Manjaro freezing a few minutes after booting

Hello there,

It seems, that my laptop is freezing every time I start it.
It is bootig quite fine but after a view minutes of usage (no matter if I open Thunar, Firefox or the Terminal), it seems it is so busy with something else, that it can’t react on any of my commands. Can’t even move the mouse. Plus it is getting super noisy.

I did do a hard shutdown and changed to TTY3, where I clened the cache and cleared the journal.
But then, while removon foreign packages it froze again.

How can I find out, what the problem is?

I am still not an expert and I thank everyone for their tips!

That was the emergency help you’ve got when you run out of space because your 20GB system partition was full. Is it still the same issue?

If not let us see your hardware info and post the output of:
inxi -Fazy

No, it shouldn’t be the same issue, I did a new setup with different partition sizes. But I thought it could help anyways…

[ruiliri@manjaro-iris ~]$ inxi -Fazy
  Kernel: 5.15.133-1-MANJARO arch: x86_64 bits: 64 compiler: gcc v: 13.2.1
    clocksource: tsc available: hpet,acpi_pm
    parameters: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-5.15-x86_64
    root=UUID=e12fc4a7-f402-4516-aedd-a78ee88b5c34 rw quiet apparmor=1
    security=apparmor resume=UUID=15b40c24-6bd1-43ad-8428-5d7f8752de59
  Desktop: Xfce v: 4.18.1 tk: Gtk v: 3.24.36 info: xfce4-panel wm: xfwm
    v: 4.18.0 vt: 7 dm: LightDM v: 1.32.0 Distro: Manjaro Linux base: Arch Linux
  Type: Laptop System: LENOVO product: 80Q2 v: Lenovo ideapad 500S-13ISK
    serial: <superuser required> Chassis: type: 10 v: Lenovo ideapad 500S-13ISK
    serial: <superuser required>
  Mobo: LENOVO model: Lenovo ideapad 5 v: SDK0J40709 WIN
    serial: <superuser required> UEFI: LENOVO v: DCCN34WW(V2.03) date: 12/01/2015
  ID-1: BAT1 charge: 16.0 Wh (99.4%) condition: 16.1/35.0 Wh (45.9%) volts: 8.3
    min: 7.6 model: LENOVO PABAS0241231 type: Li-ion serial: <filter> status: N/A
  Info: model: Intel Core i5-6200U bits: 64 type: MT MCP arch: Skylake
    gen: core 6 level: v3 note: check built: 2015 process: Intel 14nm family: 6
    model-id: 0x4E (78) stepping: 3 microcode: 0xF0
  Topology: cpus: 1x cores: 2 tpc: 2 threads: 4 smt: enabled cache:
    L1: 128 KiB desc: d-2x32 KiB; i-2x32 KiB L2: 512 KiB desc: 2x256 KiB
    L3: 3 MiB desc: 1x3 MiB
  Speed (MHz): avg: 855 high: 1923 min/max: 400/2800 scaling:
    driver: intel_pstate governor: powersave cores: 1: 500 2: 500 3: 500 4: 1923
    bogomips: 19204
  Flags: avx avx2 ht lm nx pae sse sse2 sse3 sse4_1 sse4_2 ssse3
  Type: gather_data_sampling status: Vulnerable: No microcode
  Type: itlb_multihit status: KVM: VMX unsupported
  Type: l1tf mitigation: PTE Inversion
  Type: mds mitigation: Clear CPU buffers; SMT vulnerable
  Type: meltdown mitigation: PTI
  Type: mmio_stale_data mitigation: Clear CPU buffers; SMT vulnerable
  Type: retbleed mitigation: IBRS
  Type: spec_rstack_overflow status: Not affected
  Type: spec_store_bypass mitigation: Speculative Store Bypass disabled via
    prctl and seccomp
  Type: spectre_v1 mitigation: usercopy/swapgs barriers and __user pointer
  Type: spectre_v2 mitigation: IBRS, IBPB: conditional, STIBP: conditional,
    RSB filling, PBRSB-eIBRS: Not affected
  Type: srbds mitigation: Microcode
  Type: tsx_async_abort status: Not affected
  Device-1: Intel Skylake GT2 [HD Graphics 520] vendor: Lenovo driver: i915
    v: kernel arch: Gen-9 process: Intel 14n built: 2015-16 ports: active: eDP-1
    empty: DP-1, DP-2, HDMI-A-1, HDMI-A-2 bus-ID: 00:02.0 chip-ID: 8086:1916
    class-ID: 0300
  Device-2: Chicony Lenovo EasyCamera driver: uvcvideo type: USB rev: 2.0
    speed: 480 Mb/s lanes: 1 mode: 2.0 bus-ID: 1-5:3 chip-ID: 04f2:b50f
    class-ID: 0e02 serial: <filter>
  Display: x11 server: X.Org v: 21.1.8 compositor: xfwm v: 4.18.0 driver: X:
    loaded: modesetting alternate: fbdev,vesa dri: iris gpu: i915
    display-ID: :0.0 screens: 1
  Screen-1: 0 s-res: 1920x1080 s-dpi: 96 s-size: 508x285mm (20.00x11.22")
    s-diag: 582mm (22.93")
  Monitor-1: eDP-1 model: LG Display 0x048c built: 2014 res: 1920x1080 hz: 60
