Limited connectivity issue

OK, I hoped the package was available in the cache, but it seems not. No matter, we’ll create the file manually:. Run the following:

echo "nameserver" | sudo tee /etc/resolv.conf

And then try the installation again:

pamac reinstall openresolv --overwrite='/etc/*'
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it says no such file or directory

what should i do now ?

in the /etc/ directory there are two files





Let’s create the file first:

sudo touch /etc/resolv.conf

And then try this again:

echo "nameserver" | sudo tee /etc/resolv.conf
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i guess the 3rd one is corrupted

it says it cannot touch it because there is no such file

The touch command creates the file. The included with thee sudo command before it should have been more than enough. If it isn’t I think you have bigger problems. Try again, make sure to not forget sudo and post any and all errors, exactly, not paraphrased. a Photo if nothing else.

so even after using sudo…i cant fix it ?

What is the output for:

sudo ls /etc/res*
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(btw, cant i create a file with a different name, like does the name matter here because when i used the same command with resolv1.conf as name then there was no error

also i had posted this that looks like it is corrupted


sudo stat /etc/resolv.conf

Usually, when a command which creates a file says there’s no such file or directory, it’s because the directory doesn’t exist.

However in this case it seems it’s because resolv.conf is a broken symlink.

# check if the target exists
ls /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolve.conf

# backup or remove the symlink
sudo mv /etc/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf.symlink.bak

# create a new resolv.conf
echo "nameserver" | sudo tee /etc/resolv.conf

# test the internet, you may need to disable/re-enable
# the network connection
# or restart NetworkManager
sudo systemctl deamon-reload
sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager

On my system, resolv.conf is a regular file owned by the filesystem package. So probably best to reinstall it.

sudo pacman -S filesystem --overwrite=/etc/resolv.conf

Stop posting images of text and read how to post preformatted text.

says no such file or directory

im really sorry, but as i posted above, i cant really use internet on my pc so there is no way to copy and post it so i have to use my phone as the last option

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Then it’s definitely a broken symlink.

should i follow the next step as you mentioned ?

Affirmative. :smiley: