Installation problems/Проблемы с установкой

hello, I have such a problem, I can’t install Manjaro, the installation is interrupted by 90% and then the system freezes, can I somehow fix this?

здравствуйте, у меня такая проблема не могу устоновить Manjaro, устоновка прерываеться на 90 % и потом ситема зависает, можно ли как-то это исправить?

Dows this happen on all Manjaro flavors (Gnome, KDE, etc.) ?

If the installation freezes for no apparent reason, then I think it’s most likely a hardware issue like a bad hard drive or a faulty USB pen drive you want to install Manjaro from.

To be honest, I only tried Manjaro KDE , but before that I tried the Fedora distribution and it also could not install

is it possible to install Manjaro via terminal?

Hi and welcome to the Forum :+1:

It is impossible to say, without hardware information, why you are unable to install…

Без информации об оборудовании невозможно сказать, почему вы не можете установить…

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You can try the manjaro-architect installer