Manjaro 24 error display on setting and file after install Nvidia driver

error is:


So how i can fix it!

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Seems it’s the same problem as here : Gnome 46 update brings display problems

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Make sure you do not log into a WAYLAND session, but into a X11 session.
Give output of echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE

It’s GNOME, how to login to X11 session?
On old version it’s fine!

For me:


Answer what has been asked first.


Still not work!

Same problem here, the only solution I found was to remove the nvidia drivers, once done there were no more graphic errors. I think the problem is actually related to the nvidia drivers

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This solves similar issues in KDE. It might also work in Gnome.

Try following this procedure to clear your cache.

After a reboot, some of these issues might be resolved.

Good luck.

Try to add
in the etc/environment file.

For me it’was the solution .
This line allows you to use the old GL rendering engine which requires less GPU. I think the integration of the new engine is not yet correctly integrated into the nvidia video driver