Manjaro does not boot after installing a new Kernel-dropped Into emergency shell, for people who think they have a big problem but are actually just noobs

provide output from:
mhwd-kernel -li

It was the firewall

if you dont have internet than you cant install anyhting… so it shows that the linux515 and the linux414 are installed? only these two kernels?

Yeah I was right. Now it says changes were made successfully, so forget the above. It was my internet and yes only these two

so uninstall the 414, install the 5.10 LTS and thats it …

very nice, other way round worked

so if this problem migth occure again, i mean i know how to fix it, but will there be more kernels in menu where i can start manjaro, if i type esc while booting?

yes, in the grub menu you will have the option to select the 5.10 as a backup, otherwise you will be booting with the 5.15

yeah grub menu lol
ok so i can load it as a backup
thats anwesome

thank you very much, and im sry for wasting your time

yes if, the 5.15 gets somehow messed up, you can select the 5.10 and boot with it, and reinstall the 5.15 without any live usb/ chroot… youre welcome, and you didnt waste my time,

i hope so, is there anything left to do?

no, nothing to do, its done


i love linux

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