Currently Pamac cannot be used to install packages using AUR package scripts.
Please install manually using the terminal command line as follows
Lookup the package name using the aur webpage - then clone the repo and build using makepkg (ensure your have the required build packages installed first)
eschwartz wrote:
yay is a rewrite of yaourt in golang, its name literally stands for “yet another yaourt”. It’s thematically fairly similar, though it adds new bugs like hammering the AUR RPC and getting you rate limited for a 24-hour blacklisting of your IP address if you try to install certain packages with complex deptrees.
Well, they all have to fetch the metadata from somewhere…
Of course if you install tons of packages and use the search like a maniac, it might happen you run into the limits.
Even the AUR page itself does that. Although it is using a more sane type of API call which only gives you the bare minimum of information (package names).
That would be my proposal as well. Simply put a search button / use enter key to start searching. Who needs this auto-search/complete stuff really? But I guess in order to be cool and fancy, software nowadays needs these kind of “features”
As I see this issue - unfortunately - I see it as a long term issue - because - as @philm mentioned in the Gitlab issue there is the possibility of other systems implementing Pamac either because they build on Manjaro or it could be a regular fork of the pamac code which is causing the issues and as such, the user agent itself only points back at Manjaro.
It is a real pain when something like this happens and it is in every ones interest to solve it and it is/was spreading like wildfire.
I read in the thread @guinux has implemented a small change in the user agent string so the different versions can be told apart.
And the Arch guys has also been forthcoming in the matter - implementing a throttle rather than a complete block - so a big thank you and kudos to them for being friendly.
In the mean time - please help stopping the fire - by encouraging anyone to build the packages they use by using the method from the original topic as this will help taking the heat of the AURweb.