How to pin browser profiles into taskbar?

yes this happens when you launch a gui app from terminal. kate is the default text-editor in kde. have you edited and saved the file??

you can change chris to any other name but change it everywhere then

Yes, I did. I changed word Chris with profile 2 in two places in that code like you said:

Then I ran another command and it says running in konsole, but that’s it. How I know that it worked?


if you have ran this command then search for google chrome (chris) from application launcher. it should appear with profile 1

Yes, I did that. It says running in konsole:

I’m willing to switch to Firefox, if this doesn’t work with Chrome.


in your case a google chrome (profile 2) should appear

Yes you’re right. It did appear. Then I changed profile 2 back to chris and now chris appears there, finally, but I think it still didn’t fix my problem, because when I opened it, it still got stacked with current profile together. Let me create another profile for my wife and let’s see if it still stacks.

this is the important part. see the order:

  1. Default (or the first profile)
  2. Profile 1
  3. Profile 2 …

wherever chris is written you can change that.

for a new profile change google-chrome-chris.desktop to google-chrome-something_else_1.desktop then google-chrome-something_else_2.desktop

share screenshot

I created another profile for Lisa, changed chris with Lisa and ran the command to open kate, pasted same code but replaced name chris with Lisa and proceed with same method. They still stack :frowning:


this is the issue. change it to something else and WITHOUT ANY SPACE. example google_chrome_profile_2 and run this command kbuildsycoca5 and relaunch new profile :crossed_fingers:

okay, I’m pasting this code in Kate now:

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Access the Internet
Exec=/usr/bin/google-chrome-stable --profile-directory="Profile 1" %U
GenericName=Web Browser
Name=Google Chrome (profile 2)

[Desktop Action NewWindow]
Exec=/usr/bin/google-chrome-stable --profile-directory="Profile 1"
Name=New Window

[Desktop Action NewPrivateWindow]
Exec=/usr/bin/google-chrome-stable --profile-directory="Profile 1" --incognito
Name=New Incognito Window
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3 different profiles and none stack :point_up:

I did, changed it like you said, but they still stack. I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong :frowning:

I tried with Firefox and it stacks too:

doesn’t stack here though :confused:

Oh, wow, I really need that, just like you have there :frowning:

right click edit panel and config icon only task manager and :crossed_fingers: :point_down:

check do not group

That helped, but I’m still experiencing problems. I was able to pin both “Lisa” and “profile 2” profiles in task manager, but whenever I click any of them, they open another one chrome window and they don’t open different pages. They open same pages. For example if Lisa’s last page was let’s say and profile 2’s page was and they’re both configured to start from the last session on startup, they both continue from each other’s last page.

only happening with you please check the posts above and try again.

last suggestion- for lisa this will be :point_down:

“Profile 1” and for other profile it will be “Profile 2” on Exec command. also go to .local/share/applications and make sure both desktop enteries are different google-chrome-lisa.desktop and google-chrome-anything.desktop and ofc run that command.

happy new year and good night

Almost. I fixed it too. They had same profiles in code. Now they both open their profiles, but the only problem remaining now is that when you click those profiles in taskmanager, they open a seperate window and if let’s say we have two profiles in taskmanager (Chris and Lisa) and when I try to open them, I get 4 chrome icons in taskbar, it looks like this:

If we can fix this too and lastly change their icons too, it will be perfect. Anyway, it’s my bed time too. Good night and happy new year. I’ll check this thread tomorrow morning :slight_smile:

Hi. I’ve been having the same issue as you. Even if you change the icons manually in the .desktop files, they still show up with the same icon.

The issue seems to be this one: Chrome multiple profiles task manager icons - #4 by winnie and it looks like there’s not an answer yet.

Did you find a way to make it work?