Manjaro ARM Beta 11 with Plasma Mobile (PinePhone / PinePhone Pro)

for more info see here:

and here:

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A post was split to a new topic: Passwordsafe issues

Is it time to switch to Manjaro Phosh on PinePhonePro?

Are just no releasing any new Plasma KDE images/builds or is Phosh just moving way faster forward?

You shouldn’t need to re-install the OS each time there is an update.
There will be an updated image soon, when the new Plasma stuff gets into stable branch.

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Why are binder and ashmem modules not added to the kernel by default? Can’t even install them via dkms

Binder is built into the kernel. Ashmem no longer exists from kernel 5.18 and above. Software should be able to use memfd (I think it’s called) instead.

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Hmm okay, but Waydroid is still missing ashmem. Maybe I have an outdated version. memfd is present

According to this issue on waydroid, if ashmem is not found it should automatically use memfd.

Hmm doesn’t work. Guess I just have to be patient

Same for me. Clients connect but no data is transferred. Checked for default route and nameservers but I can’t get it to work. Also I can’t find documentation about restoration of defaults. file permissions or involved services.

See my post here for info about why hotspot doesn’t work.