This is my first thread on this forum, so please be gentle with me
I’m testing linux58 on my device, and my keyboard is unresponsive, as in everything seems to be working except the keyboard, as described here:
The user in the above mentioned thread seems to have found the culprit, but doesn’t know how to proceed - neither do I
I’m on 5.7 right now (my daily driver). The inxi is from when I was testing various 5.8 releases. Unfortunately none of them worked for me - and my keyboard…
Tested 5.8.2-1 from the unstable branch. Keyboard and mousepad still unresponsive. What’s weird, now it seems that the enter key is being pressed permanently. I wasn’t able to get a log in that kind of state.
Keyboard and mouse are recognized by Manjaro…
Probs with the Logitech nano-receiver ? —> install Solaar
(Aug 18 16:02:54 hostname upowerd[1308]: failed to coldplug unifying device:
Unable to read response from device: Die Ressource ist zur Zeit nicht verfügbar.
Da liegt der Hund begraben…
(Aug 18 16:02:55 hostname blueman-mechanism[1484]: Unable to init server:
Could not connect: Connection refused)
keyboard is PS/2 - I see; is this supported by manjaro?
So possibly devices are not paired ==> mouse / touchpad
Or bluetooth pairing problem (PIN) / i am not the expert in bluetooth…
Does the mouse work on an other machine…
What tells “systemctl --failed” / journalctl -p 3 -b / journalctl -p 2 -b
Remove the “quiet” in GRUB-menu (edit with key “E”) - sometimes the PC tells whats wrong.
that is extremely long time. My systemd-analyze blame tells: 6.543s NetworkManager-wait-online.service
(test: sudo systemctl enable systemd-resolved.service)
Installing x86-input-synaptics 1.9.1-2 did the trick for the touchpad!
As for the keyboard, it must have been recognized, since Fn key is partially working (Fn + brightness up/down). The rest of it still isn’t working.
We’re getting there - your help is greately appreciated