Lack of updates past 3 months?

I am running an i3 Manjaro, kernel = 5.10.211-1-MANJARO . I have noticed that I am getting very few updates over the past 3 months. Every quarter there has normally been a major update with hundreds of packages updated. That has not been the case for quite a while now.

I wonder if this is due to the rather old kernel (5.10) that I am using. I think I installed this distro some ?4 years ago?

At any rate, is this something I need to worry about? I do not have any really modern new hardware so I suspect I do not really need a kernel upgrade?

Any ideas appreciated.


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The last Stable Branch update series was in March.

There is a bit of time between Stable branch updates due to the recent release of KDE Plasma 6 and Manjaro maintainers having to make sure everything is working properly before it is rolled out to us Stable branch users.

If it is just a more modern kernel that you want, why not open the Manjaro Settings Manager via your app launcher or with the CLI command manjaro-settings-manager -m msm_kernel & install a more recent one? There have been quite a few releases since 5.10 (which will go EOL in December, 2026):


you can give 6.6.26-1 which is the one i use, i will be switching to testing to help the community within the next month,

If you are looking for more frequent updates, and bleeding edge software you should think about going to unstable branch like im going to do

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i can understand KDE6 needs testing, but i do not get why they did not update OBS, goverlay, corectrl, yt-dlp, etc more frequently
OBS30.1 was a big linux update and supports AV1 now. i think its 2 month now and it still not hit a rolling release stable branch?

If you want more frequent updates you should use a different branch.

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obs-studio v30.1.1-2 is in Testing branch: Packages

If you really need it urgently, you might want to look at switching branches from Stable to Testing:

i know! that was not my point! why is it in testing? it came out almost 2 months ago. manjaro calls itself a rolling release! i should not be forced to use an unstable branch of a rolling release distro so i can use basic software.

Both Gnome and KDE had big updates.

There is no specific release cycle.

Stable in particular can stay stale for months at a time, save severe security patches.

This is nothing new.

You are not forced to use a Testing or Unstable branch to “use basic software”.

You do however need to use a branch other than Stable if you want more frequent updates, use the AUR, or to otherwise be closer to upstream.

In your OBS example its not that you dont have OBS, its that you want a newer version.

If you cannot wait … it is simple … do not use Stable Branch.

Or if that is untenable for some reason you do have other options like AppImage or Flatpak.


This isn’t true. Manjaro is a curated rolling release. If you want to have something sooner than the team deems it stable, then go to Arch. Or even Gentoo.

And P.S.:

This kind of aggressive, entitled attitude and behaviour will get you nowhere.

You want it sooner? Well, go to a different branch and help.


Nobody is forcing you to use Manjaro if it doesn’t suit you.


Don’t forget in FOSS nobody owes you anything.

People provide for free, and you trust in their good intend or take responsibility yourself and either check or do it yourself.

If you feel like someone gave a promise to provide something and feel the promise is not fulfilled. First thing should be to check if you understood what was actually promised.

And even if you did and they actually fell short, complaining does very little to resolve the issue.
If you want to keep the trust, you ask what happened and how to help.

Or you have to adjust your trust and maybe look out for someone else to put your trust into.

Regarding your issue of “slow” package updates. If Manjaro’s approach does not suit you you should check what they have to offer to suit you better (here switching to testing or even unstable branch). Or if someone else has a better approach for your needs.
Maybe switch to Arch directly or maybe EndeavourOS?

You will have newest up to date packages with those options. Just have to loose what Manjaro offered you.


Remind us again just how much you’re paying for the service you seem to believe you’re entitled to?


May be Manjaro maintainers are saving their efforts for Manjaro 24.0…

Clearly, you have no appreciation of what rolling release actually infers, in terms of distribution management in a Linux ecosystem. You could use Windows, and accept the smoke that M$ typically blows when dealing with uninformed complaints, or, you could accept the reality of Linux; that freedom isn’t a license for entitlement.

When distributions (as a whole) are ready, they will be released to Stable; to do otherwise would be detrimental.

Disclaimer: These words constitute my personal opinion only.



what? it is basic software! how much harm can goverlay, OBS, etc cause?
i am not talking about bleeding edge systemically relevant software. its just applications like browsers, which they manage to update very frequently.

sadly my time does!
i also kinda like manjaro, but again… i am talking about simple applications like browser!
why cant you just answer me why it takes so long to update OBS?

i can remind you how much other distros cost. distros with up to date simple applications

As everyone seems in a reminder mode, may I remind you that you’re free to use any of those other distros. While I don’t know specifically why OBS has not been pushed to Stable, it doesn’t take a smart person to extrapolate that there is likely a good reason for it; perhaps the likely incompatibilites with Plasma6 and related packages, for example.

Incidentally, OBS is far from basic software.

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Your definition of “basic software” is, quite obviously different from the actual definition of basic software. bash might be considered basic software. Neither OBS nor Firefox are considered “basic”.

Except, perhaps, of you want to call Firefox’ more than 21 Million lines of code “basic”. For comparison, the Linux kernel has ±28 million lines of code.

And that’s Manjaro and/or Manjaro’s fault, and problem, how?

Although I doubt this very much, this is EXACTLY the point, you don’t get to make 1 single demand.

You’d do well to work through this:

@moderators I think this thread can be closed and unlisted.

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In my experience of using Linux for the best part of 30 years, there are very few distros with more up-to-date applications than is Manjaro. Perhaps you ought to take your sense of self-entitlement to one of the distros where you pay for the premium service you apparently think you should be getting here for nothing.


Yeah and someone else will ask for 3 different programs, and then another one will want to have those other 5 apps, and so on. So in the end with everyone’s wish included you get to where the unstable or testing branches are. So there you go.

Also keep in mind that programs depend on different libraries and other programs, so you usually can’t just update that one single thing.

This thread has been marked as solved, with respect the OP.

For the sake of concerns expressed by @longusnickus - please see the post by @cscs who suggests a viable workaround for the time being: to use either the .appImage or flatpak version of OBS.

As has been previously suggested, this thread has likely run its course.


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