MDD - Opt-in vs Opt-out

We’re currently testing a new open-source tool for Manjaro, that will help us with the development of Manjaro. It’s called MDD and it collects some anonymous and impersonal statistics about Manjaro systems.

You can check out the former development thread where some people posted their results to see what would be sent.

We present the data for the community in aggregated form here.

There has been some discussion about the method of opt-in vs opt-out. So I believe the best way to settle it is by giving everybody a voice on it.

What do you want?
  • I want data sharing to be enabled by default, but I can easily disable it (opt-out)
  • I want to manually enable data sharing via some checkbox in a UI app (opt-in)
  • I don’t really care
  • I don’t use Manjaro
0 voters

It’s good that you enable it but you should also mention that the KDE user feedback project was a big failure for several reasons. They could have just not done it to begin with.


NO ! it isn’t and @philm linked a yt-video that @philm favoured to think about it. this youtuber already stated out that your @romangg way of data-collecting is meant to be used as a fingerprint to every single user ! don’t spray sand into our eyes, data-collecting with giving a individual “machines-id” combined with a ip (even if it’s hashed) and a timestamp is a 100% fingerprint.
also, this is not a question of a “vote” from some users that have got a trust-level here at this forum cause we users with a trust-level are not legally powered to rule about any user that is using manjaro or want to do this in future. it is a legal question by law and nevertheless what you want to invent with your idea of “mdd”, it is not legal unless you get the individual and explicit permission of every individual user of manjaro. you have to get a individual permission and have to ask every single user independent, which is ending in a “license-aggreement” similar to ms-windows. otherwise this application is a dead-horse that is violating all and especially the european-data-security-laws. this is something that you have to figure out with @philm and all the other responsible persons at manjaro. this is a question for the legal-counsel and nothing to “vote” with some few privileded users of manjaro.


For me, there is no problem sharing metrics or statistics at all, as long as one can disable if he want it not, on fedora we had that bug report tool which to me was actually good and almost the same as the one in this proposition.
Also, users should consider the datas collected will actually help the distro to grow better and move in the right direction, known in Linux not every user do bug reports etc. this can help Devs to be aware of things and fix them so we can enjoy having good life


If during installation would be very obvious and clear that some sort of telemetry gets installed and enabled and the innocent reasons behind that would be briefly but clearly explained, and if it would be very clear and obvious and easy to disable it (during install and afterwards), I would have no problem at all.

With these conditions met in my mind, I voted for opt-out. Else I would vote for opt-in.

I understand you want to fingerprint every single installation, so that you can prove the size of your userbase (to gain financial support etc) - besides the technical reasons of course - and exactly for this reason I would participate. Maybe it would be a good idea to leave the IP and the exact timestamp (maybe add some random “noise” to the timestamp) out of this telemetry, in order to calm the privacy concerns of some people. I understand that a hashed value can’t directly lead to the original value, but I understand that some people think about crosschecks from different sources that could lead to the actual IP and have concerns. In the era of dynamic IPs and CGNAT maybe the IP (in any form - hashed or not) is of little value to fingerprinting for your causes.

My 2 cents.


You’re the one spraying sand into people’s eyes.

A hashed IP address with salt can’t be reversed as a hash function is one-way. So from the stored value you can’t get the preimage since the preimage room is not enumerable.

What holds for IP addresses, holds even more so for machine IDs: a hashed machine ID can’t be reversed. And to be frank, if some threat actor got access to your blank machine ID, you got bigger problems.

Regarding the “fingerprint”. That is problematic when you can deanonymize a person through combination of multiple datasets or additional metadata. Since MDD doesn’t transmit any personal data about you, this is impossible.

The trust level limit is meant to make the vote results more reliable. Over 20k users have trust level 1 or above. So the result should be more than representative.

No, you don’t. Provide a source for your claim. This is only a question of ethics and what our users would prefer.

Finally turn down the rhetorical fervor. You can state your arguments without the drama.


I will stop commenting now cause it would just blow up my blood-pressure. you’re mdd is creating a individual machine-id that can be used in combination with the hashed-ip and the timestamp to fingerprint the individual user and still pretend this is not ? this is a terrible misleading of all users and i stop commenting before i start using emotional words… and again, this is not a question of a vote ! this is a question of legal-rights by law that you don’t want to respect and that’s a bad habit in a world where linux has the moral-compass to respect the user and his privacy.
i’m out


Just to be clear: mdd doesn’t fingerprint users, but computers (maybe computers become users in 100 years or so).

users != computers

I don’t think that my computer deserve any human right of privacy and I don’t think that should be up for debate here. :sweat_smile:

Given machine-id, which was created by systemd, is locally hashed and then transmitted.

The data only provides information about the device, but not about the user. :man_shrugging:


The argument is not wrong. But of course it depends on how the whole thing is implemented.

That’s not wrong either. However, the last part of the sentence is extremely important.

An IP consists of only 4 bytes. That is a data space of 0xFFFFFFFF. Anyone who has a memory that can store 0xFFFFFFFF times the hash can calculate all hashes in advance, provided they have the computing power for 0xFFFFFFFF times the hash calculation. That sounds very secure at first.

What if someone can distribute the work across 0xFF computers/processors?

Then 0xFFFFFF times the hash memory and 0xFFFFFF times the computing time is enough. That still seems secure :wink:

Or someone has access to 0xFFFF computers/processors?

