I can't open snap store

Hello, everyone,

this is my first post on the forum and I am a new Manjaro user.
The distro is beautiful even if it immediately started to give me some problems, which I hope to solve soon.

I installed first Manjaro and snap-store on usb and everything worked well, now that I formatted my computer switching completely to manjaro I don’t understand why it doesn’t work.

Practically if I open the snap-store menu it doesn’t open, if I try to start it from terminal it shows me this message:

01:10:31:0449 Gtk Failed to load module “canberra-gtk-module”
01:10:31:0466 Gtk Theme parsing error: gtk.css:1:0: Failed to import: Errore nell’aprire il file /var/lib/snapd/hostfs/usr/share/themes/Breath/gtk-3.0/gtk.css: Permission denied
01:10:31:0467 Gtk Failed to load module “colorreload-gtk-module”
01:10:31:0500 Gs enabled plugins: odrs, rewrite-resource, snap, icons, key-colors, key-colors-metadata
01:10:31:0500 Gs disabled plugins: appstream, desktop-categories, desktop-menu-path, dpkg, dummy, fedora-langpacks, fedora-pkgdb-collections, fwupd, generic-updates, hardcoded-blacklist, hardcoded-popular, modalias, os-release, packagekit, packagekit-history, packagekit-local, packagekit-offline, packagekit-proxy, packagekit-refine, packagekit-refine-repos, packagekit-refresh, packagekit-upgrade, packagekit-url-to-app, provenance, provenance-license, repos, systemd-updates
01:10:31:0584 Gs /etc/PackageKit/Vendor.conf file not found
01:10:31:0770 Pango pango_font_get_hb_font: assertion ‘PANGO_IS_FONT (font)’ failed
Errore di segmentazione (core dump creato)

I tried to find the box that tells me where to enter the code, but the only similar thing I found and how to format the text, I hope I haven’t made any mistake, in case you can tell me and I’ll try to improve next time.

Also I didn’t find in the forum a section for new users and welcome, so I take the opportunity to greet you all here directly in my first post.

I followed several guides in these 24 hours, trying to purge completely both snapd and snap-store, in the end I was able to use terminal snap (before it didn’t work) but not to open directly snap-store, do you think it’s possible to fix this situation?

I leave you some of the different guides I followed, some of them are in my language.

Thank you in advance to everyone.

PS sorry, i can’t include link in my post, i don’t know why.

Hi there,
First off … why do you need snap store? pamac has snap functionality.
Second … how did you install this? is it a snap itself? or an AUR package?
Third … how is your system? is it up-to-date?

sudo pacman-mirrors -f && sudo pacman -Syyu
1 Like

Hi cscs, thanks for getting back to me so quickly.
I thought I needed it because I wanted to install AUR packages, but I probably realized afterwards that it could also be done by pacman or by the “add remove software” program that I think is the graphical pacman.

I tried to install it so many times with so many guides that I can’t remember the damn thing anymore.

I think I have installed it both from Github and with Pacman as a theme of course.

I tried to delete all the files and folders because they always appeared on the menu trying also to purge, but on arch systems the purge doesn’t work.

The system is completely updated even if I use a kernel stable lts “the last one recommended and most updated by the system itself”.

I try to give the command, today I have not yet tried to make the updates.

Ps. Can I use this command

sudo pacman -Syyu

to keep my terminal Manjaro always updated?

I’m trying to learn how to use the Manjaro/Arch terminal but it seems different from other distros.

 sudo pacman-mirrors -f && sudo pacman -Syyu

[sudo] password di phoenix:
::INFO Mirror list generated and saved to: /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
:: Sincronizzazione dei database in corso…
core 169,3 KiB 553 KiB/s 00:00 [#############################################] 100%
extra 2000,2 KiB 1373 KiB/s 00:01 [#############################################] 100%
community 6,3 MiB 1635 KiB/s 00:04 [#############################################] 100%
multilib 191,3 KiB 1635 KiB/s 00:00 [#############################################] 100%
:: Aggiornamento del sistema in corso…
non ci sono aggiornamenti disponibili

To clarify…
pacman is a cli tool for handling packages. It can only directly interact with local packages or the repos.
It is the main/default package manager on Arch systems.

pamac is a manjaro application that seeks to be a simpler/better pacman. It has both a cli and gui.
It can also interact with the Repos, AUR, snap, flatpak.

