Login issues and beep

really - it’s not a software or forum fault
it is the user’s (yours) - no, really :grin:

How about using your mouse to mark text and then select some symbol from the top row to apply the option to the selected text …?

I’m out of here.
Good luck!


that is not how markdown is suppose to work

… depends on how you used it and expected it to work … :wink:
Markdown works just fine here - for me.
But the board software (discourse, I believe) may not support all markdown features.

You could have posted your picture link like this:


for instance.
I copy /pasted the link text - highlighted it - and then used the “”" (Blockquote) button (fifth symbol from left, top row)

I can’t see from the picture what you are having a problem with, btw. :man_shrugging:

I dont like the username ‘alex’ overlay or centered in the login window

That’s too bad.
Isn’t it the default (or even only) user on the machine?

I don’t even see a connection to vmware from this.

It appears that your issue is that your system user name is shown when the password is requested.

That can be dealt with - if this is your issue.

I dont want the user name to show since full name is already shown

Manjaro Xfce uses lightdm-gtk-greeter for the login display, but there are other greeters available in AUR - ArchWiki - LightDM - Greeter

To reconfigure appearance of lightdm-gtk-greeter


Window Position tab allows changing position of login window
but I do not see any options for not displaying username

one of these two options:

How to hide a user in lightdm login menu? - Install/Boot/Login - openSUSE Forums



as is the case on true multi user systems
(systems with actually more than one user, as is the case on most personal desktop systems)
that will also mean that the user name is not pre-loaded and you have to type it as well as the password

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my username shouldnt appear on the login screen since my full name is displayed regardless if im in a vm or not

See above - at least say why none of it was a solution to your non existing “problem”.

… if I move my mouse ever so slightly - the hint disappears and never returns …
if I had your “problem”, I’d be done with it right at this stage … :man_shrugging:

this conservation is going nowhere, i would like to delete this topic

Let’s ask the @moderators

But I pointed out two possible solutions.
You didn’t tell whether one or even both are solutions to your problem or not.
Did you try? …
That is not how conversations here usually work.

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There is no reason as to why this topic should be deleted. However, the conversation does indeed to appear to be going nowhere, so I’ll just close the thread. :man_shrugging:


It there seems some inconsistency with the login window which only full name and password. It doesnt hold the account name which appears in light gray box overlaying on the login windows when im not in the vm. Im looking for arch based derivative that has customized lightweight desktop and works with vmware workstation.

Use VirtualBox or libvirt - vmware is unsupported.

You can use GitHub - fhdk/lxqt-kwin to create a custom desktop without too much hazzle.

Apparently the OP doesn’t really know what they want. They want the thread closed, and then within minutes they start a new thread about the same thing. Threads merged.

@anon80380314: Make up your mind, please. :roll_eyes: