Dark theme is applied to not al Qt apps (have tried qt5ct and Kvantum)

Remove that line.
This is the default ~/.profile taken from /etc/skel/ at installation:

export EDITOR=/fusr/bin/nano 
export QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME="qt5ct" 
export GTK2_RC_FILES="$HOME/.gtkrc-2.0"

Then you set it to kvantum from Qt5Settings.


If you want to use Kvantum only, without the qt5ct aka Qt5Settings, then only use that line:

export QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE="kvantum"

Then from Kvantum Manager you set your theme.

You can have those also in the /etc/environment file, but in that case you don’t use export, but again, only one of them would suffice.

For QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME you can use: gnome, kde, qt5ct or xcb
For QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE is kvantum or kvantum-dark