Please always keep yourself within the official software channels.
If you have to install something manually from a third party … make sure an alternative (like an AUR package) does not exist … and then if not available technically the best course of action is to create a PKGBUILD for the install - this way the system understands the package and files on the system. The PKGBUILD could also be shared with others to repeat the process … if useful it could go in the AUR.

This will only update repo packages.
I dont use SNAP or anything like that … but I do use AUR packages … so I also use an AUR helper to update…ex:

sudo pacman -Syyu && yay -Sua --devel

I will link this: Manjaro

I had understood that there was only pacman and pamac I hadn’t but heard it, the result of both is the same?

I thought that snap-store was used to install the AUR packages, I didn’t even realize that I had installed something that wasn’t about that, even if some questions when I had to download it from Github I did, but it was a guide related to Manjaro, I thought it was correct to do it.

So from now on to look for software I’ll try to do it inside the official manager to install the packages.

Now I’d better delete everything about snap-store and just keep snapd for AUR packages?

How do I solve the snap-store situation? Since it can be dangerous, how do I uninstall it completely?

Are there things I need to check to make sure my operating system is intact?

sudo pacman -Syyu && yay -Sua --devel
[sudo] password di phoenix:
:: Sincronizzazione dei database in corso…
core 169,3 KiB 552 KiB/s 00:00 [#############################################] 100%
extra 2000,2 KiB 1349 KiB/s 00:01 [#############################################] 100%
community 6,3 MiB 1518 KiB/s 00:04 [#############################################] 100%
multilib 191,3 KiB 1739 KiB/s 00:00 [#############################################] 100%
:: Aggiornamento del sistema in corso…
non ci sono aggiornamenti disponibili
bash: yay: comando non trovato

I do not know why, but the yay command is not found.

SNAP and AUR are very different things.
You wont get any SNAP packages from the AUR, and you dont need SNAP to use the AUR.

I dont know about high-danger … but I also dont know how you installed it exactly.
If, for example, it was from github and you used a MAKEFILE to install … maybe the makefile has a remove option. Maybe you need to go find all the files and delete them by hand.
This is a great example of why we prefer packages … if it was installed like that you could just do

sudo pacman -Rns snap-store

(or whatever the package is)

Probably because it isnt installed.
What I showed above was my preference and my preferred aur helper.
To simplify things … everything that isnt manually installed (repos, AUR, etc) will be handled by pamac if thats what you use. Ex:

pamac update

Probably my confusion comes from the fact that only a few days ago I use my distro derived from arch, I try to understand how it works.

Snapd would be snap if I understand correctly, and this is installed by the official repositories, so installing snap packages should be fine, right?

So why snap-store might not work?
If I understand with snap you can find packages from Canonical for example, they are always linux, and so I think also quite safe in general, so I think snap can be useful, especially when between the AUR and the official repositories I can’t find a program I need.

Here are the commands you indicated, I also installed yay

pamac update
==== AUTHENTICATING FOR org.manjaro.pamac.commit ====
Autenticazione richiesta per installare, aggiornare o rimuovere pacchetti
Authenticating as: Phoenix (phoenix)
Sincronizzazione database dei pacchetti…
Niente da fare.
Transazione completata con successo.

sudo pacman -Rns snap-store
[sudo] password di phoenix:
errore: il seguente pacchetto non è stato trovato: snap-store

sudo pacman -Rns “snap store”
errore: il seguente pacchetto non è stato trovato: snap store

It is not detected via terminal snap store, yet it still appears in the menu even if it does not start. I’ll try to reread those guides that I used to install it and tell you which commands I might have used.

This is probably the command I used to install the snap-store here as you see says it is installed.

sudo snap install snap-store
[sudo] password of phoenix:
snap “snap-store” is already installed, see ‘snap help refresh’.

And i tried with this (no Github git clone XD)

git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/snapd.git cd snapd makepkg -si

sudo systemctl enable --now snapd.socket

sudo ln -s /var/lib/snapd/snap /snap

This is the procedure that i used, but i follow other guides for try to repair the situation, but i use this command prevalent for install snap store.

EDIT. I tried also this.

Install Snap on Arch Linux / Manjaro

To install Snapd on Arch Linux, you can use pacman package manager or AUR.

sudo pacman -S snapd
yay -S --noconfirm --needed snapd
yaourt -S snapd (this not work for me)
sudo systemctl enable --now snapd.socket
systemctl status snapd.socket

Why i can’t use link? Is very difficult write all things.

