How is decided what packages are beeing updated(added to unstable Branch)?

From what I understand new packages from the manjaro repos are always added to the unstable Branch and afterwards continue to testing and then finally Stable.

However how are packages prioritized for the unstable Branch? I assume security related updates/packages have priority and probably Browsers, Thunderbird etc as well but what about normal applications?
Does it depend on the unstable testers and/or are less popular packages less frequently updated to the latest version(though I dont think manjaro could really measure what packages are popular)?

Just curious since the newest Lutris Version(5.10) is not even in unstable: Manjaro - Branch Compare
(Not really a major release but would be nice to have, and also I am curious how it works or if I could be of help(I recently switched to the testing branch))

Manjaro unstable is synced directly from Arch stable branch on a regular base. I don 't know the exact schedule - but a couple of hours has been mentioned several times over the years.

Arch specific packages like kernels and drivers and their dependencies are not synced.

Some packages are built using modified AUR PKGBUILD scripts - those packages are unique for Manjaro repos.

There is two threads on update requests. One is a thread for packages built by Manjaro devs and the other is for packages which is usually in Arch repo but has been rebuilt for Manjaro.


Since it hasnt been already synced I assume its a modified AUR PKGBUILD script.
And I see there is a update request thread in the Manjaro-Development section of the Forum,will read that.

Lutris is still 0.5.9 in Arch Linux.

That’s why it’s not 0.5.10 in Manjaro Unstable yet.


See Manjaro Features

If you’re impatient waiting for Lutris, I maintain my own PKGBUILD for stable / beta releases and I also maintain the lutris-git AUR (Arch User Repository) package.

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