Input password wrong now Manjaro doesn't load after boot

I don’t want to be a nuisance but I don’t want to use more vacation time tomorrow and I’m not sure what to do from this step. I can enter the GRUB commandline, is that where I should input the above command? As soon as I select manjaro from GRUB all my peripherals get locked and the screens are black so I can’t log in as root

I tried to boot to a USB with manjaro on it, and it successfully loads to the desktop environment, but when I run sudo usermod -U $USERNAME with the appropriate username it says “usermod: user ‘$USERNAME’ does not exist”

which makes sense because the terminal session is manjaro@manjaro rather than $USERNAME@$machine but again this suggests to me that I have no way of entering the locked manjaro partition

Hi @blp92 :wink:

  1. $USERNAME is a placeholder for your current username.
  2. sudo usermod -U $USERNAME unlocks the user, but you need boot the local system, that is not possible on a live boot (even if chrooting).
  3. TTY means, type: CTRL+ALT+F3 to switch to another TTY, then login and unlock the user with that command.

Hope that make it more clear.

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Thanks for the response.

1 and 2 I understood, and that’s why I was confused about the method and didn’t think it would work. 3 is new to me but does not work unfortunately.

Maybe I’m not being clear but once I have selected manjaro linux in GRUB, my peripherals all go black and are no interactive at all. Pressing CTRL+ALT+F3 yields nothing. I need to somehow unlock it from GRUB since as soon as manjaro is selected I am completely cut out from any interaction with my peripherals

The wrong password don’t lock everything - it only block login after 5 attempts - blocking for 10 minutes.

This could be a case of initrd not containing the needed modules or not able to autodetect the needed modules - but I am 99% sure it has nothing to do with the password.

When you are in GRUB menu edit the grub command line pressing e on the default entry.

Then use to reach line containing quiet the press End add a space to the end of the line and the digit 3 then press F10 to continue booting.

This should bring you to the console (runlevel 3 in the old days) - login using root credentials.

I suggest you run a full system sync using pacman

# pacman -Syyu

Then unlock the locked username - exit - and reboot.

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I trust your expertise in this but I had a manjaro install working perfectly until I entered the password wrong twice and rebooted to windows to make a last minute meeting. Ever since I’ve been stuck in this state.

If it’s not password related that’s all well and good I’d just like to resolve it somehow :sweat_smile:

Following this, there was already a 3 at the end of that line. I tried what you suggested anyways and I still end with the locked peripherals and not a console unfortunately. Let me post a cell phone picture of what I see from the GRUB editor

That 3 is probably the kernel argument

... udev.log_priority=3

Just add a space and another digit 3 like this (without the dots - they designate whatever is present beforhand)

... udev.log_priority=3 3

You are right it does have udev.log_priority=3 and I did add it to become udev.log_priority=3 3 and still got the locked screens and keyboard and mouse.

I don’t know is wrong but this needs an USB stick with a Manjaro ISO to boot the system from.

I am pretty occupied so I have to leave … Sorry I can’t followup on this.

I tried that and I successfully boot to the media but then I’m in a session on the media and I can’t do the usermod command as the username will be unrecognized

understood, thanks for your help!

Use chroot.

Locate your root device /dev/sdyX replace with your device


Then mount the device on /mnt

sudo mount /dev/sdxY /mnt

Then chroot

manjaro-chroot /mnt /bin/bash

Then you can use usermod to unlock - and you should also be able to run a full sync as mentioned above.

Was successfully able to run this, thank you! Do I need to close anything in the terminal or unmount before I close this session from media?

I used this method and it seemed to work (no error was thrown at any point) and yet the issue persists. My root is in nvme0n1p7 and so I did

sudo mount /dev/nvme0n1p7 /mnt

followed by

manjaro-chroot /mnt /bin/bash

and once that was going I input

usermod -U $USERNAME (with correct username filled in) and it seemed to work as no error was thrown. But after rebooting and selecting manjaro again I get the same behavior as before

I aslo now am unable to boot into the media I have no idea how this happened. I’m not an idiot and I don’t think I’m inept but it seems like evidence to the contrary is mounting…I just want to get back to my manjaro distro and get some work done :confounded:

For what it’s worth I did nmap from my laptop and it doesn’t appear the desktop has an active IP address when it’s in the post GRUB but pre log-in screen lock

sigh I’m gonna have to nuke it and start from scratch aren’t I?

2 posts were split to a new topic: Wrong password problem