It shouldn’t … Try to auto install
sudo mhwd -a pci nonfree 0300
and see if the nvidia.conf will be filled … reboot the system after that. The thing is, in the announcement wiki was mentioned to backup the old nvidia.conf
try installing kernel 5.4 LTS (Long Term Support)
If that doesn’t fix it, take a full system backup , go to a console using Ctrl +Alt +F2 and:
Backup /etc/X11/mhwd.d/nvidia.conf
if you ever edited that manually
remove all nVidia related drivers and applications:
pacman --remove nvidia*
Note which applications are being removed and keep them handy in a list
Install the driver first:
mhwd --install video-hybrid-XXX-nvidia-prime
(Where XXX
is amd
or intel
if you have hybrid graphics or the whole thing is video-nvidia
if you’re on an nVidia-only system)
reboot and see if you at least get a screen.
Install all the other applications from your handy list that you still need one by one.
Restore /etc/X11/mhwd.d/nvidia.conf
if you ever edited that manually
If that wouldn’t solve the issue open a new issue here referring to this update and posting at a minimum the full output of:
inxi --admin --verbosity=7 --filter --no-host --width
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