Manjaro Cinnamon 21.1.2 shipping Vivaldi browser

What do you mean it’s gone?

Please ping me if you do, I’d be very interested in adding this to the repos


Exactly, anyone can choose what they want! However if a edition of Manjaro contains by default a proprietary (software for example browser) this philosophy doesn’t work IMHO

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Default applications are not set in stone though. You can always change it if you want.
Also, I haven’t seen this kind of uproar when Manajro (and later Ubuntu) added the nonfree nvidia driver to the install medias.


May sound like an silly (or impossible) idea but could this be linked up to the driver selection when booting from USB?
So choosing free would only load FOSS and non-free may include some proprietary?
Not sure how much extra (work and size) this would add to an ISO.
Just a thought.

Sure i can remove them and install something i like but that is besides the point.

Point is that it is installed by default.


So you would also want ISO’s without Steam and Nvidia driver?
Because those are also installed by default.

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I don’t use that so i don’t have a opinion about that.

It is all a mater of opinion i guess, but i understand your point, considering what would be in by default and what not is hard because everyone has a different use case. A gamer would appreciate those drivers and steam in by default.


Manjaro devs especially those making community editions make a spin for themselves and share it for FREE for us all to use. Sure suggestions on how to improve the distro are welcome but sometimes it seems some users are demanding changes on something they are given for free. If you don’t like the default packages on a spin then why not make your own? Manjaro gives you all the tools to make your own edition

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In this particularly case nobody is demanding anything, the maintainer decided to change the browser to a proprietary one.
But to be honest Strit has a good point, steam and nvidia are also proprietary

But good point, one could make their own spin

Some of the earlier posts especially those that got moved to the flame war thread were very demanding. Fortunately since fabby cleaned the thread most of the posts have been constructive. I just don’t understand why so many people are up in arms over something that is so easy to swap yourself. The users who are concerned about privacy are also the ones who can easily swap/remove packages they don’t like

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Why is a PROPRIETARY browser on a OPEN SOURCE linux distro?

Saying it before other open source proponents say it.
But it does feel like Microsoft Windows shipping Firefox by default.


I think reading some of the 90+ replies above can give you some answers.

Systems with newer Nvidia GPUs won’t work well without the propritary drivers. So, it is necessary to include those. However it is no that a system wouldn’t function correctly without a particular web browser.

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Sure. Explain Steam then.
We have Lutris in the repo, why did no one get their pitchforks out when Steam was included and not Lutris?

To me this is the same principle.

But, do accept that not everyone feels about this stuff like you do. Everyone has the right to install whatever they want. To me, the defaults are just suggestions.


To be fair I don’t think so, this is not really the same things. Today, the web browser is kind of the heart of the system for the vast majority of users worldwide. Everything is done in the browser. And the defaults for the vast majority of people is what they will use, they will not tinker with the system and programs.

This might be less true for Manjaro users which in theory are a little bit more ‘technical’, but I think in general it is still true.

Having program X as default, is a way of promoting it and having users using it. And that is OK, as long as it is open, which I think it is, Manjaro didn’t sneakily switch the default browser.

//EDIT: but I still think a way of selecting during the installation, or post installation, the default important programs could/should be done (I know if people find the Application button in Manjaro-Hello they could at first boot, but it seems it is not the case, people don’t click this button).

//EDIT2: and about Steam, or other proprietary software like Spotify or many others, this is not the same thing, people NEED the proprietary software to use the proprietary service. This is kinda “simple” to make this comparison :P. You don’t NEED a proprietary browser to use a browser.

In the end I don’t mind the addition of Vivaldi as default on Cinnamon edition, see my previous point about helping setting your choice during/post installation for these important things.


Where else is it offered?

For this reason I take ONLY the minimal.ISO and if at some point this would no longer be available, I would also distance myself from Manjaro again.


I love Vivaldi, would be nice to make it available also on KDE edition.

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Hey, everyone. :wave: Just finished writing an 800+ page dissertation on why this decision will bring certain doom to the Manjaro userbase. It’s still awaiting peer-review to be published in the JIT, but would it be cool if I copy and paste it as my next reply? Thanks! :blush:

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