This is roughly the use-case for snap. But also why its bloated … it should containerize the application and bundle it with its own necessary libs rather than integrated with the system … thusly it attempts to be a ‘cross-platform’ solution where packages ‘just work’ no matter what OS.
I personally find them … piggish and unecessary.
Also dont be fooled - malware in the SNAP store has been found more than once.

Again … this could depend on how it was installed.

I see. Then its installed as a SNAP. meaning if it doesnt work … its probably a problem with the SNAP and we cant do anything about it.

This looks funky … like its a half manual install of an AUR package (makepkg is the way to use PKGBUILDS directly)
And I dont know why you needed to manually create that symlink.
But its also just for the service snapd, not the snap store.

All these things considered … I think you want to remove the snap-store snap and instead use pamac-snap-plugin to administer SNAP packages in the pamac GUI.

Ok so it is better to avoid using snapd too? That is to avoid snap packages completely?

Why can’t you do anything about the problems with SNAP? Do you have to ask on the Ubuntu forum for those packages?

I don’t know, I searched online how to install snap store as I read that you had to install it to get all the packages that you can’t find six Arch or Manjaro repositories.
If I had found an easier or safer solution I would have surely used it, this is the price of learning, the lesson in life, it happens after you have had the experience, not before, always when you have the chance to learn the lesson.

So since the problem is about SNAP you can not ask for help on the Manjaro forum, I understand?

All we can do is support snap … like the pamac-plugin. Otherwise … its a wholly separate entity. We have no control over it, we dont verify or review its contents, etc etc.
Think like Steam … we can make steam available … but whatever is in the steam store is up to Valve.

You can ask. And its possible its system related or user mismanagement … but if its ultimately the fault of the snap itself … then its out of our hands.

All right, I’ll ask.

The last question about this post, can you confirm me that snapd even if inside the official packages is not part of the things you can deal with?

Or is it part of Manjaro snapd and so the installation of snap packages is ok, but not the snap store?

It seems you installed snapd in the conventional way - creating a package (using makepkg).
But you did so from outside the repos … and its possible the versioning is off or something similar.
So … we should be able to do something like this for an uninstall, and then reinstall from the repos:

sudo pacman -Rns snapd
sudo pacman -S snapd

First reinstall, i find this:

sudo pacman -Rns snap/snapd/
.git/ PKGBUILD snapd.install
.gitignore snapd-2.47.1-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst src/
pkg/ snapd-2.47.1.tar.xz .SRCINFO

i need to delete this file? How?
Can i purge all things about snapd and snap store? Becouse if i purge all this stuff i can reinstall by repo with no conflict…

Can i try to remove by menù in Manjaro…

Was that the command typed?
Please do exactly:

sudo pacman -Rns snapd

yes I gave the command you gave me, but then I rewrote the command with snap and clicked the two darts on the side of the computer on the headboard to see if it found other files about snap, and found this stuff. I thought I would use mlocate to find all the files about snap and delete them one by one, but I don’t want to delete something useful in the computer, if you want you can help me purge this file and the things connected to it

sudo pacman -Rns snapd
[sudo] password di phoenix:
controllo delle dipendenze in corso…

