-send)" =~ (notify-send) ]]; then notify-send "Xdialog dependency is not found, please install with"  "sudo pacman -S xdialog"; fi
if ! [[ "$(which /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/" =~ (/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/ ]]; then
	if [[ "$(which notify-send)" =~ (notify-send) ]]; then notify-send "libmurrine dependency is not found, please install with"  "sudo pacman -S gtk-engine-murrine"; fi
	1 "Mirror Sync status and branch || pacman-mirrors"
	2 "Refresh the mirror list || sudo pacman-mirrors -f5" # sudo pacman-mirrors --country Germany --api --protocol https
	3 "Update all without AUR || sudo pacman -Syu"
	4 "Download all updates for offline install later || sudo pacman -Syuw"
	5 "Force refresh database and update || sudo pacman -Syyu"
	6 "Check which dependencies are already installed (paste packagename) || for i in \$(expac -S '%D' \$pkg); do pacman -Q \$i"
	7 "Run pacdiff with Meld to compare changed configs || DIFFPROG=meld pacdiff -s" # pamac install meld
	8 "List foreign (AUR) packages || pacman -Qm"
	9 "List orphaned packages || pacman -Qdt"
	10 "Check for updates of AUR with YAY, do not update || yay -Qua" # pamac install yay
	11 "Update only AUR packages with YAY || yay -Sua" # pamac install yay
	12 "Pamac update AUR packages || pamac update --aur"
	13 "Remove orphaned packages || sudo pacman -Rsu ..."
	14 "Clean Pacman cache || sudo pacman -Scc"
	15 "Trim the root of the SSD || sudo fstrim -v /"
	16 "S.M.A.R.T. status of the disk and write cycles || sudo smartctl --all /dev/nvme0" # smartctl --scan
	17 "Show journal errors from current boot || journalctl -b -p3 --no-pager"
	18 "Show journal errors from previous boot || journalctl -b -1 -p3 --no-pager"
	19 "Dmesg || sudo dmesg"
	20 "Check for coredumps || coredumpctl"
	21 "Run Wavemonitor to check Wifi channel and strength with wavemon || wavemon" # pamac install wavemon
	22 "Read sensors || sensors"
	23 "Gather system info || inxi -zv8"
	24 "Update database for locate || sudo updatedb"
	25 "Temporary disable Ideapad battery conservation mode || sudo 0" # pamac build conservation_mode
	26 "Show hidden spaceeaters above 100M in HOME || du -sh -t +100M ~/.cache/* ~/.config/* ~/.local/share/*"
	27 "Show journal size || journalctl --disk-usage"
	28 "Cut journal to 2 weeks || sudo journalctl --vacuum-time=2weeks"
	29 "List coredumps on disk and used space || du -sh /var/lib/systemd/coredump/"
	30 "Clear coredumps on disk || sudo rm -f /var/lib/systemd/coredump/*"
	31 "Show systemd bootlog only || journalctl -b -t systemd"
	32 "Check for missing files from packages  || sudo pacman -Qk 2>/dev/null | grep -v ' 0 missing files' "
	33 "Which package owns an existing file (paste filepath) || read fileowner; pacman -Qo \$fileowner"
	34 "Which (installed or not) package contains a file (paste filename) || read whogotit; sudo pacman -Fyx \$whogotit"
	35 "Check for flatpak updates and update || flatpak update"
	36 "Remove orphaned (unused) flatpak runtimes || flatpak uninstall --unused"
	37 "Clean flatpak cache || sudo rm -rfv /var/tmp/flatpak-cache-*"
	38 "Clean tmp bash history files and Totem stream cache || rm -f ~/.bash_history-*.tmp && rm -f ~/.cache/totem/stream-buffer/*"
	39 "A 10-20 sec. cpu benchmark using bc to calculate PI || time echo \"scale=5000; 4*a(1)\" | bc -l > /dev/null" # pamac install bc
