Missing Manjaro specific icons - system tray + application laucher

I am on the testing branch and ever since the KDE6 transition, I have been missing the manjaro specific icons such as the application launcher and package manager system tray icons.

My plasma style is Breath and my icon pack is Breeze Dark. I also have “pamac-tray-icon-plasma” installed, but I do not know if it is of importance.

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Hello and welcome,

And that is why your launcher icon is not manjaro-specific.

Plasma 6 inherits its icons from the icon pack.

The ‘desktop theme’ doesnt matter like it did in Plasma 5.

In this case - you will get whatever Breeze sets as the “Application Launcher” icon.

So … choose a manjaro icon theme and you might get manjaro icons.

Otherwise … use the ‘configure’ functionality. Found in the right-click menu.

You can then browse to use any icon of your choosing.

(whether it be from some installed theme or from your Downloads folder)

It is not.

There have also been similar/related posts.

Such as here. Also found at this link are icons I use.

Thanks for the response.

I cannot seem to find an antiquate manjaro icon theme that provides a solution. My main issue is that of the “Package Manager” entry in the system tray. Specifically, I am missing the manjaro “update-notifier” icon, which is specified in pamac-tray-plasma.desktop. It seems like it is supposed to use the update-* icons that are in the breeze* packs, but it is not.

Have you tried other icon themes?

Always use the default updated global theme Breeze, and if you want that specific Manjaro green color, simply change the accent color in “Colors & Themes> Colors”.

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I have tried Breeze, Breeze Dark, and Adwaita.

I have also tried using Breeze plasma style. All of them show the wrong icon.

I want the pamac system tray icon to be the one specified in /usr/share/plasma/desktoptheme/breath-dark/icons/pamac.svgz or /usr/share/icons/breeze-dark/status/22/update-*.svg

So at the moment it shows:

When it should show:

It is not the accent color I am trying to change, but the manjaro specific icons such as the pamac-tray-plasma icon and the application launcher icon.

Do any of them provide something for pamac ?

They do not.

As already pointed out above …

You can either choose an icon theme with a pamac icon…
Or I suppose you can get hacky and drop one there from somewhere else.
(ex copy from Breath)


From doing a quick search it would appear that some themes that do provide pamac icons include

  • Colloid
  • Dracula
  • Flat-remix
  • Fluent
  • McMohave
  • Nordzy
  • Numix
  • Paper
  • Papirus
  • Qogir
  • Surfn
  • Tela
  • Vimix
  • Whitesur
  • Zafiro


I think this icon is for Discover and not Pamac.

For launcher’ icon:

That is near the icon I am looking for, but none of those options are like what was in plasma5. There, the manjaro icon was shown as the “start-here-kde” icon, but it also changed color based on the accent color. None of the options here do that.

How would I go about doing that? I can’t seem to find where the tray item is getting its icon.

Just going by what one of the icon themes does I would guess its the same

(I dont use pamac)

papirus-icon-theme-git /usr/share/icons/Papirus/16x16/apps/pamac-updater.svg
papirus-icon-theme-git /usr/share/icons/Papirus/16x16/panel/pamac-tray-no-update.svg
papirus-icon-theme-git /usr/share/icons/Papirus/16x16/panel/pamac-tray-update.svg
papirus-icon-theme-git /usr/share/icons/Papirus/22x22/apps/pamac-updater.svg
papirus-icon-theme-git /usr/share/icons/Papirus/22x22/panel/pamac-tray-no-update.svg
papirus-icon-theme-git /usr/share/icons/Papirus/22x22/panel/pamac-tray-update.svg
papirus-icon-theme-git /usr/share/icons/Papirus/24x24/apps/pamac-updater.svg
papirus-icon-theme-git /usr/share/icons/Papirus/24x24/panel/pamac-tray-no-update.svg
papirus-icon-theme-git /usr/share/icons/Papirus/24x24/panel/pamac-tray-update.svg
papirus-icon-theme-git /usr/share/icons/Papirus/32x32/apps/pamac-updater.svg
papirus-icon-theme-git /usr/share/icons/Papirus/48x48/apps/pamac-updater.svg
papirus-icon-theme-git /usr/share/icons/Papirus/64x64/apps/pamac-updater.svg


Updated link for a manjaro launcher icon (off-white)
You can also change the fcfcfc in the file, simply through a text editor, to any color you wish.

So then, I must take the old icons from the breath plasma theme, and replace the icons in the actual icons folder. Would this also work for using the .local/share/icons folder?

Thank you for your help.

I ended up creating a copy of the breeze icon theme in my .local/share/icons dir. There I just copied the “update-none” and “update-low” svgs to “pamac-tray-no-update” and “pamac-tray-update” respectively. Setting this then did work.

This was really my largest concern. Is there any way I can contribute this change to make this issue not persist for others updating to kde6.

The application launcher I can deal with as default, but would still like to see if I could find the color changing manjaro application launcher. The ones linked don’t seem to keep the same proportions, nor do they change based on color scheme. The one that is in the breath plasma styles shows up with multiple icons, which doesn’t seem right.

Seems roughly correct.

I might also add editing that theme and its index to separate it from the original.
(breeze-icon-patch or similar)

You could make some sort of appeal to the theme author.
As noted above many themes include pamac icons. Breeze does not for whatever reason.
Manjaro may or may not end up deciding to provide or curate a certain icon set.

Manjaro lacks resources, they started late to fix their things for Plasma 6.

And truthfully, stagnation is dominating many parts of Manjaro. :crying_cat_face:

So I have finally fixed both issues by making a copy of the Breeze icon pack and making a few adjustments. You can download the pack Breath into ~/.local/share/icons/ or follow the instructions below.

  1. Copy /usr/share/icons/breeze to $HOME/.local/share/icons/breath

  2. Copy this start-here-kde.svg into breath/places/$SIZE/ for versions of $SIZE 96,64,32,24,22,16

  3. Copy pamac-tray-no-update.svg into breath/status/$SIZE/ for $SIZE 24,22

  4. Copy pamac-tray-update.svg into breath/status/$SIZE/ for $SIZE 24,22

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