How to install tar.gz and tar.xz ?
thank u
How to install tar.gz and tar.xz ?
thank u
Can you please describe a bit more in detail what you plan to do exactly? What package from what source etc.?
This is both a general question and project-dependent.
You would be ‘building from source’ or ‘manually installing’.
This is usually not the first solution. And is technically unsupported and the users responsibility.
Besides you probably not actually wanting amdgpu-pro in general …
Variants of this software exist in the official repos and/or the AUR.
Do you have a reason to install them manually ?
(and do you have a reason to install amdgpu-pro at all?)
5 posts were split to a new topic: How to install amdgpu-pro
2 posts were split to a new topic: Gparted errors with multiple partitions
A post was merged into an existing topic: How to install amdgpu-pro
6 posts were split to a new topic: Cannot update with pacman - cannot resolve host
A post was merged into an existing topic: How to install amdgpu-pro
This is the 4th or 6th separate issue you have posted here.
I will probably clean it up … but in the future, please make use of the search function of the forums and the wiki at If you then still cannot find your answer … make a new thread for different issues.
Extremely probable what @cscs said because you probably fall into this category:
If you do fall into the Windows-Wizard-Manjaro-N00b category: Please don’t do this!
If you do not fall into that category, my apologies; please explain in more detail what exactly you want to do…
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