#if you prefer TUI or have compatibility issues just replace Xdialog with dialog in the line below
CHOICE=$($MODE --clear \
		--no-shadow \
		--scrollbar \
		--column-separator "||" \
		--separator "||" \
                --backtitle "" \
                --title "A Manjaro cheatsheet by Teo" \
		--menu "" \
                79 185 79 \
                "${OPTIONS[@]}" \
                2>&1 >/dev/tty)
case $CHOICE in
	1) echo "pacman-mirrors"; pacman-mirrors ;;
	2) echo "sudo pacman-mirrors -f5"; sudo pacman-mirrors -f5 ;;
	3) echo "sudo pacman -Syu"; sudo pacman -Syu ;;
	4) echo "sudo pacman -Syuw"; sudo pacman -Syuw ;;
	5) echo "sudo pacman -Syyu"; sudo pacman -Syyu ;;
	6) echo "read wantedpackage; for i in \$(expac -S '%D' \$wantedpackage); do pacman -Q \$i;  done"; read wantedpackage; for i in $(expac -S '%D' $wantedpackage); do pacman -Q $i;  done ;;
	7) echo "DIFFPROG=meld pacdiff -s"; DIFFPROG=meld pacdiff -s ;;
	8) echo "pacman -Qm"; pacman -Qm ;;
	9) echo "pacman -Qdt"; pacman -Qdt ;;
	10) echo "yay -Qua"; yay -Qua ;;
	11) echo "yay -Sua"; yay -Sua ;;
	12) echo "pamac update --aur"; pamac update --aur ;;
	13) echo "sudo pacman -Rsu $(pacman -Qtdq)"; sudo pacman -Rsu $(pacman -Qtdq) ;;
	14) echo "sudo pacman -Scc"; sudo pacman -Scc ;;
	15) echo "sudo fstrim -v /"; sudo fstrim -v / ;;
	16) echo "sudo smartctl --all /dev/nvme0"; sudo smartctl --all /dev/nvme0 ;;
	17) echo "journalctl -b -p3 --no-pager"; journalctl -b -p3 --no-pager ;;
	18) echo "journalctl -b -1 -p3 --no-pager"; journalctl -b -1 -p3 --no-pager ;;
	19) echo "sudo dmesg"; sudo dmesg ;;
	20) echo "coredumpctl"; coredumpctl ;;
	21) echo "wavemon"; wavemon ;;
	22) echo "sensors"; sensors ;;
	23) echo "inxi -zv8"; inxi -zv8 ;;
	24) echo "sudo updatedb"; sudo updatedb ;;
	25) echo "sudo 0"; sudo 0 ;;
	26) echo "du -sh -t +100M ~/.cache/* ~/.config/* ~/.local/share/*"; du -sh -t +100M ~/.cache/* ~/.config/* ~/.local/share/* ;;
	27) echo "journalctl --disk-usage"; journalctl --disk-usage ;;
	28) echo "sudo journalctl --vacuum-time=2weeks"; sudo journalctl --vacuum-time=2weeks ;;
	29) echo "du -sh /var/lib/systemd/coredump/"; du -sh /var/lib/systemd/coredump/ ;;
	30) echo "sudo rm -f /var/lib/systemd/coredump/*"; sudo rm -f /var/lib/systemd/coredump/* ;;
	31) echo "journalctl -b -t systemd"; journalctl -b -t systemd ;;
	32) echo "sudo pacman -Qk 2>/dev/null | grep -v ' 0 missing files' "; sudo pacman -Qk 2>/dev/null | grep -v ' 0 missing files' ;;
	33) echo "read fileowner; pacman -Qo \$fileowner"; read fileowner; pacman -Qo $fileowner ;;
	34) echo "read whogotit; sudo pacman -Fyx \$whogotit"; read whogotit; sudo pacman -Fyx $whogotit ;;
	35) echo "flatpak update"; flatpak update ;;
	36) echo "flatpak uninstall --unused"; flatpak uninstall --unused ;;
	37) echo "sudo rm -rfv /var/tmp/flatpak-cache-*"; sudo rm -rfv /var/tmp/flatpak-cache-* ;;
	38) echo "rm -f ~/.bash_history-*.tmp && rm -f ~/.cache/totem/stream-buffer/*"; rm -f ~/.bash_history-*.tmp && rm -f ~/.cache/totem/stream-buffer/* ;;
	39) echo "time echo \"scale=5000; 4*a(1)\" | bc -l > /dev/null"; time echo "scale=5000; 4*a(1)" | bc -l > /dev/null ;;
# if we use a launcher shortcut with -launcher, pause before exit
if [ "$1" == "-launcher" ]; then
	read -n 1 -s -r -p "Press any key to close the window.";