No homogeneous theming since GTK4 and libadwaita?
Latest version of Manjaro Xfce includes
for managing QT themesThe default
created from /etc/skel/ at installation includes:export QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME="qt5ct"
and QT5 settings (
) Style: is set to kvantumSo Xfce user should only need to change QT theme in
to match Gtk themeDark theme is applied to not al Qt apps (have tried qt5ct and Kvantum) - #2 by bogdancovaciu
If users want more simplicity than Manjaro defaults described in post#5, they can use
only:to use Kvantum only, without the qt5ct aka Qt5Settings, then only use that line:
export QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE="kvantum"
Then from Kvantum Manager you set your theme.
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