i3WM: Alsa and pulseaudio don't work together, no sound through my 3.5mm jack headphone

All right @anon89812132 @mithrial

Strangely enough the systemctl service could not be started, although it is present on my system. Now I’ve found this file, this became a little detail. I did a reboot and the system starts as it should.
Thank you very much.

 $ sudo find / -iname "pulseaudio.service"
  Sound Server-2: JACK v: 1.9.19 running: no 
  Sound Server-3: PulseAudio v: 15.0 running: yes 

As for the 3.5mm jack problem. I’ve found a bug report while browsing this forum. Apparently, there was a change in a kernel source file

209045 – Headphone audio stopped working (no sound from 3.5mm jack-audio)
Sound from speakers no sound from 3.5mm jack-audio - #20 by ZeroAnarchy