Kernel Modules are failing after updating

run these:
mkinitcpio -P
systemctl reboot
and hopefully you will be able to boot normally into your installation…

do i need to remove the USB?

when you run those command, and then when you rebooted, you can remove the usb

no still
kernel modules failed to load

At Advanced you can choose the kernel. Also try the fallback kernel.

Since linux513 was not properly removed before removed from the repo, it is still there.

i’m sorry i didn’t understand

how do i remove that??

This is german, but it is the same:


i’m not being booted to here

Not easy, if it was removed from the repo. I modified my mhwd-kernel script, but here is a standalone script:


kver_list=( $(pacman -Ssq "^linux[0-9][0-9]?([0-9])($|-rt$)" | \
              sed -r "s/linux([4,5])([0-9]+)(|-rt)/\\1.\\2\\3/g") )
kver_inst=( $(pacman -Qqs "^linux[0-9][0-9]?([0-9])($|-rt$)" | \
              sed -r "s/linux([4,5])([0-9]+)(|-rt)/\\1.\\2\\3/g") )

# Remove installed kernels from the list
for target in ${kver_inst[@]}; do
    for i in "${!kver_list[@]}"; do
        if [[ ${kver_list[i]} == $target ]]; then
           unset 'kver_list[i]'

# List kernels versions, which are not installed
echo -e "The following kernels are \033[1mNOT INSTALLED\033[0m in your system:"

for x in ${kver_list[@]}; do
    echo "   * linux${x/./}"

# List kernels versions, which are installed
echo -e "The following kernels are \033[1mINSTALLED\033[0m in your system:"

for x in ${kver_inst[@]}; do
    echo "   * linux${x/./}"

# List possible garbage files
echo "Search for garbage files..."

# Search for possible garbage files
$(find /boot -maxdepth 1 -type f \
\( \
-name "*vmlinuz*$(uname -m)" -o \
-name "*initramfs*$(uname -m).img" -o \
-name "*initramfs*$(uname -m)-fallback.img" -o \
-name "linux*-$(uname -m).kver" \
\) \
| grep -v "$(echo -n ${kver_inst[@]} | sed -e 's, ,\\|,g')" \
| grep -v "$(echo -n ${kver_inst[@]/.} | sed -e 's, ,\\|,g')")
$(find /etc/mkinitcpio.d -maxdepth 1 -type f \
\( \
-name "linux*.preset" -o \
-name "linux*.preset.pacsave" \
\) \
| grep -v "$(echo -n ${kver_inst[@]} | sed -e 's, ,\\|,g')" \
| grep -v "$(echo -n ${kver_inst[@]/.} | sed -e 's, ,\\|,g')")

# List of possible garbage files
for x in ${garbage[@]}; do echo "   * ${x}"; done

# Ask to remove garbage files and for safeness,
# run mkinitcpio and grub-mkconfig
if [[ -n $garbage ]]; then
    echo "If the files don't have a known version number, then they are most likely garbage."
    echo "Same goes for not installed kernel versions."

    read -p "Would you like to delete these files? [ENTER/CTRL+C]"
    sudo rm -fv ${garbage[@]}

    read -p "Would you like to recreate the initcpio? [ENTER/CTRL+C]"
    sudo mkinitcpio -P

    read -p "Would you like to recreate the grub config? [ENTER/CTRL+C]"
    sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
    echo "No garbage found."

Save it into a text file and run it in chroot or on the local installation:

bash script

like this:

cd /tmp
nano script

Copy the text and insert it with CTRL+SHIFT+V and save and exit it with CTRL+S and CTRL+X,

Then run it.

It looks like this then:

$ bash script                                                                   
The following kernels are NOT INSTALLED in your system:

   * linux419
   * linux517
   * linux518
   * linux54
   * linux515-rt
   * linux518-rt

The following kernels are INSTALLED in your system:

   * linux510
   * linux515

Search for garbage files...

No garbage found.

Type ESC on boot time and it will be visible.

so the problem is 5.13 is not installed in machine but somehow it go selected as default one
how i change that?

you need to tap esc repeatedly during booting, if that doesnt work, try tapping shift and in the grub menu select advanced options and try the 5.10 kernel

got in now selected 5.17 kernel

and can you boot with the 5.17

yep it is working now
used the script and removed 5.13 kernel

maybe the 5.15 is also corrupted, so uninstall it:
sudo mhwd-kernel -r linux515
if you want to install it again, then reboot and install it again:
sudo mhwd-kernel -i linux515

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