Hello! I’m almost ashamed to admit this but I’ve been using Linux since 2003. I’ve always, ALWAYS used Nvidia graphics cards. My current Manjaro installation is several years old now and I have greatly enjoyed this system. My issue. I recently purchase an AMD Radeon Pro WX 7100 professional graphics card, which has gone against my long-standing love of Nvidia. I’m replacing an aged Nvidia GeForce 660 GTX card. How can I cleanly switch cards without disrupting my system? I’ve done some research and some recommend purging the nvidia drivers and deleting the 20-nvidia.conf file located in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ directory. Others have suggested that it’s okay to just switch cards without doing anything. What is the best approach for a pain free switch? Also, I’ve read the Arch Wiki about AMD cards and there are some custom xorg.conf settings recommended. Should I make those before swapping the cards? Finally, this is a professional workstation card. Can I add in whatever AMD PRO features that I may need on top of the open source driver in order to take full advantage of this new card? I thank you in advance for your assistance.
Probably just remove the nvidia profile from mhwd …
to be double-sure you can make sure to remove anything in xorg.conf.d or mhwd.d
Then you may also wish to force-reinstall the video-linux
profile in mhwd after the card is installed.
Yes … it is the preferred method, as opposed to using ‘amdgpu-pro’.
see this:
AMDGPU - ArchWiki
Also this:
Installing AMDGPU PRO by Archwiki - #6 by cscs