Building imagemagick6...
==> Making package: imagemagick6 (Thu 20 May 2021 02:38:12 AM EDT)
==> Checking runtime dependencies...
==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
==> Retrieving sources...
-> Found ImageMagick6-6.9.12-12.tar.gz
==> ERROR: arch-fonts.diff was not found in the build directory and is not a URL.
Failed to build imagemagick6
Thanks always.
P.S. [Forum] search wasn’t working for me at this time, I don’t know if this had already been addressed but I did my best to skim through all responses.
I try to stick to command line. After reading this thread I tried pamac clean and it removed 1.3GB and yet the error persisted. I tried the following in GUI and it worked. I just wonder why the CLI didn’t.