Then 0xFFFF times the hash memory and 0xFFFF times the computing time is enough. That sounds like it could be a normal PC (e.g. in a botnet). 65,536 * 128 bytes (hash) is only 8MB

If you do the math, 0xFFFFFFFF hashes with 128 bytes are only 512 gigabytes. Yes, they are unique if a salt is used. But they are not impossible to calculate.

So a number with 4 bytes is enumerable, even if it is large. 0xFFFFFFFF= 4G. A salt does not change that if it is always the same for each IP.

The whole thing only becomes impossible if one of the following conditions is met:

  • the salt for each IP is different
  • the hash is stored so incompletely that duplicates arise
    Then, even if all the hashes could be calculated, there is no clear way back.

Please also bear in mind that even I, who am not entrusted with such tasks, can immediately think of several ways to limit the data space of the IPs (and thus also the necessary computing time).

One possible solution is to calculate exactly one (!) unique ID on each PC, but only report back as many bits of its hash as are really needed to map 200k cleanly. If you accept that this will (very rarely) result in duplicates and that a single data set may then be lost, this guarantees that there will be no successful way back.

But I am convinced that you are already paying attention to this and are already getting advice from a specialist.


P.S. We say:
Food is cooked hot. But it is not eaten so hot.


Is partial data about software audio servers for Manjaro Team use only?

mdd is also collecting Motherboard/Laptop model name; CPU name and GPU name that is not shown in online metrics

Will users be able to login to to see uploaded data? - Telemetry

If you only want to count the device but not provide any data about your system, then run:

python --disable-telemetry

No, it cannot and does not. It fingerprints the machine only, and only to the extent that it enables Manjaro to collect usage/installation statistics.

The machine-identifying data is also not shared with anyone outside of Manjaro, and no person-identifying data is sent, and can therefore also not be used.


and just to be clear, the fingerprint of a computer with a universal “machine-id” and combined with a “hashed” ip is a fingerprint that even low-brained intruders can and will hack.
this is a fundamental problem.

1 Like

They would have to hack first.

I'll even give it to you:
(venv) [jo@jo-xfce4 mdd]$ python
Welcome to MDD - The Manjaro Data Donor
Preparing data submission...

        Sending the following data
    "meta": {
        "version": 1,
        "timestamp": "2024-11-10T20:06:11.698260+00:00",
        "device_id": "a4ef99d7-ac59-5df1-a484-6c01d759e526",
        "distro_id": "manjaro",
        "release": "24.1.2",
        "inxi": true
    "system": {
        "kernel": "6.6.54-2-MANJARO",
        "form_factor": "vm",
        "install_date": "2022-12-03T18:37:42+00:00",
        "product_name": "Standard PC (Q35 + ICH9, 2009)",
        "product_family": "",
        "sys_vendor": "QEMU",
        "board_name": null
    "boot": {
        "uefi": false,
        "uptime_seconds": 306
    "cpu": {
        "arch": "x86_64",
        "model": "Intel Core i3-3110M",
        "cores": 4,
        "threads": 4
    "memory": {
        "ram_gb": 3.8254241943359375,
        "swap_gb": 1.9999961853027344
    "graphics": {
        "comp": "xfwm4",
        "dri": null,
        "gpus": [
                "vendor": null,
                "model": "Red Hat Virtio 1.0 GPU",
                "driver": "virtio-pci"
        "outputs": [
                "model": "QEMU Monitor",
                "res": "1680x1050",
                "refresh": 60.0,
                "dpi": 90.0,
                "size": "473x257",
                "mapped": "Virtual-1"
    "audio": {
        "servers": [
                "name": "PulseAudio",
                "active": true
                "name": "PipeWire",
                "active": false
    "disk": {
        "disks": [
                "size_gb": 35.0,
                "root": {
                    "size_gb": 34.99168014526367,
                    "fstype": "ext4",
                    "crypt": false
                "home": null
        "windows": false
    "locale": {
        "region": "de_DE.UTF-8",
        "language": "en",
        "timezone": "Europe/Berlin"
    "package": {
        "last_update": "2024-11-05T16:56:06+01:00",
        "branch": "stable",
        "pkgs": 1192,
        "foreign_pkgs": 16,
        "pkgs_update_pending": 0,
        "flatpaks": 0,
        "pacman_mirrors": {
            "total": 8,
            "ok": 8,
            "country_config": "Germany"
    "desktop": {
        "cli": "/bin/bash",
        "gui": "Xfce",
        "dm": "LightDM",
        "wm": "xfwm4",
        "display": "x11",
        "display_with": null

What can you do with it re identifying me or even go farther than that?

Butter bei die Fische
would be nice.
(now you have even more information than what the tool itself reports)


Let me see. If I parse this with the python script I wrote this morning.


I get a person living in Germany, unfortunately my computer is not powerful enough to further break down that UUID. It will have to wait until I can afford that Quantum Computer.


I hear a crystal ball may yield some interesting results at well. :grinning:

1 Like

… pretty good :ok_hand:
so: my cover story, developed over years here on the forum, got you mighty close :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
It was probably: “Butter bei die Fische” that gave me away.

ha ha :+1:


Actually it was…

But interestingly that phrase may place you in Northern Germany.

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omg - a remnant from my honest times :man_facepalming:
I totally forgot. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

indeed - but right there, you would be very wrong :sunglasses:

Saxony - the City of Leipzig :slightly_smiling_face: (if you can believe that …)

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Gee that was easy, soon I’ll have your Street address. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: