how to create the ARM iso on Apple Silicon ?

Hi, if i understood correctly, only the dev builds have an (ARM version) iso that can be installed in a VM.

Is that correct ? I’d like to use manjaro on an Apple Silicon Mac.

This site says to download the two iso files from github

and the to join them with the “pacman” command in the terminal before unzipping them.
Problem is this command isn’t recognized in Apple’s terminal.
Can anyone tell me how to proceed to get a full ARM iso image ? Thanks !

This question has been asked before.

As Manjaro ARM is build for devices there is no ISO files you can install from.

I don’t know where you got that idea. The text is

pamac install zip

zip -FF ./ --out

unzip ./

How to unpack a split zip archive see Combining split archives - #10 by winnie

but then wat are the ISO links for ?

There is no ISO links for ARM …

ok i see, too bad then…

sigh sigh. Any user-friendly linux out there that does have an ARM iso ? Thought this was going to be an easy one…

We have a native installer for Apple-Silicon based on the works of Asahi-Linux. However that is still used internally as some features like sound on built-in speakers is not working yet. Also I had no time lately to check on my Apple M1 Airbook to see if some rebuilds are needed.

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ok looking forward to that. Any ETA for a beta release ?
I only intend to use this as a VM though.

No. Maybe not for public use as it is not very straight forward which leads to more support requirement.

Maybe You can use generic image with startup.nsh in boot partition like I did. I have M2 running Manjaro in UTM.

If you’re just looking for the ISO image, you can download the arm64 IMG files from the site as normal. Then, open Terminal. Type ‘hdiutil convert’ then drag and drop the file into terminal. Follow with “-format UDTO -o”. Then drop and drop the file again but change the file extension from .img to .iso.

You’ll end up with a terminal that says something like:

“hdiutil convert /Users/USERNAME/Downloads/Manjaro-ARM-xfce-generic-23.02.img -format UDTO -o /Users/USERNAME/Downloads/Manjaro-ARM-xfce-generic-23.02.iso” without quotations. Hit enter.

It will convert the .IMG file to a .ISO.CDR file. Locate the file in Finder and remove the .CDR extension. You now have an ISO of arm64 Manjaro.

However, because it does not support the M1/2/3 hardware, it will load directly into the boot options screen after telling you that there’s no operating system on the image.

I’m using Parallels, but UTM would likely have a far greater success rate at getting a working VM spun up. I just know nothing about virtualization so have not gone to extraordinary attempts to try.

Been watching a clip showing a smooth looking install of the new Fedora-Asahi-Remix on a M1 macbook Air. It gets to ‘Choose an OS to install’ where some Fedora options are followed by:
5: Uefi environment only (m1in1 + u-boot + ESP)

If I follow the tutorial to create the linux partition, then use this option to install the bootloader, would it be possible to boot a manjaro arm spin? I’d be happy to try this on a mac mini m2.

I guess the ARM generic EFI ones should work.

Yes but after multiple insults from asahi projects developers. I have lost interest in that project.

I am happy to run manjaro over utm vm on my mac mini m2.

Technically you can get manjaro running on it. We had dev images ready but asahi developer bashed our developers in public and we lost one of the contributor because of that.

On the other hand not everything works on linux for that hardware and there were chances of damaging the hardware too.

Users can try it on their own risk.

Ok, thanks for being open about this, have found more info on this issue. Good to know because I was seriously getting worried about the silence around apple silicon here on the forum since I’d considered that a brilliant opportunity for the distro to break new ground, especially since it seems to work.

About the ‘chances of damaging the hardware’; could you give me some keywords on that to allow me to dig a little deeper. Using vm isn’t really an option for me since I currently only have a base model.