Login to X11 session broken after last major update

Hi to all,

I’m running Manjaro Sikaris with KDE Plasma
on an old Dell Precision laptop.
My system has been mainly working,
but haven’t been in everyday use.
After running the last recent big upgrade
(total download size about 6,4 Gb),
selecting the X11 session from the login screen
doesn’t work anymore:
After showing the KDE Plasma
“gear wheel” screen for a while,
the system returns to the login screen.
If I start a new tty,
I may be able to start the session
with the command “startx”.
Btw; I have Wayland installed,
but that doesn’t work fully properly.
What could be the problem…?!
I have been forced to repair the
Plasma installation twice after the two last
recent major updates
(I’m a newbie, but tried to do this
with pamac, using build option ).

Hi @macce2 and welcome back.

I have nothing to offer on the issue at hand, however, as you haven’t visited in a long time, please take some time to reacquaint yourself with Forum requirements. In particular, the many possible ways to use the forum more effectively.

The links will help you achieve that.

And last, but not least, the Stable Update Announcements, which you should check frequently for important update related information.

I hope this helps. Cheers.