Kernel 6.6 series - hard power off

Using kernel 6.6.0rc4-1 (testing branch),
System: two nvme drive, one mechanical hard-disk.
When powering off the PC -
the Mechanical Disk Drive puts the heads audibly into the parking position;
the same noise when power is interrupted suddenly.
No issue using kernel 6.5 and 6.1.

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I guess this is a new info here. I do not want to use any mainline versions of Kernel.
I don’t think Manjaro users can help you.
You can report the issue to Kernel Mailing List where Kernel experts/maintainers live if you want. :wink:

I think it is the correct place, as you cannot report kernel issues if you don’t run a kernel compiled from source.

How do I report a problem with the kernel?

If you are running a kernel that came with your Linux distribution, then the right place to start is by reporting the problem through your distribution support channels.
– The Linux Kernel Archives - FAQ

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It’s even worse. After every (complete) shutdown you’ll realize that the SMART (raw)values for “Power-Retract” or “Unexpect_Power_Loss_Ct” and similar parameters that indicate a “powerloss” climb up.
I have lots of hard/ssd drives in my system and noticed it during my regular “check up”. Doesn’t seem to happen on the 6.5.5-1 kernel. I also don’t know at this point if this is the reason why i just recently got a bad block on one of my SSDs… i read stuff like power loss can cause such issues. I’d strongly advice everyone to have a look at these values to see if everything works correctly. In my case it certainly doesn’t. Only fix at this point seems to be to switch to an older kernel, there it shut downs “cleanly”.

You can check it out yourself with sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdb

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Continued at:

Problem is solved in the meantime. kernels got patched
– The developer forgot to check whether the disks are on standby: in case of shutdown

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