Latest updates fail due to a conflict

If you had looked at the Stable Updates thread, then you would have seen that there was no need to remove anything. pacman-contrib is a spin-off from the pacman package, and thus the dependencies have changed. All you needed to do was… :point_down:

sudo pacman -Syu pacman-contrib

That would have updated your system and installed pacman-contrib all in one go.

While you’re at it, also tend to your .pacnew files, because there’s quite a few with this update. And you should merge them, not blindly copy them over, because then you won’t be able to log in anymore.


Same here when the red Update icon appeared and I ran it. Seems like this is a total system re-install, because when I did this as recommended:

sudo pacman -Syu pacman-contrib

It took a long time, and I’ve captured the Terminal log of it if anyone’s interested. Now I’m going to reboot and hope this PC’s still alive. Hope this gets fixed at some point so the GUI can handle it w/o the CLI method.

Anyway, thanks for the post and helpful replies. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Its a regular system update, the only extra being it pointing at that package (so update system while installing X). Not ‘whole system reinstall’ or anything all that different from any update.

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Thanks cscs. It took a long time, with many (most) of my apps reinstalling along with a lot of apparently system stuff. Anyway, I came back here mostly to thank everyone and report that the system seems to have rebooted normally, the red update Panel icon went away all by itself too. Me: happy. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Also just to add I hardly read the announcements on the forum that said I was just reporting the issue to help get it resolved and not cause this issue for future users upgrading as users will now have to manually intervene especially new users who might not know about this or the fix you have to manually do or I will have to do for some family members/clients

Thanks for the replies and the solution @Aragorn :wave: :smiley:

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pacman-contrib was not installed on my system but as recommended by the error message I removed
pacui and also its’ dependency bmenu which worked out for me then.

Noted. You’d have saved yourself the trouble if you did. As would everyone else who did.


Do I need to reinstall them though? I needed to remove pacui and updlockfiles

You’re asking us if you need some package? How should we know?

Only if you use 'em. I have neither installed:

$ pamac search -i updlockfiles

$ pamac search -i pacui

thank you

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Thanks! i left out the pacman update and then run ‘sudo pacman -Syu pacman-contrib’.
now everything’s fine.
Thanks again!

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thank you, that works for me.

true but I believe we should avoid updates that can cause issues like this even if it is a small inconvenience especially when it comes to the new users or at least push out an update that resolves the conflict to stop it from being a wave of affected users. That said thank you for the replies and help :slightly_smiling_face:

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As have been said before, numerously:

This is a rolling-release distribution, which has never been and never will be set-and-forget. The user would always need to maintain their system, which means you need to roll up your sleeves and do things, they won’t be done for you.

All respect to them, but this isn’t Ubuntu or Windows where everything is done fore you. Neither is it LFS where you need to do every.friggin.thing. But it needs hands-on, manual intervention.

An I think this is where Manjaro provides a beautiful, awesome half-way.

This might explain it better:


I totally agree but just because it is a rolling release that doesn’t mean we can’t fix or improve I mean look how good rolling release distros have gotten compared to the early days where they used to be pretty unstable and I do think it is a beautiful half way especially with the half way of being bleeding edge yet easier to use and more powerful with more powerful tools that come with the distro compared to Ubuntu for example which got left behind in leading “ease of use” it used to have back in the day.

This is why I move so many people to Manjaro because of how awesome the distro is, everything it can do, it’s complex yet ease of use for new users middle ground and more. I am not trying to talk negatively about Manjaro in any way I just love the distro and want to help make it better and always push it forward to always improve any way it can if you get what I mean :smile:

I do yes. Although your lack of punctuation didn’t make it easy. Please start typing properly. We can’t see your face or hear your voice, so all we have to go on is your punctuation and not using any makes it extremelly hard i mean if it’s not necessary it wouldnt bee in books right


And my point was that since you admit you don’t read the Announcements you are on your own. In the beginning I didn’t either. However, that soon (about 3 months in) stopped, when I ran into trouble.

So it’s on you if you want to be stubborn and continue the way you do, or if you want to learn, adapt, and go forward.


If you believe you have valuable feedback - I would agree - if you were using unstable or testing branch, thus you could have provided this feedback earlier.

Instead you are lurking in the background … then popping a comment I believe we should avoid.

Please use the testing branch - that way you can provide more timely feedback to catch such small annoyances.


This really helped me a lot. Thank you.

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