my text editor “Kate” won’t open at all
i tried reinstalling but still no improvement
i tried doing this kate --version kate --help
but got this for everything kate: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: _ZN9KLineEdit16returnKeyPressedERK7QString
Can someone please help me how to get kate working again
I got kate to work again after getting this exact error by replacing ktexteditor with ktexteditor-git.
I uninstalled kate. Installed ktexteditor-git which automatically dependencies and uninstalled ktexteditor and duplicates. I then re-installed kate and it worked.
I also use kwrite so tried a similar trick with kwrite. Uninstall kwrite and kwrite demon and install kwrite and kwrite demon git version. Kwrie now works also
Thanks for your answer, I tried again, the dependencies problem is back
Kate is working, thanks to @srahman5317
here is Manjaro install on a virtual machine, thanks again.
In the future (and the present) I’ll take care with kio, for sure :-)
I don’t get why people mix git and non-git packages so lightly. It’s so annoying to clean up afterwards.
But as I wrote in one of the many other threads about this exact issue, you need to replace ALL the git packages, with their non-git counterpart.
And the most safe way to do that, is via pacman in the terminal.
I’m absolutely not sure, but I think it might be something like the description says the -git version is the latest and greatest. Most people that I know wouldn’t think something with flaws will available to the general public.
I am nearly sure that I did not exchange a KDE-related package by hand by its ‘-git’ alternative in this os installation, and if I would have done so some of the above 27 would have status ‘explicitly installed’.
And there is no such package:
[~]$ pacman -Qqen | grep "\-git" | wc -l
But there is a package that looks very strange to me as it’s
classified as an orphan
a library
not native (foreign)
a preinstalled package
and it needs package ‘kio-git’ a dependency:
[ ~]$ pacman -Qqe --foreign | grep "\-git"
[ ~]$ pacman -Qi user-manager-git
Name : user-manager-git
Version : 5.19.90.r501.g1b71858-1
Beschreibung : A simple system settings module to manage the users of your system
Architektur : x86_64
Lizenzen : LGPL
Gruppen : plasma-git
Stellt bereit : user-manager=5.19.90.r501.g1b71858-1
Hängt ab von : accountsservice libpwquality kio-git
Optionale Abhängigkeiten : Nichts
Benötigt von : Nichts
Optional für : Nichts
In Konflikt mit : user-manager
Ersetzt : Nichts
Installationsgröße : 9,67 MiB
Packer : Unknown Packager
Erstellt am : Fr 23 Okt 2020 23:08:47 CEST
Installiert am : Mi 18 Nov 2020 11:41:26 CET
Installationsgrund : Ausdrücklich installiert
Installations-Skript : Nein
Verifiziert durch : Signatur
Package ‘kio-git’ itself also has three ‘-git’ package dependencies. So, it looks as though the preinstalled package ‘user-manager-git’ might also be a true cause of the trouble caused by mixed up
KDE-related packages.
What to do now?
May I just delete the orphan package ‘user-manager-git’ and then exchange all ‘-git’ packages by their ‘non-git’ equivalents?
Yes, in the release notes of Manjaro 20.2 Nibia by philm I found the hint that for the KDE version package ‘user-manager-git’ was in the profile “for some reason” and the ‘-git’ versions of the KDE packages (listed in my previous post) came into the installation profile as direct and indirect dependencies.
Philip did provide a shell script to correct that.
So, if you also have package ‘user-manager-git’ installed on your system then you are affected by this. Please search for that package name in the forum to find the script.
(Because I didn’t read the release notes carefully I became aware of it only now when Kate and additionally Ark began to make trouble.)