Manjaro-i3-settings still depends on i3status-manjaro


According to the following thread @Yochanan dropped the package i3status-manjaro from the repos.

i3status should be installed in order to replace i3status-manjaro.

This can’t be done because the package manjaro-i3-settings (in the extra repo) still depends on i3status-manjaro.

$ pacman -Qi i3status-manjaro | grep -i "required"
Required By     : manjaro-i3-settings


$ pacman -Qi manjaro-i3-settings | grep -i "depends"
Depends On      : adapta-maia-theme  conky-i3  dmenu-manjaro  dunst  gsfonts  i3-default-artwork  i3exit  i3-scripts  i3-scrot  i3-gaps  i3-help  i3status-manjaro  manjaro-base-skel  ttf-terminus-nerd  nitrogen  papirus-maia-icon-theme  picom  urxvt-perls  xcursor-breeze  xorg-fonts-misc  xorg-mkfontscale

manjaro-i3-settings should be also updated to not include i3status-manjaro as a dependency.

Thanks in advance!

Fixed with manjaro-i3-settings 20240224-1 coming along shortly.


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