Kernel messages have been lost as the journal system has been unable

Manjaro kde freezes dead except the mouse moving smoothly.
CrtlAltF2 takes to tty2 where

“sudo journalctl -xe” command shows a repetitive log saying
"kernel messages have been lost as the journal system has been unable "

Might be related: Issues after user switching from GUI, eg. logout/login
Check and see if that solution helps you also…

:sob::roll_eyes: no, nothing helpful there…

Did you try that setting and rebooted?
(Or just read it)

Plus when is it freezing actually?
Does it freeze at boot-up or while you are working or when you log out and try to login again?

When I’m working as usual, like watching youtube… :sob:

It says “PCIe bus error”…

Nor “passwd” problem as mentioned in the thread…

Ahh see

That is critical info you forgot to mention in your first post (OP).
Now before others step in and ask, let me do it :smiley:
Gather info using this utility:

Then paste the contents of the generated file here as reply, while useing ``` on the top and end of it (on separate lines)
To copy the contents of that file to your clipboard, you can use xclip -in filename