Pacchetti (2) squashfs-tools-4.4-2 snapd-2.47.1-1

Dimensione totale dei pacchetti rimossi: 62,63 MiB

:: Vuoi rimuovere questi pacchetti? [S/n] s
:: Elaborazione delle modifiche al pacchetto…
Stopping var-lib-snapd-snap-core-10185.mount
Stopping var-lib-snapd-snap-core-10185.mount
Removing snap core
Removing var-lib-snapd-snap-core-10185.mount
Stopping var-lib-snapd-snap-core18-1932.mount
Stopping var-lib-snapd-snap-core18-1932.mount
Removing snap core18
Removing var-lib-snapd-snap-core18-1932.mount
Stopping var-lib-snapd-snap-gnome\x2d3\x2d28\x2d1804-145.mount
Stopping var-lib-snapd-snap-gnome\x2d3\x2d28\x2d1804-145.mount
Removing snap gnome-3-28-1804
Removing var-lib-snapd-snap-gnome\x2d3\x2d28\x2d1804-145.mount
Stopping var-lib-snapd-snap-gnome\x2d3\x2d34\x2d1804-60.mount
Stopping var-lib-snapd-snap-gnome\x2d3\x2d34\x2d1804-60.mount
Removing snap gnome-3-34-1804
Removing var-lib-snapd-snap-gnome\x2d3\x2d34\x2d1804-60.mount
Stopping var-lib-snapd-snap-gtk\x2dcommon\x2dthemes-1506.mount
Stopping var-lib-snapd-snap-gtk\x2dcommon\x2dthemes-1506.mount
Removing snap gtk-common-themes
Removing var-lib-snapd-snap-gtk\x2dcommon\x2dthemes-1506.mount
Stopping var-lib-snapd-snap-snap\x2dstore-481.mount
Stopping var-lib-snapd-snap-snap\x2dstore-481.mount
Removing snap snap-store
Removing var-lib-snapd-snap-snap\x2dstore-481.mount
Stopping var-lib-snapd-snap-translatium-79.mount
Stopping var-lib-snapd-snap-translatium-79.mount
Removing snap translatium
Removing var-lib-snapd-snap-translatium-79.mount
Discarding preserved snap namespaces
Removing downloaded snaps
Removing features exported from snapd to helper tools
Final directory cleanup
Removing leftover snap shared state data
Removing snapd catalog cache
Removing extra snap-confine apparmor rules
(1/2) rimozione in corso di snapd [#############################################] 100%
(2/2) rimozione in corso di squashfs-tools [#############################################] 100%
:: Esecuzione degli hook di post-transazione…
(1/4) Reloading system manager configuration…
(2/4) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate…
(3/4) Reloading system bus configuration…
(4/4) Updating the desktop file MIME type cache…
[phoenix@phoenix-system Scrivania]$ sudo pacman -Rns snap/snapd/
.git/ PKGBUILD snapd.install
.gitignore snapd-2.47.1-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst src/
pkg/ snapd-2.47.1.tar.xz .SRCINFO
[phoenix@phoenix-system Scrivania]$ sudo pacman -Rns snapd
errore: il seguente pacchetto non è stato trovato: snapd

So it seems you successfully removed the snapd package.
You still have those downloaded files on you system … apparently in ~/.git/ and you can remove those too if you want.
Now if you want you can install snapd from the repos…

sudo pacman -S snapd

(easier than the way you did before :wink:)

eheheheh As you wish Sir :grin:

sudo pacman -S snapd
[sudo] password di phoenix:
risoluzione delle dipendenze in corso…
ricerca dei pacchetti in conflitto in corso…

Pacchetti (2) squashfs-tools-4.4-2 snapd-2.47.1-1

Dimensione totale dei pacchetti da scaricare: 0,12 MiB
Dimensione totale dei pacchetti da installare: 62,63 MiB

:: Vuoi procedere con l’installazione? [S/n] s
:: Download dei pacchetti in corso…
squashfs-tools-4.4-2-x86_64 119,1 KiB 810 KiB/s 00:00 [#############################################] 100%
(2/2) verifica delle chiavi presenti nel portachiavi [#############################################] 100%
(2/2) verifica dell’integrità dei pacchetti [#############################################] 100%
(2/2) caricamento dei file dei pacchetti [#############################################] 100%
(2/2) controllo dei conflitti in corso [#############################################] 100%
(2/2) controllo dello spazio disponibile sul disco [#############################################] 100%
:: Elaborazione delle modifiche al pacchetto…
(1/2) installazione in corso di squashfs-tools [#############################################] 100%
(2/2) installazione in corso di snapd [#############################################] 100%
Dipendenze opzionali di snapd
bash-completion: bash completion support [installato]
xdg-desktop-portal: desktop integration [installato]
:: Esecuzione degli hook di post-transazione…
(1/4) Reloading system manager configuration…
(2/4) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate…
(3/4) Reloading system bus configuration…
(4/4) Updating the desktop file MIME type cache…

Shall I try to see if it works by installing some packages? Or maybe I try to do a generic test with some management commands by looking at the guide in the terminal?

Well that seemed to work fine.
Maybe I guide you to using pamac …

sudo pacman -S pamac-snap-plugin

Then go ahead and open the pamac GUI (“Add/Remove Programs”) and you should be able to add or remove snaps from right in there.

To perfect, even before Pamac’s graphics worked, although I thought it was directly Pacman.

It’s really nice this distro, it’s a shame not to know how to use it yet.

I’m happy for you that you’re doing so well, you certainly have great satisfaction.

Ok I think I just have to delete the dento files ~/git/ and then the files I find in the Manjaro menu about snap store.

Is that enough for you? Is it good enough?

I tried to find the file but not exist the folder…
cd ~/.git/
bash: cd: /home/phoenix/.git/: File o directory non esistente