I'm pretty dumb so I came here to get help modify /etc/fstab so that my 2nd hard drive works

/dev/sdb1 /home/xiaohan/Downloads/ ntfs defaults 0 0

when I do that, I actually used kde partition manager and hit “mount” to get that to show up but

it doesn’t show up in the folder left side panel of dolphin, and not in the save file pop up for browsers and other programs. Is that just not something I should expect? In windows I got everything to show up there, even network locations because I live that NAS lfe.

See this:


/dev/sdb1 /home/xiaohan/Downloads/
It looks like you have mounted the device named sdb1 to the path /home/xiaohan/Downloads/, and generally speaking, opening this path is the same as opening your sdb1.

Also, it is not wise to use a Windows format compatible drive on linux, especially if you need to run programs on this drive.

Hi @MoneroMoBit,

Firstly, you’re not dumb.

Secondly, please see [root tip] Use systemd to mount ANY device

Do not use this identifier to mount disk, it is not consistent, use the partition UUID instead, this never changes.

To find the UUID of your partition, use blkid command, then edit your fstab file accordingly.

UUID=xXxXxXxXxXxXx /path/to/mountpoint ntfs defaults 0 0


Even without adding it to the fstab file, it should appear in Dolphin, but not mounted, clicking it would then mount it temporarily. If it doesn’t appear in Dolphin at all, there is a problem.

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I’d say yes, since you set the mount point outside /media and /mnt. Though, doesn’t Dolphin already have a shortcut to the ~/Downloads folder?
I know that adding the x-gvfs-show mount option allows it to show in Thunar’s panel (Xfce) wherever the mount point is; i don’t know if it can also apply to Dolphin.

Make sure you have disabled fast startup in windows. It causes a lot of trouble when accessing drives in dual-boot systems. If you don’t know how to do that, search for it from your favorite search engine.

Now, with that out of the way; Try using ntfs-3g instead of ntfs. Run id command and note your uid and gid. Then try using these options in your fstab (after ntfs-3g) uid=xxxx,gid=xxxx,umask=022 1 0

Make sure to change the uid and gid.

I would advise you to mount your drives in /media folder.

Oh it does but I think I figure out what it is maybe. The downloads folder is listed as root user permission. So i get denied a lot.

I hear a lot of people mount at /mnt is that different than doing the /media folder

Nope. Its fine too.

k that’s good because I don’t see a /media folder
i feel like i should

o nevermind I typed it in

why is my /mnt folder root only? the GUI doesn’t let me change it :confused:

It is supposed to be root only.
Everything on / or root is root only. Except for maybe /tmp

Give the Downloads mountpoint ownership to your user.

Don’t mount to /mnt. Mount to a folder inside.

More details on mounting there:


btw an interesting thing happened, I think I had a windows session that didlnt’ close down or something because when I mounted using the command line it said this

"The disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0).

Metadata kept in Windows cache, refused to mount."

"Falling back to read-only mount because the NTFS partition is in an

unsafe state. Please resume and shutdown Windows fully (no hibernation

or fast restarting.)

Could not mount read-write, trying read-only

Wait I thought you meant inside /mnt ! you seem to mean a different location.

Why does the mount commant have a dollar sign in front?

$ sudo mount /dev/sdyX $mount/mydisk

You need to disable Fast Startup.

Create a folder inside /mnt /media (/mnt is actually not recommended for permanent mounts). That folder shall serve as mount point.

Also, please don’t post screenshots for text you could copy/paste.

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sure thing thanks

That dollar sign is not part of the command. It is supposed to represent a non-privileged UNIX shell command prompt ─ the root prompt would be # ─ in text mediums that do not support text formatting, such as Usenet discussion groups. Here on the forum it’s not needed.

Actually, if this is data specific to one user only, then a better choice for a mountpoint would be a directory inside the user’s ${HOME}.