Issues booting from SD Card on Ugoos AM6 Plus

Hello Guys ,

Hope youre all ok.

I am new here and am usually found around xda and freaktab.

I am having issues with the latest inage and trying to boot manjaro on an Ugoos AM6 plus from Micro SDcard

I originally came from slimbox modded android firmware so not sure if thats the issue.

I burned the sdcard using etcher and i see the kernel loading a couple of lines containing errors "directory does not exist " and “systemd error no such directory or file”

I am not sure if i have to do anything within the directory of the image , the screen has a loading wheel for around 5 seconds after the kernel text error messages then the TV switches to ‘no signal’.

I signed up for some help as i spent hours last night even trying USB stick drive too.

Any help appreciated


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Try Ventoy or this to burn the SD card.

For linux to get loaded you might need official ugood Android image. As I don’t know which uboot is used in the modded Android.

Would be helpful if you can picture the logs or upload a video on YouTube and share it here.

Looks like kernel resetting the board. No idea what’s wrong. Please share the exact files name of the Manjaro os image you burned in your sdcard/usb.


Hi thanks for both replies ,

I have the Ugoos AM6 plus and used a 16gb SDcard.

The image i used was :


The error message reads:

[270] systemd-fstab-generator[263] failed to create unit file ‘run/systemd/generator/boot.mount’ : as it already exists duplicate entry /etc/fstab

Then a couple of wifi chip errors . Basically i know its failing to find or place folders because theyre engaged already.

I think the firmware im using has maybe tied up or disconnected the dual boot/sdcard boot function so:

I will try and flash the original kernel (android) and go from there .

Will post back

Thanks again for advice guys .much appreciated .


This is mostly an information and does not cause boot failure.

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13 posts were split to a new topic: Creating SD card for Ugoos AM6 Plus