Local Network File transfer question

In my Terminal i have:


and at my laptop there is:



you are sittin on the PC. your laptop is running, you have a username at the laptop and you have given this laptop a name once. now you login from the PC with

ssh usernameonlaptop@laptopname

connect to your laptop with

ssh koboldx@koboldx-tuxedopulse15

Nothing happendsā€¦ maybe because my firewall is blocking now?

just for testing, please post the output of

systemctl status ufw

active ?

For sure its activeā€¦

okay, just for testing. stop the firewall for testing, weā€™ll figure this out later

sudo systemctl stop ufw

then check

systemctl status ufw

off ?
if yes redo

ssh koboldx@koboldx-tuxedopulse15 (or whatever you name and laptopname are)

I never had problems with warpinator, besides whiteflag them in my firewallā€¦

So you recommend that i disable the ssh server per default and only activate it manually?
Or is the port forwarding the main problem?

But @mithrial was question the firewall install at allā€¦ so if i didnt have this firewall installed there would be no need for portforwarding anyways, i dont understand where the security risk is nowā€¦

The authenticity of host 'koboldx-tuxedopulse15 (192.xxx.xxx.xx)' can't be established.
ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:QrXXI32n7w2RaoPNMuA6tySjjnEKOhhsHyL4KXK3OaE.
This key is not known by any other names.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])?

Type ā€œyesā€.

The IP addresses 192.168ā€¦ are local, you donā€™t need to censor them.

type yes, i already wrote that you create a entry in known_hosts at the first time

okay done and now?

you logged in on the laptop with your password ?

Yeah im at my Desktop there, logged in already.

I also saw a message after i typed YES.

Connection closed by 192.xxx.xxx.xx port 22

No idea if that is normal.

WHAT are you doing ? i have no idea what youā€™re doing
please report in detail

Its Olliā€™s fault, he confusing me :smiley:

Does anyone know czech cartoon ā€˜A je toā€™? :joy:

I was following your direction, this is the Terminal output:

ssh koboldx@koboldx-tuxedopulse15
The authenticity of host 'koboldx-tuxedopulse15 (' can't be established.
ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:QrXXI32n7w2RaoPNMuA6tySjjnEKOhhsHyL4KXK3OaE.
This key is not known by any other names.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
Warning: Permanently added 'koboldx-tuxedopulse15' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
Connection closed by port 22

I cant give you more detailed informationā€¦ should i go now on my Laptop and type it vise versa or what is the next step?

Not necessarily. You can, for example just use the firewall as is it supposed to be used, it has profiles for home or public (difference - the incoming connections) and you can toggle them when you are at the cafe/hotel/airport.
Or just turn the firewall on in such cases and keep it off at home. Or stop the ssh service at public locations and keep it on at home. Whatever you wish.

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I dont connect my Laptop with public devices, but i never know if my router maybe will have a security hole like AVM Fritzbox (germanys biggest and famous router company) big Patch leak, 1 week ago.

Where even my 13 years old router archived a new Security Patch.

So in this case, i just want to play safeā€¦ even behind my routerā€¦ any recommendations?