How to disable Package Manager, Manjaro Settings Manager in Autostart?

Im not a fan from applications permanently running in background that im not really need and since im daily close them. Every time i load my Desktop i asked myself why are this Applications are not listed in Background Service and why are they hidden to get rid of them and prevent them to run all the time in background?

Is there a easy way to disable this two apps from autostarting?

Thanks in advance.

Find a blank spot on your desktop and start typing autostart. Both will be list there and you can just use the - on each to remove them.

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Just remove these packages:

sudo pacman -R manjaro-settings-manager-knotifier pamac-tray-icon-plasma


I dont want to hide the tray icon or remove it, tray icons are fine, i just want to kill the process that runs in background.

Which way works better in this case?

I think I know what you want.

You don’t want to receive update notifications from these apps, right?

Go to Pamac preferences > General > Uncheck updates checkbox.

Right-click Manjaro Settings Manager in the tray > Options > Uncheck all notifications.


Because they aren’t Background Services (managed by KDE) but Services (managed by Systemd).

It’s less about being hidden and more about only providing a tray icon, which is only shown when relevant, e.g. when they notify the user. You can also configure them to always show in the tray.

Beware: it’s not because clicking on them opens a GUI application that the latter is actually in the background. Those two tray icons are actually not part of the GUI application opening, they “merely” launch it. You can check that in your favorite process manager.

Also, speaking of applications “in the background”, you’ll be surprised how many Services are currently running on your system without showing anything on screen:

systemctl list-units
systemctl list-units --user

And so, to answer your initial question:

systemctl --user disable app-pamac\x2dtray\x2dplasma@autostart.service
systemctl --user disable app-msm_notifier@autostart.service

Although if you don’t intent to use them, you can outright remove them as @stasadev first suggested.
But i think you’ll still want to keep them running…


That’s contradicting as tray icons are provided by running processes. If you end the process, the tray icon will vanish as well.


I have already done this, but this doesn’t prevent both from running on startup.

I also tried what @maycne.sonahoz suggestion by disabling the services, but it’s not found. I guess it has a different service name now, or I’m not doing it correctly, I don’t know.


❯ systemctl list-unit-files --user | grep pamac
app-pamac\x2dtray@autostart.service                        generated -
app-pamac\x2dtray\x2dbudgie@autostart.service              generated -
app-pamac\x2dtray\x2dplasma@autostart.service              generated -
❯ systemctl list-unit-files --user disable app-pamac\x2dtray\x2dplasma@autostart.service

0 unit files listed.
❯ systemctl --user disable app-pamac\x2dtray\x2dplasma@autostart.service
Failed to disable unit: Unit file app-pamacx2dtrayx2dplasma@autostart.service does not exist.

what seems to be the problem here?

For the notifier you should simply remove it.

sudo pacman -Rns manjaro-settings-manager-notifier

For pamac background timers you can disable them:

systemctl disable pamac-mirrorlist.timer --now

(PS - there is also pamac-cleancache.timer … you may or may not want to keep that)

For autostart entries of packages you dont want to remove you can copy them and use Hidden=true


[Desktop Entry]
Name=Update Notifier
Exec=sh -c "GDK_BACKEND=x11 pamac-tray"

I think there’s a problem interpreting the “\”, so you could try either:

systemctl --user disable app-pamac\\x2dtray\\x2dplasma@autostart.service
systemctl --user disable "app-pamac\x2dtray\x2dplasma@autostart.service"

Btw. my Intention why i created this Topic was, because i dont want permanently or randomly make network traffic.

There is no need for me, to waste system ressources too… atleast not when i dont actively want to update my system.

This notifier isnt even installed on my system :robot:

I have only:
sudo pacman -Rns manjaro-settings-manager-knotifier

Should we remove this, instead?

Either may be installed - remove whichever you have.
(or both if for some reason thats the case)
…oh well, considering this is a plasma thread … knotifier would probably be the one.

Those running processes perform updates checking at specific interval which can be controlled in Pamac

And in Manjaro notifier settings

You can remove this if you don’t need it — I’ve removed it too — but I would keep the update notifier if I were you. It only periodically polls the mirrors for updates — I think it’s every 6 hours or so — and it will then let you know whether there’s an update.

Myself, I use the octopi-notifier-frameworks — which was the default on Plasma when I installed this system in April 2019 — instead of the pamac notifier, but it boils down to the same thing, i.e. at least you’ll get a notification when there are updates waiting.

If packages are autostarting I would expect them to be listed in System Settings > Autostart

Only if they are auto-started by Plasma. The packages @Kobold is talking about are started by systemd, not by Plasma.

Thanks, but im aware about this options and disabled them on my first day (3years ago) already.

So in my case, the mirrors get updated when i connected to a VPN, its atleast in my situation a stupid update interval.

I dont get it, why the mirrors not updating when i open the application to update, so i get free mirrors.

Instead i always have to go in Terminal and use:
sudo pacman-mirrors --fasttrack

Its a horrible design failure and doesnt look userfriendly also :frowning:

Because that may not be desirable. Imagine you’re already on the fastest mirror because you used pacman-mirrors, but the fastest mirror isn’t necessarily the one that got synced first, and you may want to wait until it has synced. :man_shrugging:

Oh i though it always used the fastest synced server.

Im not really intrested to use the fastest mirror…

So instead this:

sudo pacman-mirrors --fasttrack

I better just go without fasttrack?:

sudo pacman-mirrors

This command selects the mirrors that have already synced and then orders them according to their speed.

So you need to do this from time to time, because you never know which mirrors have already synced or not, and the mirror list also varies — new mirrors get added, other mirrors may become unavailable, and so on.

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