    dpi: 166 gamma: 1.2 size: 294x165mm (11.57x6.5") diag: 337mm (13.3")
    ratio: 16:9 modes: 1920x1080
  API: OpenGL Message: Unable to show GL data. glxinfo is missing.
  Device-1: Intel Sunrise Point-LP HD Audio vendor: Lenovo
    driver: snd_hda_intel v: kernel alternate: snd_soc_skl bus-ID: 00:1f.3
    chip-ID: 8086:9d70 class-ID: 0403
  API: ALSA v: k5.15.133-1-MANJARO status: kernel-api with: aoss
    type: oss-emulator tools: alsactl,alsamixer,amixer
  Server-1: JACK v: 1.9.22 status: off tools: N/A
  Server-2: PipeWire v: 0.3.80 status: off tools: pw-cli
  Server-3: PulseAudio v: 16.1 status: active with: pulseaudio-alsa
    type: plugin tools: pacat,pactl,pavucontrol
  Device-1: Realtek RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet
    vendor: Lenovo driver: r8169 v: kernel pcie: gen: 1 speed: 2.5 GT/s lanes: 1
    port: 3000 bus-ID: 01:00.0 chip-ID: 10ec:8168 class-ID: 0200
  IF: enp1s0 state: down mac: <filter>
  Device-2: Qualcomm Atheros QCA9377 802.11ac Wireless Network Adapter
    vendor: Lenovo driver: ath10k_pci v: kernel pcie: gen: 1 speed: 2.5 GT/s
    lanes: 1 bus-ID: 02:00.0 chip-ID: 168c:0042 class-ID: 0280
  IF: wlp2s0 state: up mac: <filter>
  Device-1: Qualcomm Atheros driver: btusb v: 0.8 type: USB rev: 2.0
    speed: 12 Mb/s lanes: 1 mode: 1.1 bus-ID: 1-7:5 chip-ID: 0cf3:e360
    class-ID: e001
  Report: rfkill ID: hci0 rfk-id: 3 state: up address: see --recommends
  Local Storage: total: 931.51 GiB used: 51.82 GiB (5.6%)
  SMART Message: Required tool smartctl not installed. Check --recommends
  ID-1: /dev/sda maj-min: 8:0 vendor: Western Digital model: WD10SPCX-24HWST1
    size: 931.51 GiB block-size: physical: 4096 B logical: 512 B speed: 6.0 Gb/s
    tech: HDD rpm: 5400 serial: <filter> fw-rev: 1A02 scheme: GPT
  ID-1: / raw-size: 97.66 GiB size: 95.56 GiB (97.86%) used: 13.37 GiB (14.0%)
    fs: ext4 dev: /dev/sda2 maj-min: 8:2
  ID-2: /boot/efi raw-size: 500 MiB size: 499 MiB (99.80%)
    used: 312 KiB (0.1%) fs: vfat dev: /dev/sda1 maj-min: 8:1
  ID-3: /home raw-size: 825.55 GiB size: 811.52 GiB (98.30%)
    used: 38.46 GiB (4.7%) fs: ext4 dev: /dev/sda3 maj-min: 8:3
  Kernel: swappiness: 60 (default) cache-pressure: 100 (default) zswap: yes
    compressor: zstd max-pool: 20%
  ID-1: swap-1 type: partition size: 7.81 GiB used: 0 KiB (0.0%) priority: -2
    dev: /dev/sda4 maj-min: 8:4
  System Temperatures: cpu: 39.0 C pch: 37.5 C mobo: N/A
  Fan Speeds (rpm): N/A
  Processes: 190 Uptime: 17m wakeups: 1 Memory: total: 8 GiB
  available: 7.62 GiB used: 947.6 MiB (12.1%) Init: systemd v: 254
  default: graphical tool: systemctl Compilers: gcc: 13.2.1 clang: 16.0.6
  Packages: pm: pacman pkgs: 1195 libs: 402 tools: pamac pm: flatpak pkgs: 0
  Shell: Bash v: 5.1.16 running-in: xfce4-terminal inxi: 3.3.30

Sounds like an overheat issue to me. Either one of the processes heavily uses your CPU or cooling system doesn’t do it’s job properly.

Try to monitor CPU usage and temperature.

is that the right for CPU?
Temperature I don’t know, how to monitor.

In terminal: sensors (you might need to install i2c-tools; used to be a part of lm-sensors).

Maybe leave a terminal window set to “always above” running e.g. watch -n 10 sensors

  System Temperatures: cpu: 39.0 C pch: 37.5 C mobo: N/A
  Fan Speeds (rpm): N/A
  Processes: 190 Uptime: 17m

This looks very cool for older hardware, can’t see anything weird. Next time it freezes please reboot and show the output of:

journalctl -b-1 | tail -n150

One possibility might be an issue with your drive if it’s an old spinner. If you have ‘Disks’ installed open it, pick your drive on the left then hit the 3 vertical dots and have a look at ‘SMART Data&Self Tests’.

Thanks for all your help.
I don’t quite know, how, but the bug is gone (for the moment)

What I did:
After clearing cache and journal it worked so far, I could make an update (after changing timedate setup by timedatectl set-time "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss ), reboot and now it works.

It seems that the problems occured, because the last update was quite long ago… is that possible?

I used:
for help.